Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Chemical Characterisation Of The Volatile Constituents Of Essential Oil From Commiphora Wildii (Omumbiri) Resin

ABSTRACT Commiphora wildii (Omumbiri), a member of the Burseraceae family, is the most important resin‒producing plant used by Himba women for perfume. The Opuwo Processing Facility (OPF) is currently producing Omumbiri essential oil which they supply to companies in Namibia, South Africa, Germany and France. However, most of their products are sold in Southern Africa, and supply outweighs the demand. OPF is currently working on improving the reproducibility of production of the oil to mak...

Ethnobotanical Survey And In Vitro Evaluation Of Antimicrobial Activity Of Plants Traditionally Used As Herbs And Spices From Kabbe Constituencies In Zambezi Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT The aims of this study were to conduct an ethnobotanical survey on indigenous knowledge of plants traditionally used as herbs and spices in Kabbe constituencies of the Zambezi region, evaluate their antimicrobial activity, determine their synergistic effects, and further elucidate their potential mechanism of action. Using semistructured interviews and closed-end questionnaires, ethnobotanical data were collected from local informants in fourteen villages of Kabbe constituencies bet...

Effects of Inclusion of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) on The Physico-Chemical, Sensory And Microbial Properties of The Hamburger

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine the contribution of mushroom to the Physico-chemical, nutritive and sensory properties of hamburger. Four burger samples were prepared with different combinations (0%, 20%, 40% and 60%) of mushroom. The inclusion of mushroom caused a general decrease in the protein, fat, moisture, ash, mineral element, vitamin as well as a soluble protein and an increase in the carbohydrate contents of hamburgers. The proximate and soluble protein contents of...

Ethnobotany And Bioactivity Of Medicinal Plants Used To Treat Symptoms Associated With Gastro-Intestinal Infections In Namibia

ABSTRACT The goal of the study was to determine the plants used in Namibia to treat symptoms linked to gastro-intestinal tract infections (GITI) and to verify their antimicrobial activity. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted to document plants used in Namibia to treat symptoms related to GITI, and eighteen plant species (from 16 families) were collected and identified. Aqueous and organic extraction methods were used to obtain crude extracts that were tested on Escherichia coli, Staphyloc...

Mechanism For The Adsorption Of Mucin On Hydroxyapatite

ABSTRACT The adsorptive ability of mUCIn onto hydroxyapatite was evaluated based on its adsorptive amount and adsorptive strength. The adsorptive amount was determined by measuring the amount of mucin adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite while adsorptive strength was determined by measuring the amount of mucin remaining adsorbed after rinsing. The amount of mucin adsorbed onto the substrates in all cases followed the order Sigma grade HAP> synthesized HAP> CHP and generally increased with increa...

Adoption Of Mobile Technology For Knowledge Management In Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study Of Mahashakti Kenya Limited, Athi River

ABSTRACT Knowledge management is a field with a lot of potential that can benefit individuals as well as different types of organizations. Despite this fact, most organizations in Kenya have focused on knowledge storage, but have not adopted sharing of the stored knowledge. This study examined the adoption of mobile technology for knowledge management in Mahashakti Kenya Limited, Athi River. The study was guided by the following objectives: To assess the extent of adoption of mobile technolo...

Mathematical Analysis of Hemodynamic Pulse Wave in Human Fluid -Structure Interaction

Abstract  The mathematical study of human pulse wave was studied with the view to gaining an insight into physiological situations. Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) in blood flow is associated with pressure pulse wave arising from ventricular ejection. Solution of the coupled system of non-linear PDEs that arose from the FSI was sought in order to determine pressure. Further study on pressure pulse waves showed that the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations hold well for the propagation of nonl...

Bacteriological and Physicochemical Analysis of Public Drinking Water Sources in Sokoto Metropolis

ABSTRACT Bacteriological and physicochemical properties of drinking water (tap, well and borehole) in Sokoto metropolis were investigated to determine the level of contamination and the persistence of target organisms. A total of 270 samples comprising of 90 well water samples, 90 tap water samples and 90 boreholes water samples were obtained from some parts of Sokoto metropolis and analyzed using standard procedures. Total coliform count, heterotrophic plate count, physico-chemical prop...

Magnetohydrodynamic Unsteady Free Convection Flow Past Vertical Porous Plates with Suction and Oscillating Boundaries

ABSTRACT In this dissertation, the problems of Magnetohydrodynamic unsteady free convection flow past vertical porous plates with suction and oscillating boundaries are studied. The linear and nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flow problems and boundary conditions were transformed into dimensionless form, and the perturbation techniques applied in getting analytical solutions for the velocity, temperature, the skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number. It was obse...

Comparative Analysis of Acid Activated Nteje Clay And Two Commercially Available Adsorbents(Fullers Earth And Activated Carbon)

ABSTRACT The composition and bleaching properties of Nteje clay in comparison with two commercially available adsorbents (activated carbon and fuller’s earth) were investigated to study its competence for use as an alternative to high cost imported adsorbents. The modification of the raw clay sample was carried out by acid activation to enhance the surface area of the clay by exchange of octahedral cations e.g Al3+, Fe3+ and Mg2+ with H+ ions which led to the modification of the clay cryst...

Construction of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs within Unequal Block Sizes

Abstract -. "Since. statisticians do not usually perform an experiment, their claim to attention when they write on experimentation requires some explanations", William Cochran and Gertrude Cox (1957). Block designs are widely used in many fields of research. Their most common type is the randomized (complete) block design. It is not applicable in all circumstances. If the numbers of (elements are too large to preserve homogeneous conditions within complete blocks or the sizes of blocks are d...

Developing And Assessing A Cyber-Resilience Framework For Kenyan Banks.

ABSTRACT Rampant cyber incidences in Kenya targeting banks call for mediations beyond existing cybersecurity principles. This quantitative study sought to collate multi-domain variables from previous works to develop a framework for measuring cyber-resilience in Kenyan banks known as the Cyber-resilience Framework for Banks (CRF4Banks). The framework consists of eight key cyber-resilience constructs and their constituent variables, identified from empirical research and literature. Cyber-res...

Prediction of Reservoir Quality Continuity And Gross Despositional Environment Within The H-Sand Reservoirs in Parts of The Xin Fields, Niger Delta Basin

ABSTRACT  The search for more hydrocarbons in some old fields in the onshore and shelf parts of the Niger Delta Basin is gradually becoming a major avenue for increasing the nation’s reserves. Some asset teams now have new mandates to re-evaluate key hydrocarbon reservoirs in such fields for effective optimization and production. The major reason for the re-evaluation is that some of the reservoirs between the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene (34.0 Ma and 31.3 Ma) were wrongly tagged and ma...

Mathematical Models For Influenza A Virus And Pneumococcus: Within–Host And Between–Host Infection

ABSTRACT Infectious diseases have become problematic throughout the world, threatening individuals who come into contact with pathogens responsible for transmitting diseases. Pneumoccocal pneumonia, a secondary bacterial infection follows an influenza A infection, responsible for morbidity and mortality in children, elderly and immuno–comprised groups. The aims of this Thesis are to; develop a mathematical model for within–host co–infection of influenza A virus and pneumococcus, model ...

Goal Models Vs Five Forces Models: A Comparative Study of Strategic Analyses

The performance of an enterprise is determined by its strategic objectives, and the strategic plan it adopts through some form of strategic analysis in order to meet these objectives. However, strategic analysis is currently only supported through unsystematic and informal processes such as SWOT analysis and the Five Forces Model. This thesis proposes conceptual goal modeling as a systematic approach to strategic analysis and shows through a comparative study how this analysis can be conducte...

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