Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for Lifetimes Following an Odds Exponential Log Logistic Distribution

ABSTRACT A group acceptance sampling plan is developed for odds exponential log logistic distribution (OELLD) based on truncated lifetime with a known shape parameter. At a specified level of consumer risk and at the predefined test termination time, we derived the minimum number of groups required for a given group size and the acceptance number using the two-point approach by satisfying the producer’s and the consumer’s risks at the specified quality levels, while the termination time a...

Statistical Quality Control And Reliability Estimation Based On Exponentiated Inverse Rayleigh Distribution

ABSTRACT This research gives some statistical quality control techniques and reliability estimation based on exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution (EIRD) which can be applied in different industries so as to improve the quality of their products. EIRD has been obtained through generalization process and its mathematical properties were discussed. Estimation of unknown parameters was done by using maximum likelihood method, least square method, weighted least square and percentile estima...

Time Series Arima Modelling Of Loan Borrowing And Repayment At Kifanya Saccos Limited In Njombe, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) in developing countries like Tanzania are very importance in solving the financial problem to low income groups especially in rural areas. SACCOS have the sole role of mobilizing savings that creates the source of funds to benefit their members. But for a SACCOS to prosper in its role of financial intermediation, it has to give more loans and ensure that most of them are repaid in time. To plan for such achievements the SACCOS needs a...

Survival Analysis Of Patients Undergoing Hemo-Dialysis During 2015 – 2018 At Muhimbili Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Abstract The survival patterns and their influencing covariates (factors) for hemo-dialysis patients at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) in Dar es Salaam Tanzania are explained in this dissertation. Number of hemo-dialysis that a patient had, alcohol intake history and blood transfusion status of patients were significant variables for failure. The study explored that, the survival times for hemo-dialysis patients at Muhimbili National Hospital follow lognormal distribution and therefore, pa...

Optimisation Of Reaction Parameters For The Production Of Levulinic Acid From Tanzanian Sugarcane Bagasse

ABSTRACT This dissertation presents the optimization of the reaction parameters for the production of levulinic acid from Tanzanian sugarcane bagasse under pressurized conditions using non- stirred pressure reactor developed in our laboratory. Sugarcane bagasse produced as a waste from the sugar industries was used in this research a raw material for the production of levulinic acid (LA). It was chosen because it is a waste from the sugar industries, non food competitive and non land competit...

Overview Numerical Solutions For Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations With Applications

ABSTRACT This study is concerned with overview numerical solution for nonlinear partial dierential equations. Since it is not easily to iterate the numerical scheme manually, C++ is used to encode the numerical scheme in order to nd the numerical solution and Matlab is employed in drawing the gures. Chapter one consists of Introduction of Nonlinear Partial Dierential equations, Literature Review, Classication of Partial Dierential Equations, Examples of PDEs, Boundary Conditions, Taylor Expan...

Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for Resubmitted lots for life tests based on Half Logistic Distribution

Abstract: In this article, a group acceptance sampling plan (GASP) for lot resubmitting is developed to ensure quality of the product lifetime assuming that the product’s lifetime follows the half logistic distribution. The parameters of the GASP are determined by satifying the specified producer’s and consumer’s risks according to the experiment termination time and the number of testers. A comparison between this proposed group sampling and the ordinary group sampling plan is discusse...

A Study On Predator- Prey Systems With Immigrant Prey With And Without Harvesting

ABSTRACT The study of predator prey model with immigrant prey with and without harvesting has received great attention from both theoretical and mathematical biologists and has been studied intensively and extensively. Different literatures on interaction between species have been surveyed. In this document we establish sufficient stability criteria, criteria for the existence of periodic solution and Hopf bifurcations of a predator prey systems with immigrant prey without and with harvesting...

A Framework Of Cybersecurity Risks On Mobile Money Users In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dodoma City

ABSTRACT Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated with the blending of one distinct type of attack on more damaging forms. Increased variety and volume of attacks are inevitable given the desire of financially and criminally-motivated actors to obtain personal and confidential information. Following this alarming situation, this dissertation informs about a framework for cyber security risks for mobile money which was designed through the study that was conducted in Dodoma City to propos...

Optimal Control and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease Epidemic Model

Abstract This paper concentrates on the mathematical model for optimal control and cost-effectiveness analysis of tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease. The boundedness of the model has been analytically examined. The preferable optimal level of the intervention strategy to reduce the spreads and the cost of implementing control strategies were determined by introducing the time-dependent control. Pontryagin’s maximum principle was used to determine necessary conditions for the optimal cont...

Forecasting Of Stock Market Trends Using A Decision Tree And Naïve Bayes Hybrid Model

ABSTRACT Forecasting of stock market trends has been an area of great interest to researchers who are attempting to uncover the information hidden in the stock market data and to traders who wish to profit by trading stocks. An accurate forecasting of stock market trends may yield profits for investors. Forecasting of stock price trend is regarded as a challenging task. Due to the complexity of stock market data, development of efficient models for forecasting stock market trends is highly ch...

Extraction, Isolation And Evaluation Of Antimicrobial Activity Of Tanzanian Medicinal Plants: Cleome Gynandra And Zanthoxylum Chalybeum

ABSTRACT Antimicrobial resistance could cause approximately 10 million of people‟s deaths worldwide yearly by 2050 (Sutherland, 2017). Thus, this study was aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Cleome gynandra and Zanthoxylum chalybeum. The extracts of roots and flowers of Cleome gynandra; root barks, stem barks and leaves of Zanthoxylum chalybeum were used for investigation. The powdered plant materials were macerated in petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, nbutanol and aqueous methan...

A Comparative Study Of Water Quality Between Hot Spring And Borehole Waters Of Selected Regions In Northern And Central Tanzania

ABSTRACT This dissertation reports on a comparison of the physico-chemical parameters between hot springs and borehole waters. Thirty four samples were collected at Mara, Shinyanga, Singida, Manyara and Dodoma in Tanzania. Multimeter used for the analysis of physical parameters pH, EC, TDS, salinity and turbidity. Titrimetricmethods were used for chemical parametersCl−, total hardness, Ca2+ and Mg2+. UV-Visspectrophotometricfor NO3 − , SO42− , F− , Fe2+and Mn2+ and Flame Atomic Absorp...

Designing And Implementation Of An Inferential Engine Prototype For Degree-Program Recommendation

ABSTRACT In this study students’ admission forms and the Internet were used to create datasets in order to design, implement and test a prototype for an inferential engine for degree programme recommendation. The said engine is a Machine Leaning (ML) tool to be used by students for selection of degree programmes. The dataset had 17 features which represented ordinary and advanced level performances, category of schools of admission and student gender. Data in the dataset was unevenly distri...

Ecological Factors and the Prevalence of Trypanosome Infections and Its Economic Implications for Livestock Industry in Simanjiro, Tanzania:

ABSTRACT Aims: Trypanosomosis is among one of the tropical neglected diseases which have impacted on human, livestock and wildlife. Different factors have been discussed by various researchers but ecological factors being considered in nutshell. This paper aimed at reviewing details on how the ecological factors influence the prevalence of trypanosome. Study Design: Literature review where various literatures have been reviewed and the information synthesized. This paper has placed focus on: ...

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