Abstract Objective: To identify predictors of maternal dietary diversity in rural Dodoma, Tanzania and assess its association with child growth outcomes. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 361 mothers with children under 24 months of age was conducted in 5 villages in rural Dodoma, Tanzania. Maternal diets were assessed using food frequency questionnaires, and dietary diversity was categorized using Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) guidelines. Child anthropometric measures were ...
ABSTRACT Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanowires with hexagonal structure were successfully synthesized by chemical bath deposition technique. The obtained nanowires were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and spectrophotometer. The SEM micrographs revealed the morphology of ZnO nanowires with diameter between 170.3 and 481nm and showed that the pH of the bath solution, 8.1 is the optimized value to form ZnO nanowires ...
ABSTRACT Social engineering is one of the most common attacking vectors in mobile money transactions. With the increasing rate of mobile money use, it has directly increased the number of social engineering incidents in mobile money services. It is therefore important to evolve a framework for detecting malicious and phishing messages. This could help to reduce threats posed by mobile phone criminals. As of now, some customers and agents have already lost thousands of shillings due to social...
ABSTRACT Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanowires with hexagonal structure were successfully synthesized by chemical bath deposition technique. The obtained nanowires were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and spectrophotometer. The SEM micrographs revealed the morphology of ZnO nanowires with diameter between 170.3 and 481nm and showed that the pH of the bath solution, 8.1 is the optimized value to form ZnO nanowires ...
ABSTRACT Usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in criminal investigation processes plays a critical role in management of crime cases, storage and retrieval of complainants‟ as well as offenders‟ information. Such technology helps criminal investigation officers to follow up case status and keep track of information concerning crime cases. Furthermore, ICT facilitates quickly decision making on cases, transparency, cross-referencing and efficient operations of criminal ...
ABSTRACT The kinetics and mechanisms of the redox reactions of μ-oxo-bridged iron(III) complex ion Na4[(FeEDTA)2 O].12H2O denoted as Fe2 O4+, with the thiols-2 mercaptobenzothiazole(MBSH), 2- mercaptophenol(PhSH), 2-mercaptoacetic acid (MSH), and l-cysteine (RSH) have been investigated in aqueous perchloric acid medium at [H+]=1×10-4 mol dm-,3,I=0.05mol dm-3(NaClO4) and at T =27.0±0.1oC. The reactions were monitored under pseudo-first order condition .The rate of reaction was first-ord...
ABSTRACT The effect of Okara and Detarium microcarpum seed flours on the quality of talia noddles produced from wheat and sorghum flour composites was investigated. Composites of wheat semolina/sorghum flour blended in ratio of 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50 were prepared and evaluated for water absorption capacity, soluble solids and swelling capacity. Cold extruded talia produced from each flour composites dough was evaluated for cooking time, cooking losses and total organic ...
ABSTRACT This work is concerned with road traffic offence information management in Nigeria. It focused on trends in road traffic offences information and carried out a critical review of current information and communication and technology compliance state of FRSC with a view to identifying its defects in road traffic offence information management. A system to correct road traffic offence information management failure as identified in the existing system was then proposed. Road traffic of...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page C e r t i f i c a t i a n T i t l e Page Dedication Table of Contents List of Tables L i s t of Figures Acknowledgement A b s t r a c t CHAPTER
Weaning food was produced from the blends of sprouted and unsprouted sorghum–Irish potato, and groundnut flour. In the developed weaning foods, moisture content ranged from 8.44% to 12.70%, crude protein (7.40%–14.53%) crude ash (1.53%–1.77%), crude fiber (6.65%–6.88%), crude fat (3.31%–3.73%) and carbohydrate content (65.10%–69.15%). Sprouting and protein supplementation with groundnut improved the protein content of the formulated meals with values comparable to commercial sam...
The scope of nanotechnology is increasingly covering every facets of life, with applications to food taking a lead. Starting from the first-generation passive nanomaterial and now, the energetic nanotechnology to food and food systems is growing exceedingly, although nano foods are in growing stage. Applications include utilization of nanotechnology in Food safety and food safety assurance, production of nanoparticles which are better biologically active than large sized particles, neutraceut...
Abstract This project work examines the use of Lagrange multipliers to calculus of variation (isoperimetric problem). Basic definition of terms were given, necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be maxima or minima, how to identify Lagrange multipliers .in any given problem and general useage of largange multipliers, Lagrange multiplier in unconstraint and constraint problems, theorems and proof related to Lagrange multipliers. Literature review, Euler's Multiplier rule anisoper...
Abstract In this research CO2 laser has been utilized to produce textured surface in zinc foil to use in electrochemical cells as cathode, modified surface was obtained by making two parallel lines in 1mm,using CO2 laser with (ʎΞ10600nm) and power of 90 watts and 10mm/s speed. The experimental evidence of the effect of surface texturing on the performance of electrochemical cell was demonstrated and investigated. The results show considerable increase in cell voltage with the textured cath...
Abstract The hazardous waste water from industrial sector is now coming one of major threats to environment, the need to study the radioactivity from such kind of waste is of crucial importance, this study is carried out to path the way in studying the radioactivity of waste water in Sudan. Since the industrial waste water is a threat to environment, the impacts should be accessed through study of radio activity of such materials. To study the radio-activity of Khartoum Refinery waste water,...
Abstract Abbreviation Definition GIS Geographic Information System AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process MCA Multi Criteria Analysis MCDA Multi Criteria Decision Analysis SDSS Spatial Decision Support System DSS Decision Support System Restaurants has become one of the most important facilities that generates a huge amount of revenues in community that helps in economic growth of the country ,it’s not just a place for serving food and drinks but it’s also one of the important tourism places that...