Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence Of Human Papilloma Virus (Lgm) Antibody Among Fuoye Student

ABSTRACT Human papilloma virus (HPV) infections are the most common sexually transmitted infections(STDs) in the world. This study was to document the prevalence. of Human papilloma virus infection in Federal university Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Urine samples were collected from ninety four participants and were screened for HPV (lgM) antibody using the HPV ELISA. Out of 94 samples analysed, 2 (2.1 %) was positive for Human papilloma virus IgM, and higher prevalence were recorded i...

Integrated Geophysics Methods For Post Foundation Student Phase One, Faculty Of Social Science And Humanities, Federal University Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State

ABSTRACT A combined geophysical method involving very low electromagnetic method. magnetics and electrical resistivity methods were used in delineating the causes of crack in the building at Faculty of social Science and Humanities Oye Ekiti, Ekiti, State. Five (5) VLF-EM traverses were established in both east-west direction and also north-south direction were occupied in the building and Twenty-one (21) VES studies were also occupied around the building. The VLF-EM helped in the ident...

Chemical Characterization of Kidney Stone Samples from Some Sudanese Patients

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition of kidney stones obtained from some Sudanese patients. The samples were collected after surgical removal. The samples were analyzed by FTIR and XRF spectroscopic techniques. Titrimetric analysis was carried for determination of oxalate content using standard potassium permanganate solution. The IR analysis spectra of the samples showed the appearance of (C-H), (C=O), (O-C), (N-H), (C-C), (P-CH2), (C=C), (P= O), (R-O),...

Removal Efficiency Of Some Toxic Heavy Metals From Water By Adsorption By Using Graphite Activated Carbon (GAC)

Abstract Heavy metals are known to be toxic for living organisms even if they are present at low levels. The presence of heavy metals, organic dyes and microbial pollutants in water continue to be a major concern and the removal of such contaminants is considered to be a major problem in environmental remediation. In the present study, activated graphite was used for removal of some heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by batch adsorption method. The adsorption efficiency of removal of he...

Integration Of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems With Java Based Application

Abstract All (Erp) systems work primarily on the restructuring of companies and institutions and the elimination of old systems, but recently became the concept of integration between systems is common, because building new systems and canceling the old one waste the effort and money There is also a lack of information exchange between ERP and legacy systems in one organization, which results in the lack of reporting of the decision makers. Old systems can be linked with (Erp) in order to av...

Modelling Of Demand For Endowment Life Insurance In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was done to determine the model for endowment life insurance in Tanzania. Longitudinal research design covering data from year 2003 to 2017 was used. These data were typically secondary collected from the National Insurance Corporation (T) Limited. A trend line graph was used to fit the demand model to predict the endowment life insurance in Tanzania. Among the fitted models, cubic regression model was found to be the best model fit for endowment life insurance. The study...

Optoelectronic Properties Of Coumarin Based Donor-Π-Acceptor (D-Π-A) Dyes For Applications In Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (Dsscs)

ABSTRACT Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are the one among the important device which established a consideration attention for transferring a fresh solar energy to electricity in the most recent decade. Coumarin dye is one among metal free organic dyes which hold a higher potential for operating in DSSC because of its environmentally friendly, inexpensive and easy to fabricate. The aim of this study was to apply computational quantum calculations which persuade to appreciate the molecula...

Proximate And Amino Acide Analyses Of Seed Of Gold Mohur (Delonixregia), Tamarind (Tamarindusindica) And Camel Foot ( Piliostigmathonning) Fruits

ABSTRACT Gold mohur -Delonixregia, Tamarind - TamarindusindicaandC amel foot - Pilostigmathonningii are tropical seeds reported to be native to Madasgasca, now they grow in every frost free nation across the world .. Based on the compositional analysis, the three seeds are rich in nutritional components especially proteins, oil and dietary fiber. The three seeds are rich in Glutamine, Aspartate, Leucine, Lysine, Arginine and valine. This result support the main aim of this research proje...

Improving Students Academic Performance Using Hybrid Recommendation Techniques

Abstract Development of students' performance is significant in educational environments because it plays an essential role in making the best quality graduates and post-graduates who will become great leaders in the future and sources of the workforce for the country. A recommendation system is an intelligent system that proposes different suggestions to students, based on the previous actions from other students who faces the same environment, such as academic performance. One of the m...

Nutrient Composition, Quality Evaluation And Acceptability Of “Gari” Fortified With Toasted African Yam Bean Seed Flour

Fresh peeled and grated cassava mash was blended with toasted African yam bean seed flour (TAYBSF) in ratios of 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20 w/w cassava : African yam bean seed prior to fermentation (PreGAF samples) and after fermentation (PoGAF samples). Gari without African yam bean seed flour served as the control. Fermentation was done for 2 days after which the samples were dewatered. The dewatered samples were sieved, toasted and evaluated for chemical composition and functional propert...

Spectroscopic Investigations Of Dry Fermented Leaves Of Cassia Obtusifolia (Kawal)

Abstract The Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia) leaves after fermentation and drying are commonly known as Kawal. Fermented leaves of Cassia obtusifolia are used as a substitute of meat by people of eastern of Chad and western of Sudan. In this study kawal was obtained from Forbranga western of Darfour as a powder. The objective of this study was identification the chemical compositions of the Kawal. FTIR spectrum and atomic absorption spectrophotometer methods were used. In FTIR experimental th...

Comparison Of Some Biochemical And Molecular DNA Extraction Techniques Used In Sudan Criminal Laboratory

Abstract The advantages of DNA typing and its use for human identity testing has revolutionized law enforcement investigations in recent years by allowing forensic laboratories to match suspects with minuscule amounts of biological evidence from a crime scene. Equally important is the use of DNA to exclude suspects who were not involved in a crime or to identify the rapist in sexual crimes and in paternity cases from different samples (Evidences) from different cases were collected and extr...

The Effect Of Atmosphere On Earth-Space Radiowave Propagation Studies Of Tropical Satellite Communication In Nigeria.

Among other atmospheric region, ionosphere, which is the ionized region of the atmosphere, is considered to impose serious limitation on radio wave transmission while the effect of other layers, more especially, the troposphere is often treated as negligible. At higher frequency, radio waves pass through the ionosphere and are attenuated due to the free electrons present in it. However, recent studies have shown that while the ionospheric disturbances can be predicted on a global scale, trop...

Levels Of Heavy Metals In Pasta Available In The Nigerian Market: Assessing The Health Implications

The concentrations of Ni, Mn, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cr, were determined in some pastas consumed in Nigeria, with a view to providing information on the dietary intakes of heavy metals and exposure of humans to toxic metals. The concentrations of these seven (7) elements were determined by atomic spectrometry after nitric acid/perchloric acid digestion. The concentrations of the metals (µg/g) in the locally manufactured pasta samples were in the following ranges: Ni (0.109 - 0.344); Mn (0.377 - ...

Foaming Fractionation and Physicochemical Characterization of Azadrakhta indicia Gum

Abstract In this research from Azadirachta Indica (Wild) , neem gum was fractionated by foaming method into two fractions, high protein fraction (HPF) that represents 65% of the weight gum and a low protein fraction (LPF) which represents 35% of the gum. A comparative study between the crude gum and the two fractions was conducted in the scope of their physiochemical properties. Proximate analysis of the crude gum and fractions HPF and LPF respectively revealed that, the moisture content 7.5...

3391 - 3405 Of 8880 Results