Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Relative Efficiency of Sum Constructed Automorphic Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

Abstract/Overview Several construction methods have been introduced to build the elements of BIBDs’ for specific parameters, with different techniques suggested for testing their existence, still no general technique to determine the efficiencies of these designs has been realized. In this study the efficiencies and relative efficiencies of Sum constructed automorphic symmetric balanced incomplete block designs with respect to parent designs has been presented. The process involved the ...

The Effects of Herbivory on interactions of pollinators and flowers in Acacia SPP. (Fabaceae,mimosoideae) in Laikipia

Abstract Acacia trees are among the most dominant tree species found in semi arid ecosystems with a vast geographical distribution throughout the savanna habitats. The trees are leguminous and have remarkable ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, thereby, improving fertility. About all parts of an Acacia tree are edible to different types of animals and their leaves provide the only greenery in the dry season, so are bound to be eaten. As such, they support enormous pyramids of biomass in com...

Molecular Phylogeny of Selected Kenyan Eucalyptus Species Inferred from MatK, rbcL and TrnL-F Genes and Their Suitability for Power Transmission Poles

Abstract Genus Eucalyptus belongs to the family Myrtaceae and consists of more than 900 species, various hybrids and varieties. The major species that are grown in Kenya are Eucalyptus grandis, E. globulus, E. saligna and E. camaldulensis. Most Eucalyptus species are highly dependent on rainfall and this is challenged by climatic changes owing to global warming making it difficult to effectively match the availability of mature trees and the market demand especially for use as power transmi...

Nematode diversity and its association with soil properties in monocrop pigeon pea

Abstract Pigeon pea is a versatile pulse crop grown in semi-arid regions of Kenya; however, its production is affected by plant-parasitic nematodes. The current study was undertaken to investigate the diversity of nematodes and the influence of soil properties on their diversity in monocrop pigeon pea fields in Mbeere North, Embu County, Kenya. Soil samples were collected from Gatunguru B, Gwakaithi, Itururi, Kambungu, Kanyueri, Karigiri, Mbangua and Njarange regions. From each field, soil s...

Acceptability of Cereal-Cricket Composite Porridge as Influenced by Socio-Economic Factors and Breast-Feeding Status of Mothers and Care-Givers in Siaya County, Kenya

Abstract The trajectory for widespread integration of edible insects into the human diet is still confronted by low acceptability especially among communities that traditionally or habitually do not consume insects. While the concern today is how best to present edible insects into food matrices that improve their acceptability, this development should be aligned with consumer intrigues into the choices of insect-based foods. This study determined the influence of socio-economic factors (age...

Microbial Community Diversity and Structure within Organic and Conventional Farming Systems in Central Highlands of Kenya

Abstract Microbial diversity and function in agro-ecosystems is influenced by various aspects linked to soil and agronomic practices for example, tillage, irrigation, crop rotation and application of organic and inorganic inputs. Farming systems practices may affect the dynamic interactions existing between soil, plant and microorganisms in different agricultural biomes. Due to limitations associated with conventional microbial cultivation strategies, only a fractional number of cultivable s...


Despite the rise in Ghana’s GDP per capita, food insecurity is still a challenge. Data from the World Income Inequality Database show that the consistent rise in Ghana’s GDP per capita income is accompanied by a rising income inequality trend. The rising income inequality is attributed to rising incomes of only the wealthy classes, leaving more people in economic crises. While several determinants of household food insecurity have been examined, the role of household income inequality is ...

Modal Analysis of aSmall H-Darrieus Wind Turbine Based on 3D CAD, FEA

Abstract: Rotary machines have many rotating structures necessity design-optimization. Their structure motions are controlled at low-frequency by rigidity, at high-frequency by inertia and at resonance level by damping. Using a modal model, dynamic design of the structure developed can be predicted, analyzed and improved. Recently, H-Darrieus wind turbine (HDWT) has received considerable attention due to its inherent structural characteristics. This machine intends a promising design of a re...

Modeling and Forecasting Inflation in Ethiopia Using Multivariate Time Series Analysis

Inflation is one of the basic indicators of macroeconomic stability, influences numerous other macroeconomic factors and it debilitates the economy of the country. Thus, in this study, the major objective was based on modelling and forecast inflation in Ethiopia and its components using a VAR model. all five series exhibited an increasing pattern, indicating non-stationarity in each of the series. The analysis was based on annually data from 1992 to 2021, encompassing 30 years. The results in...

Lipid Stability in Soy Flours Produced From Raw and Processed Soybeans

ABSTRACT Soybean, a high protein/oil legume is known to contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are susceptible to lipid oxidation and hydrolysis. However, suitable processing methods and storage conditions can enhance the stability of lipids in soy flour. The objective of the project was to investigate the effects of some processing methods and storage conditions on the stability of lipids in soy flour and to define the parameters for the prediction of the shelf life of soy...

Influence of Food Price Hike on the Nutritional Quality of Foods Consumed by Lactating Mothers in Zamfara State, Nigeria

Abstract Almost one-third of lactating mothers in Sub-Saharan Africa are undernourished. The study examined the effect of food price hike on the nutritional quality of lactating mothers in Nigeria with particular reference to Gusau metropolis, Zamfara state, Nigeria. The study is quantitative using cross-sectional and survey research techniques. The research analysed data from 467 lactating mothers in Gusau metropolis employing snowballing sampling technique. Data were analysed using Statisti...


Plants have been known to be used in the treatment and management of diseases, and this is due to the presence of phytochemicals. Thus, the screening of plants qualitatively, has got the interest of researchers. Moringa Oleifera is a fast growing deciduous tree with its different plant parts commonly used in herbal medicine, also with good socio-economic and industrial values. In this study qualitative photochemical screening was carried on Moringa oleifera leaves extract to test for alkal...

Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Charcoal Production Areas in Nasarawa State

Wood charcoal is the most important means of human exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were observed in soil sample and charcoal is the major source of human exposure to PAHs. In the present study, the PAHs concentrations were determined using gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS), and the results showed that all the PAHs analyzed were below and above detection limits of the equipment; and these were considered to present l...


ABSTRACT Freshly extracted juices obtained from organically and conventionally produced orange and apple fruits were assayed in terms of their nutritional quality. Parameters used in the assessment were total soluble sugars, ascorbic acid content, folic acid concentration, acidity, glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose contents, as well as the concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and copper. Total and individual sugars were detected using HPLC while brix concentrations we...

Assessing the reliability and accuracy of sex estimation models utilizing sternal morphometry derived from computed tomography in the Ghanaian population

Sex estimation models are specific to populations and cannot be generalized due to genetic and environmental variabilities. This retrospective cross-sectional study, conducted between January and September 2023 at the Tamale Teaching Hospital, included 119 (50.9 %) females and 115 (49.1 %) males aged 23–82 years. Measurements, including manubrium length (M), manubrium width (MW), sternal body length (B), combined manubrium and sternal body lengths (CL), corpus sterni width at first sternebr...

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