Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Magnetoelectric, dielectric, and magnetic investigations of multiferroic NixCo1-xFe2O4-SryBa1-yNb2O6 composites

Magnetoelectric (NixCo1-xFe2O4)0.3-(SryBa1-yNb2O6)0.7 composites with a 0–3 connectivity and different cation stoichiometries were synthesized via a classical mixed-oxide method. XRD patterns of all ceramics show reflections of the target phases SryBa1-yNb2O6 and NixCo1-xFe2O4. The influence of stoichiometry of the ferrimagnetic and ferroelectric phase on the magnetoelectric behavior was studied on composites with composition of (NixCo1-xFe2O4)0.3-(Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6)0.7 and (NiFe2O4)0.3-(SryB...

Intraspecific and interspecific olfactory interactions and density of leopards Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa

Abstract: The olfactory behavioural ecology of large solitary carnivores is still poorly understood. Meanwhile, these species represent challenging cases in conservation and management. They are frequently involved in conflicts with farmers, depredating livestock and being killed in retaliation. Low densities and large territories also make it hard to assess their population status accurately. This thesis aimed to improve our understanding of the African leopard (Panthera pardus) olfactory e...

Geology and economic mineralization of the neoproterozoic Mozambique belt rocks of the Mwitika-Makongo area, Kitui County, South Eastern Kenya

Abstract: The Mwitika-Makongo research area occurs within the Neoproterozoic Mozambique metamorphic belt in Kenya and is located in Kitui East sub-county of Kitui County. The area is bounded by longitudes 38° 18'E and 38° 26'E and latitudes 1° 22'S and 1° 32'S. This area is easily accessed from the Nairobi-Thika-Kitui-Zombe road or the Nairobi –Machakos-Kitui-Zombe road. From previous geological works, it had been established that several mineral resources of economic potential like ir...

An assessment of demographic parameters of African rhinoceros species (Diceros bicornis and Ceratotherium simum) and their significance to management in captivity

Abstract: Captive-breeding has been identified as an integral part of the conservation of threatened species. The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) as a species is currently listed by the IUCN as critically endangered (CR), while the white rhinoceros’s (Ceratotherium simum) current status is near-threatened (NT). Three African rhinoceros subspecies currently occur in captive populations in regional population management programmes, namely the South-central black rhinoceros (Diceros bicor...

Understanding current and potential distribution of Australian acacia species in southern Africa

Abstract: This dissertation presents research on the value of using different sources of data to explore the factors determining invasiveness of introduced species. The research draws upon the availability of data on the historical trial plantings of alien species and other sources. The focus of the study is on Australian Acacia species as a taxon introduced into southern Africa (Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland). The first component of the study focused on understanding the factors deter...

Impacts of a specialist diet on aardwolf ecology

Abstract: The diet of an animal plays a fundamental role in its ecology, and the consequence of a specific diet may be more pronounced in mammals with a specialised diet that are more reliant on a specific food type. This can have a dramatic effect on its activity patterns, home range size and the interaction with heterospecifics. Investigating the diet of specialist mammals and the subsequent effects it will have on their ecology is thus vital to the management and subsequent conservation o...

Population structure and predation in the harvester termite, Trinervitermes trinervoides

Abstract: Little information is available on the termite species in southern Africa, especially Trinervitermes trinervoides (Sjöstedt). This is an endemic, non-detrimental harvester termite that performs vital ecosystem functions in the semi-arid grassland ecosystem of southern Africa. T. trinervoides is the only termite species that does not compete with grazers for foraging material since they harvest litter grass. T. trinervoides are highly eusocial, mound-building, nasute termites. The ...

The Significance of Innovation and Technology in Transforming Food Security in East Africa

Abstract: One of the major global concerns historically and in the twenty-first century is providing sufficient, safe and nutritious food to all people. New, existing and emerging technologies can help address the issue of food security in the East Africa region. This research examines the significance of innovation and technology in transforming the food systems in East Africa. Achieving hunger and improved food systems by 2030 according to the new sustainable development goals, will requir...

Assessment of factors influencing the nutritional status of under-fives living with HIV/AIDS

Abstract: Factors that influence the nutritional status of under-fives living with HIV/AIDS were assessed through a descriptive survey. These factors included feeding practices, health and socio-economic characteristics. The study was carried out at the Lea Toto Programme situated at Kangemi, Nairobi. Purposive sampling was used to select the under-fives. Stratified random sampling was done according to age and gender then random sampling done to obtain a proportionate number from each strat...

The functional importance of termites across a savanna rainfall gradient

Abstract: Termites are ecosystem engineers with well documented functional roles in African savannas. However, how their importance changes across environmental gradients, such as rainfall and nutrition, is less understood. Using LiDAR data from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory, I mapped the distribution of termite mounds across an entire river catchment in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Abiotic factors shaped mound densities at broader landscape scales, while local hillslope morph...

The retinal photoreceptor topography and daily responses to illumination in a nocturnal and a diurnal South African rodent

Abstract: A number of daily rhythms were investigated under different lighting conditions and the topographical arrangements of visual (rods/cones) and non-visual retinal photoreceptors (ipRGCs) determined, in the Namaqua rock mouse (Micaelamys namaquensis) and the four striped field mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio). The present study provides evidence that M. namaquensis possesses a distinctly nocturnal locomotor activity rhythm that is endogenously entrained by the light-dark cycle, with a near 2...

A Genetic Study Of Two Inshore Dolphin Species (Cephalorhynchus Heavisidii And Tursiops Aduncus) Found Along The Coast Of South Africa

Abstract: Genetic parameters such as genetic variability, gene flow, relatedness and migration were determined between two South African coastal delphinid species, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Heaviside’s dolphin) and Tursiops aduncus (Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphin), in order to contribute towards designing efficient conservation management strategies. The molecular markers used in this study include the mitochondrial DNA control region (mtDNA) and several microsatellite loci that were ch...

Phylogeography and venom composition of the rinkhals, Hemachatus haemachatus (Squamata: Elapidae)

Abstract: Phylogeographic patterns as well as divergence date estimates and the past population demography of Hemachatus haemachatus were analysed using nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers. My results suggest that H. haemachatus forms a continuous population that diverged into two broad lineages due to glacial and interglacial cycles during the Plio-Pleistocene interval. During this interval, stable populations existed in the southern Cape and eastern inland regions of southern Africa....

Investigating Private Landowners' Willingness to Manage and Protect Oribi Antelope ( Ourebia ourebi )

Abstract: Oribi antelope (Ourebia ourebi), South Africa’s most endangered antelope species, are predominantly found on privately-owned lands. As such, the implementation of conservation strategies on these lands is essential if the species is to avoid extinction in South Africa. In order to develop effective private land conservation strategies for oribi, it is necessary to go beyond the ecology of the species and possess an understanding of private landowners’ attitudes towards and know...

Phenotypic flexibility of digestion in White-browed Sparrow-Weavers (Plocepasser mahali): limits to digestive flexibility and dietary enzyme modulation

Abstract: Many aspects of animal digestive form and function vary with ecological factors including diet composition and food availability. I examined phenotypic flexibility of digestive traits in white-browed sparrow-weavers (Plocepasser mahali), a widespread southern African passerine in which the ratio of insects to plant matter consumed varies seasonally. I predicted that digestive traits of P. mahali are modulated in response to diet composition. For experiment one, I caught forty-five ...

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