Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Molecular Characterization Of Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei And Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense Isolates And Responses Of Glossina Pallidipes To Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Challenge

ABSTRACT African trypanosomiases are a group of related diseases that affect humans (Human African Trypanosomiasis - HAT) and their livestock (Animal African Trypanosomiasis), with devastating medical and economic consequences for Africa. The diseases are caused by trypanosome parasites cyclically transmitted by tsetse flies. Recent reports indicate that HAT is on the decline in sub Sahara Africa. However, the disease still remains a major health problem in some parts of Africa such as South...

Optimization In Cartesian Closed Categories, Lagrange’s Method Of Multipliers And Applications

ABSTRACT A category is defined as an algebraic structure that has objects that are linked by morphisms. Categories were created as a foundation of mathematics and as a way of relating algebraic structures and systems of topological spaces. Any foundation of mathematics must include algebra, topology, and analysis. Algebra and topology have been studied extensively in category theory but not the analysis. This is partly due to the algebraic nature of category theory and the fact that the axio...

Characterization And Antimicrobial Activity Of Fungal Endophytes From Selected Kenyan Medicinal Plants

ABSTRACT Infectious diseases remain to be a global health burden due to the development of antibiotic resistance by pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotic resistance has led to increased number of deaths among children and adults. This study sought to screen for antimicrobial activity of extracts from fungal endophytes against selected human pathogens, identify, and characterize the fungal endophytes and screen for phytochemicals present in selected medicinal plants‟ extracts. Sixty-five fu...

Evaluation Of Transesterified Waste Vegetable Oil For Use As Biodiesel Fuel

ABSTRACT Biofuels made from plant sources, usually used to run in diesel engines are of two types namely bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol is mostly derived from maize and sugar cane molasses, while biodiesel is derived from vegetable oils and animal fats. A wide range of biofuels can be used as renewable resources of energy, including tallow and waste vegetable oil from hotels and fish vendors. Presently waste vegetable oil is discarded into sewerage systems, causing pollution in water w...

Determination Of Zinc, Iron, Resistant Starch, Phytic Acid And Their Effect On Rheological And Organoleptic Properties For Selected Kenyan Wheat Varieties

ABSTRACT Micronutrient deficiency of zinc and iron is a major problem worldwide, especially in the developing countries that heavily rely on cereal rich diets for sustenance. Wheat is a popular staple cereal crop containing substantial levels of micronutrients and could be used as a tool for alleviating their deficiencies. The study reported herein focused on determining the concentration of zinc, iron, resistant starch (RS) and phytic acid in 9 newly released wheat varieties and their effec...

Kinetic And Molecular Modeling Of Selected Tobacco Alkaloids In Mainstream Cigarette Smoke

ABSTRACT Consensus of opinion in literature regarding tobacco use has shown that cigarette smoking can cause irreparable damage to the genetic material, cell injury, and the general respiratory landscape. The alkaloid family of tobacco has been implicated in a series of ailments including addiction, mental illnesses, psychological disorders, and mental deficits. Accordingly, this study describes the kinetic and molecular modelling of the major tobacco alkaloids in mainstream cigarette smoke;...

Safety And Nutritional Quality Of Pastoral Traditional Fermented Camel Milk (SUUSA)

ABSTRACT Suusa is spontaneously fermented raw camel milk prepared by pastoral women and informally marketed in Kenya. Processors, traders and consumers of suusa rely on organoleptic testing for quality and safety along the suusa value chain. Handling practices in raw milk and suusa products potentially exposes the product to microbial contamination which is associated with reduced shelf life and risk of infections to consumers with milk borne and zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis and tub...

Combined Antibacterial And Antifungal Activities Of Eucalyptus Citriodora And Syzygium Aromaticum Essential Oils

ABSTRACT The emergence of multi-drug resistant strains is a formidable threat to the fight against skin diseases and hence effective alternative regimes must be sought. Although many studies have been done on antimicrobial activities of Syzygium aromaticum and Eucalyptus citriodora oils, no information is available on their antimicrobial interaction and hence the purpose of this study. Bioactivity testing of Syzygium aromaticum and Eucalyptus citriodora oils was done using disc diffusion tec...

Facies Model Building of Integrated Multiscale Data In Dn-Field, Onshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria

Abstract This study employs 3D Post-Stack Time-Migrated seismic data from the DN-Field, within the Coastal Swamp depobelt of the Niger Delta in predicting lithofacies and fluvial facies of OVK-1 sand bodies in the Agbada Formation, as a tool to identify new drillable prospects. A lithofacies model for OVK-1 reservoir sand body was generated after upscaling using Most Of, as the averaging method. Calibrated by fluvio-facies at the well locations, channel sands were identified in OVK1 reservoi...

Phytochemical Screening and Microbial Inhibitory Activities of Ficus Capensi

ABSTRACT Ficus plant components have application in traditional medicine because of the myriad uses they have been subjected to. The ease of application is based on the secondary metabolites this plant contains. The challenges faced by modern medicine especially in the complete cure of microbially-associated diseases through abrupt and unpredictable genetic mutations in the presence of conventional drugs informed the investigation of the microbial inhibitory activities of the stem, root and l...

Aspects of Source Rock Evaluation and Diagenetic History of the Akinbo' Shale Eastern Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria

Abstract The Akinbo Formation comprises a sequence of mostly dark, pale-greenish grey, laminated shale, slightly glauconitic shale, sandy shale with subordinate claystone lenses. Selected subsurface samples of the shaly facies as penetrated by Akinside 1582 well in eastern Dahomey basin, were investigated by sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical parameters to ascertain the hydrocarbon potential and deduce the influence of variations of clay mineral indicators on the prospect. Values...

Ecological Utilization Of The Weed – Tithonia Diversifolia And Sustainability Of The Paper Industry In Nigeria

Abstract Tithonia diversifolia is found growing abundantly within the forest zone of Nigeria. The evaluation of the pulp and paper making properties of T. diverisifolia showed average fibre length, width, wall thickness and lumen of 827.66  186.40m, 20.29  3.92 m, 3.96  0.28 m and 12.16  3.96 m respectively.  This short fibre length and small wall thickness of T. diversifolia made it unsuitable for making strong papers.  However, it is good material for mak...

Geophysical Investigation of Foundation Condition of A Site in Ikere- Ekiti, Ekiti State, South-Western Nigeria

Abstract: A geophysical investigation has been performed using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) at a site behind Sammy Guest House in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti-State to examine the geophysical parameters that can be used to evaluate the structural competence of the shallow section of the subsurface for construction purposes and building development. The schlumberger configuration was used for the data acquisition. The half- currents electrode (AB/2) was used and the quantitative interpretation of...

Evaluation Of Extruded Snacks From Blends Of Acha (Digitaria Exilis) And Cowpea ( Vigna Unguiculata) Flours

Abstract The production of acha and cowpea are the complementary food and are produced in large quantities in Nigeria, which are the major sources of protein and carbohydrate respectively. The study was proposed on developed high protein energy complementary foods from the blends of cowpea and acha using extrusion cooking. Cultivars of cowpea (IT90K-277-2) and acha (cream colour) were selected and milled into flours. Using the response surface methodology, the blends of acha and cowpea flours...

Degradation of Polyamide-6 By Microbial Isolates from Solid Waste Dumpsites in Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Polyamide-6 (also known as nylon-6) is one of the biodegradation-resistant synthetic polymers used in the manufacturing of commodity plastic materials. The environmental effects of the persistence of this material in landfill and on surface water bodies pose global problems that endanger public health. Knowledge of the microbial distribution and pattern of their interaction with these plastics will provide the biological resources and scientific basis for the development of sustaina...

3691 - 3705 Of 8880 Results