Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Projecting fertility by educational attainment: Proof of concept of a new approach.

ABSTRACT The United Nations Population Division publishes fertility projections for all countries in the World Population Prospects (WPP). These are the most widely used projections for planning and policy implementation. Despite a substantial body of literature that suggests education has a significant impact on fertility, these projections do not incorporate changes in the composition of the population by level of education. We therefore propose and implement a method that incorporates edu...

Analysis Of Microbial Infections In Camel (Camelus Dromedarius) Milk And Implications In Kenya

ABSTRACT Raw camel milk production and marketing chain in Kenya was investigated for microbial infections and implications. Milk samples were taken using simple random sampling method in a clustered sampling plan. There were three cluster levels, the production, processing and market levels. Analysis of samples in the laboratory for enumeration and characterization was by standard methods as described in the methodology. Data analysis was done by Pearson correlation coefficient and chi-squar...

Chemical Composition And Anti-Microbial Activity Of Essential Oils Of The Plants: Tarchonanthus Camphoratus, Leonotis Nepetifolia And Satureja Biflora

ABSTRACT In sub-Saharan Africa, the high infant mortality is mainly due to diarrhoea, respiratory infections, typhoid and measles. The control of these diseases relies heavily on the use of synthetic drugs. However, due to the high cost of these drugs and increased bacterial resistance to available anti-biotics, their use is increasingly becoming unpopular. Plant– derived herbal medicines are feasible alternatives that can be used to reduce incidence of these diseases. Since they are readi...

Tensile And Viscoelastic Characterization Of Kenyan Indigenous Boran Cow Hide Dermis

ABSTRACT The wide range of applications, the industrial processing techniques and storage of collagenous materials expose them to a variety of environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and solar ultraviolet (UV) radiations. In this study, a freshly flayed hide from a mature Boran bovine was prepared to pickling stage using conventional tanning processes. The hide was then cut into two halves along the backbone. One half was left at pickled stage while the other half was tanned us...

Evaluation Of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum L) Genotypes For Resistance To Head Smut Disease (Tolyposporium Penicillariae Bref.) In Dry Areas Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Head smut caused by Tolyposporium penicillariae Bref, is a devastating fungal disease that cause up to 30% yield losses in pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.). Pearl millet is the most drought tolerant cereal grown mainly by small scale farmers who cannot afford fungicides. Development of resistant genotypes offers the most economical means of head smut control however this depends primarily on the availability of sources of resistance. The study evaluated host plant resistan...

Effect Of Rainfall Variability On Farming Practices And Adaptation Among Households Of Kisii Central Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural productivity in Kenya, as in many developing countries, is significantly affected by rainfall variability. The reliability of the rain for agricultural purposes has reduced in the recent years due to climate variability. In the study area, there is a continued trend of more frequent and intense climate related disasters which is expected to have significant impacts on the livelihood activities. Most studies on the impact of climate variability on farming practices and th...

3-month Bond Option Strategies: An analysis of performance from 1998 to 2010 in the South African market

Abstract Due to the 2008 financial crisis, investors have become more risk averse in investing in equities and have increased their holdings in bonds as they are believed to be less risky. However, South African interest rates have been volatile over the past decade due to changes in the inflation rate. This has caused the returns of bond portfolios to be uncertain since bond prices are inversely related to interest rates. It is thus imperative to manage the interest rate risk inherent in bo...

Effects Of Gum Arabic Surface Treatment On Nutritional Quality Of Whole Mango (Mangifera Indica) In Makueni County And Evaluation Of Canned Mango Chunks

ABSTRACT Mango production in Kenya has been on the rise. In 2013 about 581,290 MT were produced of which 40% were lost due to lack of proper postharvest management practices. The greatest loss was through pest and microbial spoilage and chemical deterioration of nutrients. The study aimed at developing methods to preserve the nutritional quality and reduce post-harvest losses in the mango value chain. Using a structured questionnaire, randomly administered to 40 mango farmers, post handling p...

Plant traits and drought tolerance in the Savanna: A Kruger National Park case study

Abstract One of the central goals of plant ecology is to understand the factors that control the local distribution of plant species and thus the composition of communities. The aim of this study is to determine plant functional traits that can be associated with drought tolerance/avoidance and to test whether wood density is a good indicator of drought tolerance. The study was carried out in Kruger National Park in the month of June. A number of plant traits including wood density, leaf thic...

Development Of An Improved Isocratic Hplc Method For The Determination Of Gallic Acid, Caffeine And Catechins In Tea

ABSTRACT Polyphenols are the primary compounds responsible for the health benefits of tea, including its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Caffeine contributes to tea’s stimulant properties, while gallic acid and polyphenols contributes to its antioxidant properties. Most of the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods used for the determination of tea biochemicals include gradient elution systems which involve expensive instrumentation. The aim of this study was t...

Determination Of Karate And Pyagro Residue Levels In Fresh, Black And Brewed Tea From Tea Farms In Kericho

ABSTRACT Karate and Pyagro are insecticides currently registered and used in Kenya for control of several insect and mite pests in diverse crops. They are emulsifiable concentrate formulations of the active ingredients lambda-cyhalothrin (Karate) and Pyrethrins (Pyagro). This study established residue levels for lambda-cyhalothrin and Pyrethrins in fresh tea leaves, black tea and brewed tea. The study evaluated the effect of tea preparation procedures on pesticide residue levels in tea and mo...

Molecular Detection Of Banana Viruses In Germplasm From Selected Areas In Kenya

ABSTRACT Banana is a popular and important crop among many communities in East Africa. It is used both as a subsistence and cash crop. Bananas provide a major source of carbohydrates for over 400 million people in tropical countries, about 25% of these being in Africa. In Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda, banana consumption ranges from 250 to 400 kg per person per year. In Kenya, production stands at around 210,000 metric tonnes annually. However, banana production is threatened by a number of vir...

Estimation of Indoor Radon from Concrete Blocks Used In Construction of Wall in Typical Nigerian Dwellings

ABSTRACT Radon gas is the most important source of natural radiation. Indoor radon concentration is the main path of human exposure to high radon concentration. Radon contribution from concrete block walls of typical Nigerian dwellings has been estimated from gamma ray spectroscopy measurements of radium concentration using generic equation. The radon concentrations varied from 11.27 Bq m-3 for a dwelling of dimensions 4.8 m × 4.8 m and 18.52 Bq m-3 for a dwelling of 3.6 m × 3.6 m. The eff...

Particulate Emissions From Selected Combustion Sources And Their Pathological Impacts On The Lung Tissues Of Male Albino Mice

ABSTRACT Particulate emissions and organic volatiles produced by incomplete combustion processes have attracted the attention of many environmental experts. Consequently, increasing concern has been directed towards the study of human health problems caused by carcinogenic and mutagenic soot components such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polyenes from various combustion systems. Soot from many combustion systems are well-known precursors for numerous toxicological impacts in t...

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