Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Discontinuous Dynamical Systems And Stabilization.

Abstract In this research we consider discontinuous dynamical systems. We discuss the uniqueness of solutions and the stability analysis. We also report a number of sufficient conditions for uniqueness. We also present specific results to piecewise continuous vector fields and differential inclusions, with some examples and applications

Discontinuous Dynamical Systems And Stabilization

Abstract In this research we consider discontinuous dynamical systems. We discuss the uniqueness of solutions and the stability analysis. We also report a number of sufficient conditions for uniqueness. We also present specific results to piecewise continuous vector fields and differential inclusions, with some examples and applications

Prevalence Rate Of Intestinal Parasites Among Schools Children In Al-Kalakla Locality- Khartoum State.

Abstract This study was conducted on schools children in Al-kalakla locality in Khartoum state. In this study, 134 stool samples were collected from students (67 males and 67 females). The stool samples were processed by wet preparation technique, formal ether concentration technique and saturated sugar floatation technique. The results revealed that out of the 134 stool samples collected from schools children in Al-kalakla locality in Khartoum state, 48 were found positive for gastrointesti...

Geo-Electric Soundings For Groundwater Exploration In Part Of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, South-Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Groundwater is the water that exists in pore spaces and fractures in rocks and sediments beneath the water table. The need for groundwater has increased tremendously due to the unavailability and the contamination of surface water bodies by the intrusion of saline water and human activities. · The geo-electric soundings were carried out in Eleme Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers state in order to delineate the subsurface geo-electric layers and the depth to the aquifer unit for grou...

Extraction And Assessment Of Pectin From Pumpkin Peels

ABSTRACT Pectin is defined as complex mixtures of polysaccharides that make up approximately one third of the cell-wall dry substance of most types plants. This study was carried out to extract pectin from fully ripen pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) using two different methods; soxhlet acid extraction method and acid extraction method. And to study the influence of using different acids on the yield of pectin; nitric and citric acids were used. Moreover, to examine the effect of time in pectin ...

Determinants Of Child Health Among Internally Displaced Person In Taraba State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT In Nigeria, not many considerations have been taken into the health of vulnerable children at the Internally Displaced Persons Camp. Hence, the need for more research that will help in designing necessary intervention programme. This study examines the determinants of child health among internally displaced persons in Taraba State, using data from a well-structured questimmaire. Binary logistic regression model was ernployed in multivariate analysis. Findings revealed that women betw...

A Comparative Study Of Antioxidants Activities And Heavy Metals Content Of Some Medicinal Plants In Sudan

Abstract Samples of Five different plants(Psidium guajava (Aljawafa),Schoenanthus cymbopogone (Almharib) , Solenostemma argel(Alhargil), Hyphaene thebaica (Aldoum) and Petroselinum crispum (Albagdunas) used in many parts of Sudan as herbal medicine. The plant samples were collected randomly from different locations of sudan.The aim of study is to evaluate the phytochemicals components of plants and their potentiality as a source of biologically activecompounds , in addition determination of ...

Development Of An Intelligent Decision Support System For Prompt Diagnosis Of Ebola And Lassa Fever Diseases.

ABSTRACT Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and Lassa fever are infectious viral diseases that are very deadly to mankind. These diseases, when handled lightly can quickly degenerate into deadly epidemics. Accurate and prompt diagnosis, and effective treatment of these infectious diseases is a very critical factor in their prevention and containment. The difficulty in differentiating between EVD and Lassa fever at their initial phase can result in wrong diagnosis which can be catastrophic. An intellig...

An Assessment Of Women's Autonomy By Fertility Behaviour In Northern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined women's autonomy by fertility behaviour in northern Nigeria using Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey women recode dataset. Analyses were done at three levels, univariate level by means of frequency distribution, bivariate level by using Chi-square test and multivariate level by the use of multinomial logistic regression models. Findings revealed that 7.1 % of women enjoyed autonomy. In all, 63. 7% of women were working and there was a significance relationship ...

Effect of pH on Structural and Optical Properties of Magnesium Chromates Nanocrystals Synthesized by Combustion Method

Abstract In this work magnesium chromate (MgCr2O4) samples were produced by combustion method. Sample 1 was prepared without adding ammonia hydroxide (pH = 0.96) during synthesis steps whilst sample 2 was prepared with ammonia hydroxide (pH = 8.62). Sample 1 was obtained in 2:10 h whilst sample 2 was produced in 45 min. Effect of pH upon structural properties were investigated by X-rays diffraction (XRD) technique. The results confirm the formation of the cubic spinel structure with average ...

Effect Of Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa L.) Seeds Oil On The Stability Of Peanut Oil During Frying Process

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seeds oil (BCSO) on crude and refined peanut oil stability during frying periods. Crude and refined peanut oil was blended with 5%, 10% and 15% BCSO and commercial antioxidant (CA). The blends were used to fry potato chips for up to 60 min. Black cumin seeds collected from the local market, were analyzed for protein, moisture, fats, fibers and carbohydrates contents then physical properties (colour, r...

Assessment Of Gamma Camera Quality Control Performance In National Cancer Institute -Wad Madani

Abstract This Study Was Performed To Assess The Performance Of Gamma Camera Quality Control System In National Cancer Institute-Wad Madani Department Of Nuclear Medicine For The Following Parameters: Uniformity, Energy Resolution And Physical Inspection Peaking Using Tc99m. The Samples Of This Study For Quality Control Reading Includes 61 (Readings), Extrinsic Uniformity 52, Energy Resolution 9. Were The Data Collected In Period From January To June 2020. All Results That Was Obtained From T...

Characterization ofthe Commercial Ice-cream Stabilizer E466 Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose

Abstract This study focuses on determine of the percent of carboxymethyl cellulose in ice-cream stabilizer which has been used under the number E466 it was determined to be 98.92%. First the percent of sodium chloride determined by Volhard method it was found to be 0.48% then freeflycolate were determined by U.V spectroscopic method the percent was found to be 0.59%. Finally the degree of substitution Ds were determined gravimetrically it was found 0.2. FT-IR spectroscopy also were used to ...

Determination Of Length, Thickness And Elements Of Some Samples Defects By Using Magnetic Particles And Ultrasound Testing

Abstract Nondestructive testing methods are that used widely in industry and technology so to test material and equipment to make sure that they are proper and secure. In this work three samples from steel, carbon steel and aluminum were subjected to same fraction force. The damages produced were tested by ultrasound and magnetic particles. The fraction length obtained by magnetic particle and ultrasound give the same result. Where the length in the aluminum, steel and carbon steel defects ar...

Enhancement of the Physical and Molecular Properties of Sudanese Crude Oil (Rawat) Using Solvent Dewaxing Process

Abstract This study was conducted to treat the Sudanese crude oil from Rawat area southwest of Kosti which has a high wax content of 26.3% by weight and pour point 54°C, in order to remove the wax and to reduce the pour point and enhance the physical and molecular properties of the treated oil using organic solvent de-waxing technology. The physical and molecular properties of crude oil and the oils produced from the treatments were obtained using American Society for Testing and Materials ...

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