Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver due to viral infections and there are groups of viruses that affect the liver of which hepatitis B and C viruses are the causative agents of sever form of liver disease with high rate of mortality. Laboratory waste handlers who undergo collection, transportation, and disposal of laboratory wastes in the National laboratory for public health are at risk of exposure to acquire those infections which transmit mainly as a result of contaminate...
Diabetes Mellitus result from insufficiency of insulin secretion or concomitant resistance to the metabolic action of insulin on target tissue, then hyperglycemia as developed. Alpha amylase is enzyme which hydrolyses starch molecules to give smaller polymers composed of glucose unit which cause increase blood glucose. Therefore analytical, case control and hospital base study conduct in Ahmed Qasum hospital in Bahri in Khartoum state (Sudan) during the period from March to Jun 2015 toc...
Abstract Malaria is one of the planet's deadliest diseases and one of the leading causes of sickness and death in the developing world. Africa has suffered and is still suffering from the adverse socio-economic effects of malaria; It is intimately connected with poverty. Judged as both a root cause and a consequence of poverty, it is most intractable for the poorest countries in the world. According to GSK’s (GlaxoSmithKline) Corporate Responsibility Report 2007, it affects the health and...
ABSTRACT This chapter provides solutions for increasing the efficiency of data transfer in modern computer network applications and computing network environments based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. In this work, an imitation model and simulation was used as the basic method in the research. A simulation model was developed for designing and analyzing the computer networks based on TCP/IP protocols suite which fully allows the exact features in realizing the protocols and their impact on inc...
Abstract This work takes a look at different computational algorithms used in solving initial value problems and how these algorithms arc derived from Taylor's series. It also made use of the Euler and Runge-Kutta method to solve initial value problems in order to compare the performance of the two methods.
ABSTRACT This study involved the isolation, purification and characterisation of the bioactive phytochemicals from the ethanolic extract of young twigs and leaves of C. bonduc, the determination of the antimalarial activity of each isolated phytochemical, and the investigation of their in vivo toxicological effects. Further extractions were carried out using petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, butanol and water. Bioassay-guided fractionations of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate fractions were c...
Abstract This project report deals with the class of asymptotically demicontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces. We noted some historical aspects concerning the concept of asymptotically demicontractivity and studied a regularized variant of the Krasnoselskii-Mann iteration scheme, which ensured the strong convergence of the generated sequence towards the least norm element of the set of _xed points of asymptotically demicontractive mapping.
ABSTRACT Detailed field based structural, fracture and paleostress analysis were carried out on Cenomanian to Maastrichtian units forming the Afikpo syncline structure. Three fracture systems were isolated from analysis of fracture orientations and thier field relationships: Pre-folding (JT), Syn-Folding (JS) and Post Folding (JC) fracture systems. Paleostress analysis carried out on these fracture systems using the TENSOR™ software tool (Delvaux & Sperner, 2003) yielded three paleostress ...
ABSTRACT The immunomodulatory properties of methanol extract and fractions of Hoslundia opposita leaf on Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH), primary and secondary humoral response and in vivo leucocyte mobilization were evaluated. Acute toxicity test of crude extract and phytochemistry study was carried out. The methanol extract (ME) at 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg body weight produced significant (P
ABSTRACT A geophysical investigation involving the electrical resistivity method was carried out at IkoleEkiti of South Western, Nigeria with the main aim of investigating the area for groundwater potential of the regolith aquifer. The objectives are to identify geological structures and aquifers favorable to groundwater accumulation andalso input geoelectric layers parameters into a software to produce maps of the subsurface in order to determine the groundwater potential of the regolit...
ABSTRACT This research study is designed to determine the microbial count of Chicken Droppings and Ground Palm kernel shell in which the chicken droppings is used as inoculum on Ground Palm Kernel Shell at Ratio 2: l in which the inoculum size is half of the Ground Palm Kernel Shell. Pollution of the environment due to oil production can be reduced through this study because is aimed at examining the microorganism responsible for the biodegradation that can be achieved in Palm kernel she...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at evaluating the proP,hylactic activity of Phy/lanthus amarus and Diodia scandens in synergism on the Swiss albino rats. The two plants were obtained from Federal University Oye-Ekiti and its environs, thoroughly washed with distilled water and air dried at room temperature for two weeks. The air dried plant materials were pulverized into powdery form using house-hold electric blender. Ethyl-acetate extracts of the two plants combined was administered orally in ...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at developing agar extraction protocol from local Gracilaria salicornia species and investigates its physico-chemical characteristics, production cost and application in tissue culture of Pleurotus HK-37. Purposive sampling was used in collection of Gracilaria salicornia during dry (northeast monsoon) period in 2016 at Chwaka bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. A 33 factorial experimental design was used in the extraction of treated agar whereby three independent variables of ...
Abstract Although magmatism may occur during the earliest stages of continental rifting, its role in strain accommodation remains weakly constrained by largely 2-D studies. We analyze seismicity data from a 13 month, 39-station broadband seismic array to determine the role of magma intrusion on state-of-stress and strain localization, and their along-strike variations. Precise earthquake locations using cluster analyses and a new 3-D velocity model reveal lower crustal earthquakes beneath th...