Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Antimicrobial Resistance And Genetic Diversity of Staphylococcus Aerus From Surgical Site Infections at Two Hospitals in Ghana

ABSTRACT Background Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most common healthcare-associated infections affecting surgical patients. Such infections are often caused by methicillin-susceptible as well as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is resistant to the entire class of beta-lactam antimicrobials; which are largely used in clinical medicine. Patients infected with MRSAs therefore have limited therapeutic options, and this may ...

Enhancement of Solubility, Dissolution And Stability Properties of Griseofulvin

ABSTRACT  Good aqueous solubility and permeability of a drug is essential for the desired concentration (bioavailability) to be achieved in systemic circulation. Poor solubility of drugs remains a major challenge in pharmaceutical firms. Such drugs lead to poor bioavailability, dissolution rates, stability, permeation through membrane and extensive presystemic metabolism. Oral route remains the preferred choice of drug administration but the poor solubility of Griseofulvin, a class II drug o...

Seasonal Dynamics Of Benthic Macrofauna In The Keta Lagoon

ABSTRACT to influence habitat heterogeneity, possibly serving as strong predictors macrofaunal assemblage and abundance in the Keta lagoon. Some I agoons a re dumping a reas for d isposal o f waste f rom u rban and i ndustrial areas. In some places their water is used for the cooling o f generators o f electric power plants, which return effluent of warmed water to the lagoon. Coastal lagoons are economically important in their use for aquaculture facilities ((Day and Yanez- Arancibia, 1985;...

Epidemiology and Molecular Characterization of Giardia Lamblia and Cryptosporidium Sp. Infections among Children In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis remain as part of the commonest gastroenteritis in Ghana. The diseases are caused by the protozoan parasites, Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium sp. respectively. Inadequate supply of treated water and poor sanitation are some of the key factors leading to the spread of these infections. Being zoonotic diseases, it is suspected that, a large proportion of human infections could come from infected domestic and farm animals. Though, use of molecular to...

Effects Of Some Cultural Practices And Some Plant Extracts On The Wilt Disease Of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill) Grown In Owerri Metropolis In Imo State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The effects of some cultural practices and some plant extracts on wilt disease of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in Owerri, were studied. The experiments were conducted in 2010, 2011 and 2015 at the Teaching and Research Farm and in the Crop Science and Technology Laboratory of the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The investigation consisted of three (3) different experiments and each repeated two...

Anti-Inflammatory Medicinal Plants As Anti-Oxidants And Inhibitors Of Proinflammatory Eicosanoid Biosynthesis

ABSTRACT Arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism that leads to the production of both anti- and pro-inflammatory eicosanoids is a standard assay used to investigate the basis for the therapeutic action of anti-inflammatory medicinal plants. Earlier investigations have established the efficacy of some herbal preparations in terms of their ability to increase the amounts of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. Desm.od.ium adscendens and Parkitina sp. ('Tina A' ) increased PGE2 and PGI2 synthesis and inhibit...

Insects Associated With Citronella In South-Eastern Ghana, With Particular Reference To ShootborersInsects Associated With Citronella In South-Eastern Ghana, With Particular Reference To Shoo

ABSTRACT Insects associated with citronella were surveyed in the south-eastern part of Ghana for 11 months. Using two different sweep nets, intensive and extensive surveys showed that the foliage of citronella was associated with a diverse insect fauna comprising 10 orders and 102 families as follows: Hymenoptera (29), Diptera (32), Homoptera (8), Hemiptera (12), Coleoptera (10), Dictyoptera (2), Orthoptera (3), Lepidoptera (2), Dermaptera (1), and Neuroptera (3). The shoot of citronella was ...

Establishing Clinical Normative Data For Neurodiagnostic Auditory Brainstem Response Testing For The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Auditory Brainstem Response are series of scalp recorded electrical potentials of neural activity generated within the auditory nerve, nuclei and tracts of the lower brainstem during the first 10 ms after a click or tone pip stimulus presentation. Aim: To develop normative data for the Intelligent Hearing Systems Smart EP systems (IHS) at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital’s Hearing Assessment Center (KBTHHAC). Objective: The study was to discover the relationship between t...

Design And Fabrication Of A Sustainable Construction Brick

ABSTRACT The urgent need for affordable housing is driving the research for cheap and sustainable building materials. The nuisance caused by cocoa pod husks, which is an agro waste, could be curbed by the incorporation of potash derived from its ash into brick batch mix. These potash incorporated bricks tend to allow sintering at lower temperatures thus reducing production cost and hence making them cheaper. In this project, the SiO2 – Al2O3 – K2O ternary phase diagram was used to design ...

Bayesian Hierarchical Model With Classification And Regression Tree In Predicting Loan Default

ABSTRACT Bayesian modelling as well as decision tree methods are some of the efficacious classification methods in credit scoring applications. Application of these methods to credit scoring provides several advantages, which are highlighted in the literature. In this research, a Bayesian hierarchical model using the latent variable approach coupled with the classification and regression tree ‘CART’ approach is applied to classify customers who applied for loans into potential defaulters ...

Some Approaches To Modelling Need-Based Finanacial Aid To Needy Students In The University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT It was asserted that University and university systems around the world are faced with rapid growing demand and decreasing or static government investment (Marcucci and Johnstone, 2010). In response to this assertion, many countries introduced cost-sharing in order to preserve the quality of higher education. In order not to deny academically talented young people from poor families from accessing higher education, governments and individual institutions started offering financial as...

Molecular Diversity And Technological Properties Of Predominant Microorganisms Associated With The Processing Of Millet Into Fura, A Fermented Food In Ghana

ABSTRACT Fura is a millet-based spontaneously fermented dumpling produced and consumed in parts of West Africa, particularly Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Ghana. From eight (8) traditional fura production sites in northern Ghana, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts were isolated, characterized and identified using genotypic methods. These included (GTG)5-based rep-PCR fingerprinting, sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, multiplex PCR by means of recA gene sequence comparison and sequencing of D1/D2...

Lighting Activity Over Legon And Its Application to Rainfall Estimation

ABSTRACT  Lightning is an important component in the global electric circuit of the earth. It is a leading cause of outages in electric power and telecommunication systems, of forest fires and of delays in aircraft missions. A lightning sensor operating at a radio frequency of300 kHz was constructed ~d used to study the occurrence of lightning in and around the University of Ghana campus during thunderstonns. Rainfall figures during each thunderstonn were also recorded. Data was collected ov...

Prevalence of Hearing Loss Among Sickle Cell Patients at The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is one of the commonest blood and genetic disorders in the world. It results when abnormal haemoglobin (Hb S, Hb C, Hb β-thalassemia) is found either in the homozygous or heterozygote state. Sickle cell disease causes painful vascular occlusion crisis, anoxia and ischaemia which sometimes lead to tissue or organ damage including the auditory system especially the blood rich cochlear. Damage to the auditory system eventually causes hearing loss....

Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies on Some Herbicides in Two Soil Ecosystems

ABSTRACT Depletion rates of three triazine herbicides, atrazine, simazine and ametrine and two urea based herbicides, diuron and metobromuron, under laboratory conditions have been investigated in soil samples collected from GAEC, a coastal savannah soil, and KNUST, a forest zone soil. Two hundred grammes of the soil samples were treated with herbicides standard solution to generate herbicide-soil the concentration of 10 pg/g and incubated at room temperature for 12 weeks. TLC methodology wa...

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