Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence Of Malaria Among Patients With Sickle Cell Trait In Ekiti State

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of malaria parasite among patients with sickle cell trait in Ekiti state. A total of 20 samples were collected from different hospitals and clinics. The samples were collected randomly and sodium metabilsulphite was employed to confirm the sickling trait in the samples and thereafter the malaria parasite kit was used to test for the prevalence of malaria in the samples. Eight (8) persons who tested positive for sickle cell trait...

Optimization Of Reaction Parameters For Production Of Hydroxylmethyl Furfural From Tanzanian Sugarcane Bagasse

ABSTRACT This research work presents the optimization of the reaction parameters for the productions of HMF from Tanzanian sugarcane bagasse under pressurized conditions using high pressure reactor. The sugarcane bagasse (25 g) was hydrolyzed at different temperatures, different concentrations of the hydrolyzing acid, and different reaction time. A total of 27 hydrolysis experiments were carried out in a non-stirred SS-304 pressure reactor. The sugarcane bagasse was hydrolyzed using sulphuri...

Chemical And Rheological Evaluation Of Products From African Star Apple (Chyrosophyllum Albidum) Peels And Cotyledons

ABSTRACT The seeds and peels of African star apple (Chrysophyllum albidum) (“udara”) were split, followed by removal of mucilage from the seeds and subsequent cracking of the seed shells, and de-pulping of the peels. The seed cotyledons and peels were blanched at 1000C for 2,4 and 6 mins, wet milled with water in 1: 1.5 ratio, sieved with muslin cloth to obtain the extracts which were pasteurized at 800C for 10mins and stabilized with 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 (g/litre) concentrations o...

An Integrated Survey For Site Investigation At The Abandoned Senate Auditorium Of University Of Nigeria, Nsukka Behind Eco Bank And Uba

ABSTRACT An integrated investigation involving electrical resistivity method, Induced polarization method, and triaxial tests were used to investigate an abandoned senate auditorium in university of Nigeria, Nsukka, southeastern Nigeria. This was with a view to determining or imaging the subsurface structure as they may cause instability and led to multiple cracks of the building. The building in the study area is intensively affected by severe cracks. The electrical resistivity and induced ...

Weights And Ranks Of Causes Of Road Accidents Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp) In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT The study of WEIGHTS AND RANKS OF CAUSES OF ROAD ACCIDENTS USING ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) IN DODOMA REGION has been conducted in order to provide a broad understanding to the seriousness of problem of Road Accidents in Tanzania. Since the problem of road accidents in Tanzania is highly increasing year after year, various preventive measures have been taken to reduce the rate of road accidents. Thus it is important to understand the actual causes which have high contribution ...

Effects Of Heavy Metals On The Air Pollution Tolerance Indices ( Apti ) Of Five Medicinal Plants Growing Within Quarry Site In Ishi-Agu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Effects of heavy metals on the Air Pollution Tolerance Indices (APTI) of five medicinal plants growing within quarry site in Ishi-Agu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria were studied. Following laboratory analysis of the leaves of the plants for metal load and four biochemical parameters of APTI computation. The metal load was determined by the Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric method, while the ascorbic acid was determined by the titremetric method, leaf extract pH by the electro-chemical te...

Optimization Of Wisn Algorithm For Human Resource Management At Health Facilities In Tanzania A Case Of Dodoma City Council (Dcc)

ABSTRACT Tanzania and other developing countries use a model called Workload Indicators for Staffing Need (WISN). The use of the WISN model in Health Human Resource planning and management is limited by several factors including budget, prospected retirees, and strategic priority. Also, the WISN users find the methodology, especially the implementation of its technical steps complex and laborious, thus makes the tool difficult to use. The algorithm used needs to be optimized or improved to o...

Framework For Improved Security On Usage Of Mobile Money Application Based On Iris Biometric Authentication Method In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The usage of personal identification number (PIN) as an authentication method in accessing mobile money services (MMSs) conveys many security flaws as it is easy to be forged, not being hidden when entered, and easy to be shared among users, all of these may cause unauthorized access to MMSs. This study focused on proposing a framework to improve security on the usage of MMS by using two-factor authentication (2FA) of PIN and iris biometric authentication method in Tanzania. With th...

Syntheses, Characterization And Antimicrobial Activities Of Alkynylated Angular Phenoxazines And Alkynylated Naphthoquinones

ABSTRACT The synthesis of ten new alkynylated derivatives of angular phenoxazine and alkynylated naphthoquinone was thoroughly investigated. The first intermediate, 6-chloro-5Hbenzo[ a]phenoxazin-5-one was obtained by the condensation of 2-aminophenol with 2,3- dichloro-1,4- naphthoquinone in the presence of anhydrous sodium tricarbonate (IV) . Thereafter, the intermediate and 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone were each suggested to Sonogashira cross–coupling reaction under copper-, amine-, ...

Assessment Of Heavy Metals And Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Water, Fish And Sediments Of Rivers Niger And Benue Confluence, In Lokoja, Kogi State, Central Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The concentration of six heavy metals and six of sixteen (16) US EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water, fish and sediment samples of the confluence of rivers Niger and Benue were investigated in triplicates using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) for the heavy metals determination and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer detector for the PAHs after acid digestion of the samples for heavy metals,liquid-liquid and solid-liquid extracti...

Implementation Of A Data Cleaning Tool In Lapf Pensions Fund

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to design and test a data cleaning prototype for use in data processing at LAPF Pensions Fund. The specific objectives were: (1) to analyse the root causes of data errors and identify the existing data errors in LAPF database (2) design, implement and test a data cleaning prototype to correct errors identified and (3) test the features of a data cleaning tool prototype in LAPF database. The judgemental sampling approach was used to select 19 respondents...

Pd/Fe3o4 Catalyzed Hiyama Syntheses Of Angular Phenothiazine And Phenoxazine Derivatives And Their Antimicrobial Activities

   ABSTRACT Magnetically recoverable Pd/Fe3O4-catalyzed Hiyama cross-coupling reactions of 6-Bromo-5H-benzo[a]phenothiazin-5-one, 6-Bromo-5H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyrido[2,3-e][1,4]oxazin-5-one and 11-Amino-6-bromo-9-thio-5H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyrimido[5,4-e][1,4]oxazin-5-one (as intermediates) with 2-(Dimethylsilyl)pyridine and Dimethyl(2-thienyl)silanol were investigated. The intermediates were prepared by the reactions of 2-Aminothiophenol, 2-Aminopyridin-3-ol and 4,5-Diamino-6-hydroxylpyrimidin-2-t...

Age Of Teachers Vs Ict Use In Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning has been the main target for public and private schools in Tanzania since the beginning of the 21st century. Since then, however, the achievement of using ICT on teaching and learning has been relatively unsatisfactory due to several reasons including incompetence and poor understanding of teachers on ICT. This study intends to understand ICT literacy level, use of ICT tools in delivering contents, an...

Comparing The Logarithmic Least Square And Eigenvalue Methods In Analytic Hierarch Process By Using The Best Job Example

ABSTRACT  This dissertation centers on comparing two methods based on consistence and ranking preservation of alternatives in analytic hierarchy process(AHP) by using the best job example. These two methods logarithmic least square method (LLSM) and eigenvalue method (EM) are used to develop approximations of ratio scales from a positive reciprocal matrix. The measurement of consistency and rank preservation are the main criteria for comparison of these two methods. The priorities obtained f...

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