Abstract Lasers are widely used in the modern medicine as important parts of different types of equipment. Laser beams of different powers, wavelengths and optical properties are used in surgery, cosmetology, therapy, diagnostics and number of other medical areas. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of diode laser with wavelength 532 nm on blood optical absorbance property and complete blood count (CBC). The irradiated and non irradiated whole blood, plasma and blood cells samples ...
ABSTRACT this study branches, and number of nodes were determined at maturity. The Leaf chlorophyll content was extracted using spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of 634nm, 648nm and 470nm.The chlorophyll a ranges from 0.76 to 1.49, chlorophyll b ranges from 3.17 to7.34 and the total chlorophyll ranges from 3.93 to 8.83. The data analysis was subjected to ANO VA using statistical software. The result showed that accession UAM09 I 556 and accession Tl 07K-297-13 have the highest plant...
Abstract :- neutron capture, type of nuclear reaction in which a target nucleus absorbs a neutron (uncharged particle), then emits a discrete quantity of electromagnetic energy (gamma-ray photon). The target nucleus and the product nucleus are isotopes, or forms of the same element. Thus phosphorus-31, on undergoing neutron capture, becomes phosphorus-32. The heavier isotope that results may be radioactive, so that neutron capture, which occurs with almost any nucleus, is a common way of pro...
ABSTRACT Dried and pulverised leaves of A. boonei De Wild (Apocynacea) were extracted using methanol for 48 h. The methanol extract obtained was defatted using n-hexane and fractionated using ethylacetate. The ethyl acetate fraction of the extract was subjected to vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) in silica gel using gradients of hexane-ethyl acetate. The VLC fractions were further separated on Sephadex LH-20. A total of 10 compounds were successfully isolated and purified using the reverse...
Abstract Over the last few decades, the applications of nanotechnology in medicine have been extensively explored in many medical areas, especially in drug delivery. Nanotechnology concerns the understanding and control of matters in the 1-100 nm range, at which scale materials have unique physicochemical properties including ultra-small size, large surface to mass ratio, high reactivity and unique interactions with biological systems [1]. Drug-loaded nanoparticles can be achieved through phy...
ABSTRACT Dried and pulverised leaves of A. boonei De Wild (Apocynacea) were extracted using methanol for 48 h. The methanol extract obtained was defatted using n-hexane and fractionated using ethylacetate. The ethyl acetate fraction of the extract was subjected to vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) in silica gel using gradients of hexane-ethyl acetate. The VLC fractions were further separated on Sephadex LH-20. A total of 10 compounds were successfully isolated and purified using the reverse...
ABSTRACT The syntheses of benzoxazinophenothiazine was thoroughly explored. Condensation of 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone with 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 4,5-diamino-6-hydroxypyrimidin-2-thiol and 2-amino-6-chlorophenol, respectively in alkaline medium yielded the intermediates: chloro-10-nitrobenzo[a]phenoxazin-5-one(136), 11-amino-6-chloro-9-thiol-8,9-diazabenzo[a]phenoxazin-5-one (148) and 6,8-dichlorobenzo[a]phenoxazin-5-one (160). Further treatment of the intermediates with 2-aminothiophe...
Abstract Radiation therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer patients since its discovery in 1895, and these techniques were always in continuous scientific and technical development. It was necessary to introduce diode in-vivo dosimetry for radiation measurements to control the dose administered to patients. The patient simulating device, planning system and treatment machine are tested regularly according to set protocols developed by national and international organizations. Even t...
Abstract This study aimed to assess grid alignment for radiology departments in Khartoum state. A total of 10 x-ray units in radiology departments in Khartoum state from different manufacture were tested by grid alignment test tool and the optical density for radiographic film was read by transition densitometer . In this study the final result showed that the percentage of grid misalignment for x-ray machines was (40%), less than those with grid alignment x-ray machines (60%). Which means a...
ABSTRACT In this research field line resonance (FLR) phenomenon have been investigated to occur in earth‟s magnetosphere, and that is for a further verification of this phenomenon via data analysis. FLR could be generated in a specific plasma medium, e.g. generated via a fast mode wave within the coupling system of solar wind- earth‟s magnetosphere (SW-M). Hence, many previous studies have focused on studying the FLR in earth‟s magnetosphere because of the importance of this phenom...
Abstract Fuzzy logic is a paradigm for an alternative design methodology, which can be applied in developing both linear and non-linear systems for embedded control. One of successful application that can use fuzzy control is liquid level control. This control system keeps developing from time to time to replace the ordinary system which applies mechanical functions in its control in order to improve the system reliability. In order to find the best design to stabilize the liquid level, the p...
Abstract The aim of this study is to extract volatile oil from leaves of Ocimum basilicum L. Purple, and determine the chemical components. It also aimed at preparing cream using Gum Arabic and basil oil, and shea butter and testing its efficiency as a mosquitoe repellent at10% concentration. Ocimum basilicum L. purple gave a 1.5% yield of essential oil. The chemical composition of the oil( investigated by GC-MS) showed that it contained fifty sixconistuents.The main components were1.6-Octad...
Abstract The usage of telecom services is now creating a new vista in the societal applications. Increasing expectation of cell phone users and the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled services via cell phones in the entire world. These have driven demands to service providers to expand their network coverage to all the places including rural areas like Elwady Elseed Village River Nile State. The strategic location of telecom towers can ensure efficient provision o...
Abstract Fuzzy logic is a paradigm for an alternative design methodology, which can be applied in developing both linear and non-linear systems for embedded control. One of successful application that can use fuzzy control is liquid level control. This control system keeps developing from time to time to replace the ordinary system which applies mechanical functions in its control in order to improve the system reliability. In order to find the best design to stabilize the liquid level, the p...
ABSTRACT Buildings in Sudan experience significant amount of heat gain through windows and this affects the thermal comfort of buildings' occupants. There are many commercially available smart windows that control the reflection and transmission of visible light and infrared radiation, but they suffer from the high cost, low transmission of the visible light and some of them require external power for operation. The proposed glazing is relatively simple and it does not need any external sour...