ABSTRACT The effect of cell wall enzymes on the sugar composition of soymilk was investigated using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and UV/Visible spectrophotometer. Soymilk was extracted from wet milled soybean slurry from three different varieties of soybean (Samsoy1, Samsoy 2 and TGX). Different cell-wall degrading enzymes (glucanase, cellulase. arabanase, hemicellulase and xylanase) were applied to each batch of soybean slurry before extraction of soymilk. The enzymes which...
ABSTRACT The emergence of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to dramatic improvements in prolonging survival of HIV-infected patients on treatment in resource-limited areas. However, the main drawback of HAART that long-term use has the potential to cause liver and kidney derangements that may be life-threatening. These important complications sometimes warrant switch or discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy. Information on the prevalence of the above complications in Ke...
ABSTRACT Implementing Distributed Database Management System is often difficult due to the disruption of highly coordinated, interdependent processes (e.g.) information exchange, communications, relationships) of providing care in Road Safety. Thus, this system creates and maintains all offender data electronically. The system captures accident victim data, vehicle registration, driving license, and offenders, at its source at the time of entry using a graphical user interface having touch s...
ABSTRACT Chlorine in drinking water, surface or underground water is a concern of public health. This is because chlorine reacts with nitrogen containing organic compounds to form polychlorinated complexes that are carcinogenic. However, chlorine is dissolved in water for the sake of disinfecting with a view to killing pathogens in water to make it safe for human consumption. After that initial addition, some chlorine is left in the water and continues with the chlorination process of the org...
ABSTRACT In this work a deterministic and stochastic model is developed to investigate the deterministic and stochastic model of dynamics of Ebola virus. The model includes susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined and removed or recovered individuals. The model used in this work is based on a deterministic model. The Chowell (2015) work on early detection of Ebola is modified by introducing an assumption that the quarantined class is totally successful and cannot infect the susceptible cl...
ABSTRACT Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a protozoal disease that is caused by the extracellular parasite and also transmitted by vector known as tsetse fly that belong to genus Glossina. HAT commonly known as Sleeping sickness is a tropical disease that is neglected, historically endemic among 36 countries of Africa in sub-Saharan. In the last decade, WHO reports shows a tremendous decline in cases due to collaboration from both national and international efforts. Early diagnosis espe...
ABSTRACT Aflatoxin contamination of maize in Africa poses a major threat to food security and the health of many African people. In Kenya, aflatoxin contamination of maize is high due to the environmental, agricultural and socio-economic factors. Many studies have been conducted to understand the scope of the problem especially at pre-harvest level, but few of them have been concentrated to the post-harvest level. This research was carried out to gather scientific information on the fungi pop...
ABSTRACT Dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV) such as Amaranthus spp are known to be good sources of beta-carotene, a pro-vitamin A carotenoid and a highly potent anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants terminate chain reactions, prevent recurrence and also prevent the formation of unstable oxygen which otherwise can initiates a chain reaction that propagates to cancerous cell. Cancer is strongly attributed to poor diet as well as lack of exercise. New cancer cases are diagnosed daily, leading to a project...
ABSTRACT In this work, necessary and sufficient conditions are investigated and proved for the controllability of nonlinear functional neutral differential equations. The existence, form, and uniqueness of the optimal control of the linear systems are also derived. Global uniform asymptotic stability for nonlinear infinite neutral differential systems are investigated and proved and ultimately, the Shaefers’ fixed point theorem is used to forge a new and farreaching result for the existenc...
ABSTRACT In this work, sufficient conditions for the constrained controllability of linear and semi linear systems with delay in state and control are formulated and proved. For the linear delay system, necessary and sufficient conditions are developed by establishing the equivalence of a delay system without delay to show local relative controllability. For the semi linear delay system, sufficient conditions are also developed by using the associate linear dynamical system to establish ...
ABSTRACT Malaria and HIV/AIDS have a wide geographical overlap in several tropical regions. This makes co-infection of the two diseases very common. Due to enhanced global coverage of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), HIV/AIDS patients are under ARVs including protease inhibitors (PIs). Just like HIV, malaria parasite also depend on proteases in their life cycle. Therefore, PIs against HIV could offer some level of antimalarial activity by targeting the parasite proteases. This study sought to in...
ABSTRACT Assesment of hematological parameters and serum lipid profiles can be used to explain blood related functions of a plant extract. The blood can act as pathological reflector and also as an indicator of the physiological state of an animal. Hematological and lipid related disorders are increasingly on the rise while conventional management of these disorders are not easily accessible. This has prompted an increased use of medicinal plants which are readily available in the management ...
ABSTRACT Micronutrient deficiencies pose major health challenges in many African countries with certain population groups such as women of reproductive age being at a greater risk. African leafy vegetables form part of local agricultural biodiversity and have been part of the daily livelihoods of the local populations for many years. These vegetables hold promise in addressing micronutrient deficiencies if their supply and consumption are scaled up through the right application of appropriate...
ABSTRACT Solanum acueastrum Dunal. plant (Solanaceae family), growing in most parts of tropical Africa down to South Africa, has been shown to have some chemotherapeutic value. The fruit and leaf of S. aculeastrum is used for treating various diseases like jigger wounds, swelling joints in fingers, bronchitis, enlarged spleen, rheumatism, gangrene, gonorrhea, and other inflammatory-related ailments. Scientific studies conducted in S. Africa have also validated that S. aculeastrum fruit extrac...
ABSTRACT Current global rate of sand mining in river channels is unsustainable, and in Kenya the activity going on unregulated. This study established the morphological and socio-economic effects of sand mining in river Tyaa by addressing the following objectives: To determine the: extent of sand mining; morphological factors influencing abundance of sand; effects of sand mining on the morphology of River Tyaa and Socio-Economic effects of sand mining in river Tyaa. Random sampling technique ...