ABSTRACT Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) attributes analysis, based on integration of geophysical and petrophysical data has become an important and innovative tool for the detection of hydrocarbons in many exploration provinces of the world, including the Niger Delta Basin. The method has been demonstrated to be effective when seismic data processing is carefully done with detailed petrophysical modeling from complete well log suites. However, routine application of the method has fro...
ABSTRACT Investigations were carried out for groundwater potentials and hydro-geochemical characteristics of the Nanka-Oko area and environs, southeastern, Nigeria. The areas are underlain by the Nanka Sands Formation. Data from 14 vertical electrical soundings were interpreted using computer aided techniques (IPI2win software). A total of 16 borehole groundwater samples, were also analyzed for their phys...
ABSTRACT The share prices of the stock market are volatile in nature. Investors are at risk without an indepth knowledge of the operations of the stock market. We used regression analysis to ascertain the relationship between the movement of share prices and economic growth. A regression model was developed to capture the effect of the movement of share prices in the Nigerian stock exchange market on economic growth. Markov chain was used to find effect of the share prices. The results show ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to evaluate the radioprotective effects of Gongronema latifolio (GL) leaf extract on a whole-body irradiated wistar albino rats. A prospective experimental and cross-sectional design was adopted for this study and it included a control group and experimental group. Part of the control group (normal control NC) was not irradiated neither was it administered with GL extract but the other part (experimental control EC) was only exposed to graded radiation ...
Soil transmitted helminths infections are a major public health challenge in developing countries especially those confined to the tropics. These infections include the three common intestinal parasites namely: Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, and hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus). Soil transmitted helminths are among the neglected tropical diseases that infect the less privileged populations whose risk increases with poor hygiene and sanitation. Helminths...
The Tea Research Institute (TRI) developed TRFK 306 tea clone which is rich in anthocyanin as a strategy to diversify Kenyan teas. TRFK 6/8 was used as a control in the study being a standard clone used at the TRI. TRFK 306 can be utilized non-processed but there is no well researched, documented data on the best brewing conditions. Consumers add edible acids to its brew to improve the colour and taste but information on the acid effect is scanty. Information on the quality of products m...
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important export vegetable crop that faces serious production challenge due to Ascochyta blight (Phoma exigua). The objectives of this studywere to determine the; (i) antifungal activities of methanol extract of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum against Phoma exigua in vitro, (ii) fungicidal effects of extracts of the two test plants on the incidence and severity of Ascochyta blight, and yield of French bean. Methanol extracts of compo...
Indigofera lupatana Baker F. (locally known as Mugiti) has been used by Mbeere community of Kenya to treat cough, diarrhea, pleurisy and gonorrhea. These and other infectious diseases are a cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals. Their effects are further aggravated by drug resistance. There is also increased emergence and re-emergence of infections from previously harmless micro-organisms, as part of nosocomial and opportunistic infections. This calls for search of new d...
Fungi, especially higher ones, have received a lot of attention in the recent decades due to the advances of biotechnological techniques. This is because secondary metabolism in fungal biotechnological cultures is manipulable and produces an array of compounds with diverse as well as novel chemical and biological properties. The activities can be taped into to address the myriad problems afflicting local communities in Kenya especially in agrochemical and medical sectors. Disease burden ...
ABSTRACT Plants are a potential source of antimicrobial compounds. In this study, a plant from the family Simaroubaceae, Harrisonia abyssinica, traditionally used to treat a number of diseases was used. Research has been carried out on its stem bark, root bark and leaves and a number of chemical constituents have been isolated but no research has been carried out on its berries. Therefore the berries of this plant were chosen in order to investigate for antimicrobial compounds. The berries o...
ABSTRACT Starch is a naturally occurring polymer found in parts of the plants such as leaves, stems, tubers, and fruits. It is a commonly used excipient in pharmaceutical formulations because of its availability, affordability and inertness. Cyperus esculentus (tiger nut) is widely cultivated in the country especially in the northern part of Nigeria. Until recently, the use of tiger nut had been limited to food products and few pharmaceutical applications. This research is aimed at character...
Malaria is caused by parasites in the genus Plasmodium. It is one of the leading causes of human morbidity and mortality in the sub-Sahara countries, Kenya included. The parasite is transmitted by Anopheles sp as a definitive host from one human host to another through bite. Five species of mosquito - borne Plasmodium parasites infect humans include Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium knowlesi, and Plasmodium falciparum. Plant samples were collected from M...
ABSTRACT There is a growing trend of using cloud environments for ever growing storage and data processing needs. However, adopting a cloud computing paradigm may have positive as well as negative effects on the data security of servicing consumers. The focus of this research is on the development of a proof-ofconcept system for security and integrity of result computations in a cloud computing environment by implementing a four level cloud based application security gateway methodology for ...
ABSTRACT Deaths due to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) related diseases are still very high, especially in Africa. This is mainly attributed to poor diagnosis and late detection of the virus at times when the virus has greatly multiplied within the human body. In an attempt to come up with early detection mechanisms of the virus, several investigations have been carried out. The current detection mechanisms are less rapid with some being. Here we report on the potential of Raman spectrosco...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues in both cocoa beans and soils of cocoa plantations in selected farms in Ondo State. Soil samples and cocoa pods were collected from four major farms in the State. The pesticide residues were extracted, cleaned up and analysed using Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD). In the analysed cocoa samples, the ranges of the mean concentrations of the organochlorine pesticides were: α-HCH (ND-0.094 mg/k...