Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Statistical Assessment Of Fading Fingerprint

Abstract Fingerprint emerged as an important system within the security agencies, government offices and court of law in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons. No two fingerprints have ever been found identical in billions of human and automated computer comparisons. Fingerprint is thus claimed to outperform DNA and all other human identification systems. However, genetic mutation and effect of certain drugs have...

Unsteady Stagnation Point Flow With Partial Slip

ABSTRACT  The no-slip boundary condition at a solid-liquid interface is primarily to understanding fluid mechanics. However, this condition is an assumption that cannot be derived from first principles and could, in theory, be violated. In this work, we investigate numerically and theoretically the subject involving partial slip boundary conditions. The physical imagery that emerges is that of a complex behaviour at an unsteady hydromagnetic stretching solid interface, with stagnation point ...

Deformation And Field Near A Crack Tip Under Thermal Stress

ABSTRACT In this research, we investigated the deformation field near a crack tip due to thermal stress. Crack tip singularities are examined using a line integral that exhibits path independence of all contours near the tip of the crack in a two-dimensional deformation field of an elastic material. The approach of using the J- Integral is used to extract the magnitude of crack tip stress intensity factor for thermal stress crack problem. The characteristics of the J-integral in the presence...

The k-Analogues of Some Inequalities for the Digamma Function

Abstract In this paper, we present the k-analogues of some inequalities concerning the digamma function.

Evaluation Of Kobada North Gold Resource, Mali, Using Two Different Drill Directions

ABSTRACT The 22.5 km2 Kobada project which is located in the Kangaba Cercle of the Koulikouro region of Mali, is owned and operated by African Gold Group Inc. (AGG), a Canadian junior exploration company (Fig. 1.1 shows perimeter for 22.5 km2; fig. 1.9 shows perimeter for consolidated permit of 215 km2). Notably the permit hosts a soil anomaly greater than 500 ppm arsenic that extends over 12 km of strike length and one kilometre of width, which is offset to the west of extensive artisanal su...

Life history of Chrysichthys catfish in Volta Lake, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study, undertaken during 1974 to 1977 in Volta Lake, investigated the identification, abundance and distribution, reproductive biology and weight-length relationships of four Chrysichthys species (C . a u ratus, C. walkeri, C. velifer and C. furcatus). The species were separated on basis of position of the dorsal fin, color of the barbels and the body and shape of the caudal fin and its lobes. Gill rakers also proved of some value. The Volta Lake, on the Volta River in Ghana, is...

Design, Construction and Assessment of an Improved Hybrid Charcoal-LPG Cookstove

ABSTRACT Globally three (3) billion people use inefficient cook stoves and fuels and the smoke emitted from these cook stoves leads to 4.3 million deaths per year. In Ghana, 70% of households use traditional cook stoves and solid fuels whose emissions lead to 17,000 deaths every year with 50% of them being children under five (5) years of age. Whilst the negative health impacts of the emissions generated by these cook stoves is increasingly being recognized, there are limited varieties of imp...

Quality Evaluation Of Artisanally Produced Honey Sold On Ghanaian Markets

ABSTRACT Honey is the most commercialized bee product in Ghana. It is utilized by all age groups and religious bodies with increasing demand. However, the production, packaging and handling has been associated with unsanitary and unhygienic practices with scanty documented information on production practices. Most of the artisanal honey are also mainly retailed in places where environmental conditions and handling practices do not meet fundamental food hygiene standards. This study sought to ...

Evaluation Of Some Nutraceutical Properties Of Lesser Known Functional Foods In Ghana

ABSTRACT Functional foods are foods that possess other health benefits apart from their regular nutritional benefits. A functional food may contain nutraceutical properties, which have components, responsible for curing or preventing a disease or disorder. There are several indigenous foods in Ghana that have been purported to possess functional properties. The claim to functionality of some of these indigenous foods are based on folklore but the scientific backing to these claims may not be ...

Comparative Study Of The Prevalence Of Hearing Loss Among Hepatitis B Virus Infected Patients And Uninfected Volunteers: A Case Study

ABSTRACT Background: Worldwide the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is considered a major public health concern, infecting about two billion people. Annually, the disease accounts for about one million deaths. The prevalence of the disease is considered high in Africa, affecting about 8% of the population in West Africa and between 5 to 7% in Southern, Eastern, and Central Africa. Ghana has a high prevalence rate of 12.3% with most infected persons seeking medical attention at the terminal s...

Modelling Rates Of Inflation In Ghana: An Application Of Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (Arch) Type Models

ABSTRACT The research is based on financial time series modelling with special application to modelling inflation data for Ghana. In particular the theory of time series is explored and applied to the inflation data spanning from January 1965 to December 2012 which were obtained from the Ghana Statistical Service. Three Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (ARCH) family type models (traditional ARCH, Generalized ARCH (GARCH), and the Exponential GARCH (EGARCH)) models were fitted to the...

Quasiconvex Functions On Time Scales And Applications

ABSTRACT  In this thesis, the notion of quasiconvex functions on time scales and some properties are established. The subdifferential for quasiconvex function on time scales is presented as well as some properties regarding quasiconvex function. Some Jensen’s inequalities for quasiconvex functions on time scales are also given with some applications. The study again proves that Jensen’s inequality holds for quasiconcave monetary utility function in conjunction with convex, concave, quasi...

Temporal Modelling Of Currency In Circulation In Ghana

ABSTRACT  The Currency in Circulation is the outstanding amount of notes and COIns circulated in the economy and are the most liquid monetary aggregate. In this study, data on monthly Currency in Circulation obtained from the Bank of Ghana database was modelled using both SARIMA model and Regression model with ARIMA errors. The results revealed that ARIMA (0, 1, 1)(0, 1, 1)12 model was the best SARIMA model for the Currency in Circulation. This model has the least AIC of -372.16, AICc of -37...

Stakeholders Participation As A Determinant Of Effective Implementation Of Land Use Plans In Tamale Metropolis In Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  The study focused on the assessment of stakeholders participation as a determinant for effective land use plans implementation in the Tamale Metropolis of Northern Region of Ghana. Primary data was then collected from households and institutions and analyzed. The study revealed that those factors such as leadership qualities, transparency, resources availability and centralization of decisions affect successful stakeholders’ participation in implementation of land use plans. The ...

Application Of Linear Programming To Media Selection Planning: A Case Study Of Mobile Telecommunication Network (Mtn)

ABSTRACT Generally this research used Linear Programming techniques to investigate the budgetary allocation of MTN Company for effective media selection planning. The problem was formulated as a linear programming technique by using the available data obtained from the company and other media sources. Mathematical software which embodied the simplex algorithm techniques such as Quantitative Manager for Business version 3.2 and Linear Programming Solver version 5.2.2 were used to solve the res...

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