Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Price Based Spectrum Sharing Scheme in Wireless Cellular Networks

Abstract Radio frequency spectrum scarcity has become a high priority research area over the past few years. The huge increase of network subscribers with multimedia applications coupled with underutilization of radio frequency spectrum motivates the search for other measures to address the scarcity of radio frequency spectrum. This work investigates on a price based spectrum sharing scheme for connection-oriented traffic in wireless cellular networks as a solution to address the scarcity of ...

Anisotropic Neutral Models With Van Der Waals Equation Of State

ABSTRACT We find new exact solutions to Einstein-Maxwell field equation for neutral anisotropy stellar stars with Van der Waals equation of state. We adopted Sunzu, Maharaj and Ray‘s metric function and measure of anisotropy. The solutions are obtained after considering the transformed Einstein-Maxwell field equations for neutral anisotropic matter. In our models, we regain previous anisotropic and isotropic results as a special case. We consider the space-time geometry to be static spheric...

Potential Biological Applications Of Bio-Based Anacardic Acids And Their Derivatives

Abstract: Cashew nut shells (CNS), which are agro wastes from cashew nut processing factories, have proven to be among the most versatile bio-based renewable materials in the search for functional materials and chemicals from renewable resources. CNS are produced in the cashew nut processing process as waste, but they contain cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) up to about 30–35 wt. % of the nut shell weight depending on the method of extraction. CNSL is a mixture of anacardic acid, cardanol, ca...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Malaria Among Symptomatic Patients Attending Tumbi Referral Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study

Abstract Background Despite significant improvement in prevention and control over the past decades malaria remains a significant public health concern in Tanzania with 93% of the population being at risk. To prevent malaria infection and promote malaria free zones, understanding the community’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward malaria control are essential. This study therefore aimed at determining the levels of understanding, and attitudes, as well as socio-cultural aspects...

Examination Of Natural Radioactivity In Building Material In Katsina State Using Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (A Case Study Of Cement Block)

Abstract Twenty Concrete Blocks from (20) different Local Governments in Katsina state was measured using Gamma Ray Spectroscopy with NaI (TL) detector. Three naturally Occurring Radionuclides and their activity concentrations were determined, are 40K 226Ra, and 232Th. Their activity Concentrations ranges from 40K 46.11 ± 826.59 to 46.11± 8.55 Bq/kg, (226Ra) ranged from10.19 ± 2.43Bq/kg to 75.09 ± 4.98 Bq/kg and (232Th) ranged from 2.77 ± 9.59Bq/kg to 123.49 ± 9.35Bq/kg respectivel...

Parents’ Practices And Barriers In Reducing Aflatoxins Contamination In Complementary Foods For Children In Central Regions Of Tanzania

Abstract Contamination of complementary foods by aflatoxin is a serious public health threat that requires attention to ensure that proper actions are taken to limit its health effects. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess parents’ practices and barriers associated with reducing aflatoxins contamination in complementary foods among parents with children aged 6-23 months in central regions of Tanzania. Semi-structured questionnaire (364) respondents and focus group discussion (FG...

Developing And Evaluating An Online Electronic Theses And Dissertations System: A Case Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT Theses and dissertations are among the most important sources of valid detailed information on a particular subject on which researchers conduct widespread research work. This study aimed at developing and evaluating an online electronic theses and dissertations system. The University of Dodoma was used as a case study for this dissertation. A mixed approach data collection method was used effectively in this study. Several literatures were reviewed so as to identify challenges that ...

Investigating The Impact Of Network Topologies On The Performance Of Openflow Protocol

ABSTRACT This research investigated the impact of network topologies on the performance of OpenFlow protocol. OpenFlow Protocol is a southbound protocol over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN architecture separates the intelligence (decision making) part (control plane) of network devices from forwarding capability (data plane). OpenFlow protocol is the communication protocol for exchanging control messages between control plane and data plane. The research i...

Optimisation Of Bioethanol Production From Some Plants Waste Using Acids Pretreatment

ABSTRACT The potentials of Saw dust, Rice husk and Groundnut shells were investigated for bioethanol production. The substrates were pretreated using 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% solution of dilute H2SO4 and HCl. The pretreated substrates were thermally treated at 1050C in order to detoxify them. The pretreated substrates obtained using different concentrations of acids were fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast). The results show that Rice husk treated with 4% H2SO4 (2.689%dryweight) has...

Modelling Of Primary School Pupils’ Academic Performance In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The foundation of educational development of any country through all ages has been focusing on the quality basic education from which the primary school pupils’ academic performance is of greatest interest. Basing on its important, this study was conducted in order to develop a model for the primary school pupils’ academic performance in Tanzania. The study employed panel longitudinal research design. Secondary data that were used in the study were collected from the President�...

Models For Anisotropic Stellar Objects With No Electric Field

Abstract In this dissertation, we generate solutions to Einstein-Maxwell field equations devoted to neutral anisotropic stellar objects using linear equation of state. The field equations are transformed by adopting Bannerji and Durgapal transformation. We generated the solutions to Einstein field equations and obtain matter variables and gravitational potentials by using the general differential equation governing the model. In our model, isotropic results are regained as a special case. Th...

A Study On The Impact Of Network Topologies On The Performance Of Openflow Controller

ABSTRACT Software-Defined Network (SDN) is a new and booming network paradigm that promises to improve network performance. This is achieved by the separation of the control plane and the data plane. The traditional network faced a lot of challenges particularly on how to improve network performance, manual configurations of the network devices, and many more others. SDN overcome all these challenges by introducing the SDN controller that controls the entire network. This research work studie...

Critical success factors for m‐Government adoption in Tanzania: A conceptual framework

Abstract The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has given rise to the mobile government (m‐Government). A new channel of public service delivery using a mobile phone. In Tanzania, several m‐Government initiatives have been undertaken. Among these, some can be said to have succeeded while others are still struggling. The reasons for these variations are not known. This study aimed to capture the critical success factors (CSFs) for the adoption of m‐Government and propose a f...

Evaluating The Service Performance Of Fund Management Information System Of Zanzibar Social Security Fund

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to evaluate the service performance of Fund Management Information System (FuMIS) of Zanzibar Social Security Fund (ZSSF). The data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews, technical documentary reviews and system analysis when the system users interacted with the system. The study examined the level of users‟ satisfaction on data accessibility from the system, response time, usability of computer applications and the system interfaces, as well a...

The Odd Generalized Exponential Loglogistic Distribution Group Acceptance Sampling Plan

ABSTRACT In this manuscript, a group acceptance sampling plan (GASP) is developed when the lifetime of the items follows odd generalized exponential log-logistic distribution (OGELLD), the multiple number of items as a group can be tested simultaneously in a tester. The design parameters such as the minimum group size and the acceptance number are derived when the consumer’s risk and the test termination time are specified. The operating characteristic (OC) function values are calculated (...

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