Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of Tsetse Fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) Blood Meals Using Mitochondrial Cytochrome Genes For Vertebrate Host Identification

ABSTRACT Information on the vertebrate hosts of blood feeding vectors forms a useful decision-making tool in the planning of tsetse fly control and eradication operations. The objective of this study was to investigate the utility of mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase I and Cytochrome b gene sequences in the identification of tsetse fly blood meals in order to provide a basis for more rational control of trypanosomosis in East Africa. Blood fed Glossina swynnertoni were sampled from the Sere...

Antimicrobial Activity And Phytochemical Studies Of Turraea Abyssinica, Meyna Tetraphylla And Leonotis Mollissima

ABSTRACT Due to the high bills involved in the importation of modern medicinal drugs, about 80% of the African population use traditional medicine from plants to treat common infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. The main objective of this research was to determine the antimicrobial activity of crude extracts and isolated compounds from Turraea abyssinica, Meyna tetraphylla (Abyssinian coral tree) and Leonotis mollissima (Lion’s ear) from Meliaceae, Rubiaceae and Lamiaceae families...

Raised Iron Levels in Wet- ground Vigna unguiculata and Capsicum frutescens using Domestic Grinding Techniques

ABSTRACT The biosafety of commonly used domestic grinding techniques was investigated; the effects of attrition mills using new (attrition mill 1) and old (attrition mill 2) plates, wooden mortar and pestle, grinding stone and electric blender on iron content of wetground staple foods,  Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) and Capsicum frutescens (pepper) were examined in this study. Attrition mill 1 was in use 4 weeks prior to this study while the attrition mill 2 had newly installed grinding plate....


ABSTRACT Dried, milled cassava and yam peels were inoculated separately with A. nigermidRhizopus sp in solid state. The changes in crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and hemiccllulose were evaluated til 0. 4. X, and 10 days after inoculation. At. the end of the 10th day of fermentation with A. niger the crude protein of cassava peel meal (CPM) increased from 3.5% to 7.0% while that inoculated with Rhizopus sp increased to 5.25%. Cru...

Levels Of Fluoride Ion And Selected Heavy Metals And Their Impact On River Kimwarer Environment In Kerio Valley- Kenya

ABSTRACT The levels of selected heavy metals in water, plant, soil and sediment samples collected around the Fluorspar Mining and Processing Plant in Kerio Valley were determined using AAS and EDXRFS. Digested soil 7 reference material (IAEA) was used as the standard for analysis of the soil and sediment samples. The results obtained from AAS were compared with those obtained using EDXRFS. The concentration of fluoride in the water, soil and sediment samples was determined using fluoride sel...

Determination Of Selected Heavy Metal Levels In Underground Water And Soil And Analysis Of Water Hardness Sources In Nyatikekarungu Divisions, Migori District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Intensive mining activities and highly mineralised rock formations have a significant impact on both surface and underground water. Mining activities shuffle the rock formations creating fissures and cracks enhancing greater percolation and movement of water underground. Macalder mines(gold mining region) in Nyatike –Karungu Divisions was divided into two regions (Epicentre and surrounding).This research sought to determine the concentration levels of Zn, Cu, Pb, Fe, and water har...

Determination Of Predator Ultrasound Parameters And Acoustic Startle Response In The African Female Anopheles Gambiae S.S.

ABSTRACT The female Anopheles gambiae, a malaria vector, detects ultrasound by its antenna, which can initiate an attractive or repulsive response. Modern electronic mosquito repellent devices exploit this concept in attempt to control malaria. However, they have shown only 20 % effectiveness in repellency. This work determines the transmission parameters of Amolops tormotus, Coleura afra sounds and their combination and hence their startling effects on female Anopheles gambiae. The sound of...

Screening Mosquitoes For Rift Valley Fever Virus And Blood Meal Sources During The 2006/2007 Outbreak In Kenya

ABSTRACT Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a mosquito borne viral infection, first reported in the Rift Valley province of Kenya in 1912 and identified in 1931. Major outbreaks have been reported in Kenya in 1997/1998 and 2006/2007. Baringo, Garissa and Kilifi district of Kenya were hot spots in the last major RVF outbreak that occurred in the country in 2006/2007. Investigations were conducted during the outbreak to establish putative mosquito vectors and vertebrate host of RVF virus. Engorged fem...

Blood-Feeding Pattern Of Malaria Vector Reveals Malaria Transmission Dynamics In Three Islands Of Lake Victoria In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Lake Victoria region of western Kenya is malaria endemic with a suitable environment throughout the year for the transmission of Plasmodium parasites by its primary mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.), as well as other secondary vectors. Malaria control largely depends on vector control using long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) that protect humans from infectious bites while sleeping. However, the success of this strategy is greatly threatened by resistance t...

Physico-Chemical Qualities Of Selected Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Cultivars And Their Suitability For Product Diversification In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is bulky and perishable with up to 50% of losses in 3-5 months of storage. Losses can be reduced through processing into less bulky and more stable products. The aim of this study was to investigate morphological and biochemical factors which affect potato quality, effect of potato cultivars and fermentation on quality of French fries and crisps as well as starch characteristics. Cultivars used included vartieties like Gikungu, Kigega, Kinigi, Kirundo, ...

Search For Antifungal Compounds From Extracts Of Basidiomycetes Against Phytopathogen Fusarium Oxysporium F. Sp. Lycopersici

ABSTRACT Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated horticutural crops but the production is affected by the pest problems like Fusarial wilt. Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. Lycopersicit is a destructive disease of the tomato and one of the main causes of the crop decline worldwide. The disease is currently managed using synthetic fungicides but there is a growing concern about the traces of the pesticide residues on the product and resistance to the current fungicides. Fungicides are applied at...

Geophysical Investigation Of Faults And Fractures In Kiamunyi Area South West Of Menengai Volcano In The Kenya Rift

ABSTRACT The rapidly growing Nakuru town needs expansion to accommodate the increasing population. This vast expansion can only be done at the outskirts of the town. However, no single research has been done with the aim of checking the geological stability of the regions around Nakuru town; either by mapping new fault zones or by confirming using geophysical methods the presence of faults shown on geological maps. Kiamunyi estate being in the outskirts of the town was therefore chosen for t...

Assessment And Characterization Of Rhizobacteria In Petroleum-Polluted Soil In Umuahia

ABSTRACT Petroleum – polluted sites are disturbed ecosystem with scanty plants. Study was carried out in such sites to assess the area of its rhizobacterial status, particularly comparing that of the rhizospheres and non-rhizospheres in the site. The samples were suspended and serially diluted in physiological saline and inoculated on nutrient media by spread plates method. After incubation and isolation, the isolates were characterized by morphological examination, gram staining, biochemic...

Effect Of Legume Diversity Intercrop And Varieties On Population And Severity Of Damage By Foliage Beetles (Ootheca Spp. And Medythia Sp.) On Yields Of Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) In

ABSTRACT Bean Foliage beetles (Ootheca spp.) are a major constraint to common bean production in Kenya. Two studies were carried out during the long and short rain seasons of 2015 to determine the effect of mixtures of bean varieties and other legume species and also to investigate the effect of different bean varieties on bean foliage beetle incidence, population density and severity of damage and grain yield. Field experiments were conducted in six sites (Madola, Bujumba, Busire, Nyalara a...

Effectiveness Of Seasonal Climate Forecasts In Agricultural Decision-Making Among Smallholder Farmers In Semi-Arid Voi Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate change and variability greatly affect many human activities particularly agriculture. Various adaptation strategies to climate variability have been used over the years with little attention to the vital role played by seasonal climate forecast (SCF) in providing information on the expected climatic conditions to adapt to. Despite dissemination of SCF information to varied users by Kenya Meteorological services (KMS) before rain seasons, it still remains unclear whether the ...

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