Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Octave-Small Based Security Framework For Mobile Banking Among Commercial Banks In The Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT Commercial banks face severe concerns over mobile banking security issues due to substantial monetary losses on customers’ accounts. Most customers of commercial banks in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been losing vast amounts of money from their accounts to fraudsters and hackers, who are taking advantage of weak security controls. This has necessitated the present study to be conducted by proposing a mobile banking security framework based on Octave-small approach for com...

Optimizing Thermal Storage Efficiency Of A Salt Gradient Solar Pond Using Polyethylene Membrane

ABSTRACT The need for energy has risen greatly all over the world in recent years. One major source of energy is fossil fuel and most countries get access to this fuel through imports. Besides the rise in cost of fossil fuel, it has serious impacts on the environment which include air pollution and increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Furthermore, this source of energy is nonrenewable and is quickly being depleted. Recently, attention has turned to environmentally benign and sustaina...

Safety and quality of organically grown cloves (syzigium aromaticum) and black pepper (piper nigrum l.) In tawa ward, Morogoro-Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Participatory Action Research approach was used in this study involving organic spice farmers from Tawa Ward within Morogoro region, researchers from Sokoine University of Agriculture and Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania organization. Harvesting and postharvest handling practices by clove and black pepper organic farmers in Tawa Ward were assessed. Five villages were visited, 107 organic farmers were interviewed, 34 among them inspected and provided samples for analysis. Fungal qua...

Purification And Characterization Of A Cyclooxygenase-Like Enzyme From Trypanosoma Brucei

 ABSTRACT The protozoan hemoflagellate Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of African trypanosomosis in humans and nagana in domestic animals. The human disease is a health concern in many African countries. The infection of mammalian-host by African trypanosomes is characterised by an up-regulation of prostaglandin (PG) production in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which modulates the host responses and causes symptoms of the infection. It has been shown that the protozoan ...

Molecular Characterization Of African Swine Fever Virus In Selected Areas Of Northern And Southern Tanzania During 2014 Outbreaks

ABSTRACT African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a large double-stranded DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family that causes African swine fever (ASF), a highly contagious and fatal hemorrhagic disease of domestic pigs. African swine fever presents a serious threat to the food security and livelihoods of pig-keeping farmers. The aim of this study was to diagnose and genotype ASFV in domestic pigs following reports of ASF outbreaks in northern and southern Tanzania during 2014. Fifteen tissue sample...

Persistent Organic Pollutants In Water, Sediments And Fish From Lake Victoria And Implications To Human Health Risks

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Lake Victoria is an important freshwater resource in Tanzania and its neighbouringcountries namely Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC). Millions of people dotted around the lake depend on it as a major source of household and industrial water supply, irrigation, transport and provide for fishing as the main source of animal-derived protein as well as income. In Tanzania, the lake provides employment opportunities to more than four mill...

Galactic Cosmic Ray Variability In The High And Mid Latitudes During Solar Cycles 22 And 23

ABSTRACT Galactic cosmic rays are modulated in the hliosphere primarily due to the global merged interaction regions with intense magnetic field which leads to a decrease in the galactic cosmic rays throughout the heliosphere. Using long term averages of solar wind (SW) component parameters in addition to cosmic ray count rates of two high latitude Neutron monitor stations (Apatity and Thule) and two mid latitude stations (Newark and Tbilisi) with different rigidity cut-offs, we analyzed the...

Study Of Suitability Of Cassava And Cowpea Flours For Making Bread

ABSTRACT This study was done in Tanzania and Mozambique to assess the effect of cassava and cowpea flours singly and in combination in bread making and the degree of acceptability of the bread. Five to 20% cassava and 5 to 30% cowpea were used as wheat flour diluents. As the number of diluents increased, the loaf volume decreased. The bread size ranged from 560 ml for 30% cowpea bread to 890 ml for 100% wheat bread and from 420 to 620 ml for the pan bread, the highest value being for whole w...

Seismic Interpretation And Stuctural Analysis Of Closures In The Greater Ughelli, Central And Coastal Swamp Depobelts Of Niger Delta Basin

ABSTRACT The Niger Delta is located on a typical passive margin with sediment thicknessesin excess of 12 km at the basin center. The combined occurrence of rift structures, basin subsidence, rapid progradation of deltaic systems, development of growth faults and fold thrust belts in the offshore Niger Delta produced a very unique petroleum habitat with different structural styles and play types. Most of the prospects and producing fields in the region are related to faulted structures. Struc...

Isolation Of Secondary Metabolites From Teclea Nobilis And Rapanea Melanophloeos Active Against Schistosoma Mansoni

ABSTRACT Helminthic infections have severe consequences on the health of millions of people worldwide and cause serious economic losses. Synthetic drugs have been effective wormicides, however, they are expensive, show side effects and develop resistance. This has generated interest in the use of plant based anti-helmintics, which seem to offer a reliable, cheap and cost effective method. In this research, the anti-helmintic activity of secondary metabolites from Teclea nobilis and Rapanea m...

Antioxidant And Hepatoprotective Studies Of Annonasenegalensispers. (Annonaceae) Stem Bark.

Abstract The study was carried out to determine pharmacognostic standards, phytochemical constituents, evaluate the antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities of the extract and fractions of Annona senegalensis Pers. (Annonaceae) by employing both the in vitro and in vivo experimental models. The acute toxicity tests result showed the drug is safe at 5000mg/kg doses. The effect of DPPH free radical scavenging, ABTS radical scavenging, Hydroxyl radical scavenging, Hydrogen peroxide scavengi...

Molecular Characterisation Of Tsetse-Endosymbiont Interactions In Kenyan Populations Of Glossina Austeni And Glossina Pallidipes Tsetse Flies

ABSTRACT Tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae), which are the major vectors of human and animal trypanosomes, harbour bacterial gut symbionts Wigglesworthia glossinidia, Wolbachia pipientis and Sodalis glossinidius in close association with trypanosomes. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, temporal variation and strain diversity of these endosymbionts in G. austeni and G. pallidipes from the Kenyan coast. The co-relation between symbiont and trypanosomes infection wa...

Synthesis, Characterization And Use Of Zeolite In Removal Of Pb(Ii) Ions From Waste Water

ABSTRACT The removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous model solution using zeolite has been investigated under different operational parameters like heavy metal ion concentration, adsorbent amount and particle size. The zeolite used was synthesized and characterized using SEM and XRD analysis. The equilibrium adsorption capacity of zeolite used for lead removal were measured and the experimental data analyzed by means of Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. The adsorption efficiency of Zeolit...

Synthesis, Characterization And Solvent Extraction Studies Of 3,5-Bis[(2-Hydroxybenzylidene)- Amino]-Benzoic Acid And Its Co(Ii) And Ni(Ii) Complexes

ABSTRACT 3,5-Bis[(2-hydroxy-benzylidene)-amino]-benzoic acid (H2B) and its cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes were synthesized and characterized via: electronic, IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR. Job’s continuous variation method was used to determine the mole ratio for both metal complexes. Solvent extraction studies were carried out on H2B in 5% DMF with its cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes using CHCl3 as organic solvent; with variable condition effects of equilibrium time, buffer pH, mineral ...

Antimicrobial Phenylpropanoid Esters And Sesquiterpene Lactones From The Leaves Of Tarchonanthus Camphoratus (Asteraceae)

ABSTRACT The plant Tarchonanthus camphoratus belongs to Asteraceae family. Its common name is wild sage or camphor bush. This study was aimed at isolating bioactive phenypropanoid esters and sesquiterpene lactones from the leaves of this plant. A powdered sample of the leaves weighing 500 g was sequentially extracted with of hexane (1.5 L), dichloromethane (1.5 L) and methanol (3 x 1.5 L). The methanolic extract was partitioned between equal volumes (250 ml each) of distilled water. The n-but...

3946 - 3960 Of 8880 Results