Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Modelling The Risk Factors Of Neonatal Mortality Using Survival Analysis

ABSTRACT Several strategies have been put in place in an attempt to reduce childhood mortality in Ghana, however the proportions of death among neonates are still quite high. The study therefore seeks to model neonatal mortality using survival analysis approach. The data used for the study was obtained from the neonate’s folders at St. Jude Hospital in Obuasi in the Ashanti Region between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015. Data on maternal characteristics was also obtained. Neonates who...

Numerical Solution Of A Two-Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Equation For The Analysis Of The Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR)

INTRODUCTION The physics design of nuclear reactors requires the determination of the gross statistical behaviour of the neutron population in the reactor system. This in turn calls for the solution of the Boltzmann equation of neutron transport theory which forms the subject matter of reactor theory. It is however not easy to solve this equation by a direct discretization process even on the largest computers because of the presence of too many independent variables, complicated energy varia...

Factors That Influence Promotion Of University Of Ghana Lecturers: A Survival Analysis Approach,

ABSTRACT Survival analysis has been invaluable in studies involving time to an event. The methods encompassing the idea of Survival Analysis appears to be commended by most researchers particularly in the medicinal, engineering, agricultural and actuarial fields. This paper applied survival methods to promotion data of lecturers in the University of Ghana. The main objective was to identify the factors prominent in facilitating an early promotion of University of Ghana lecturers. The proporti...

A Review Of The Rheotanytarsus Curtistylus Group, With A Generic Diagnosis Of The Genus Rheotanytarsus Thienemann Etbause, And A Description Of7 New Afrotropicalspecies (Diptera: Chironomidae

ABSTRACT A revised generic diagnosis of the genus Rheotanytarsus Thienemann et Bause is given. Seven new Afrotropical species are described, R. kjaerandseni sp. n. as male, female, pupa and larva; R. plerusunguisus sp. n. as male and female; R. aquilus sp. n., R. atrius sp. n., R. saetheri sp. n., R* abonae sp. n., and R, weijensis sp. n. as males only. One species is redescribed, R. fuscus (Freeman, 1954). The genus can be divided into 7 species groups primarily based on the pupal morphology...

Quality Control Programme On Mammography Systems In The Republic Of Benin: Assessment Of Patients Dose Optimisation In Three Selected Facilities.

ABSTRACT The Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) was estimated first using Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) slabs and secondly MGD was estimated per right craniocaudal (RCC) projection view and left craniocaudal (LCC) projection view. A number of 21 patients out of a total of 28 patients, undergoing breast examination in three (3) selected mammography facilities in the Republic of Benin were involved. Image quality was evaluated based on subjective analysis of images with Leeds Tests Objects and American ...

Industrial Pollution In Ghana: Some Selected Case Studies Of Industries In Tema.

Abstract Waste waters from eight selected industries namely Tema Oil Refinery, Tuyee Manufacturing Industries, Cocoa Processing Company, Tema Lube Oil Company Limited, Pioneer Food Cannery Limited, Bridaltrust Paints Company Limited, Ghana Textiles Manufacturing Company and Ghana Textiles Printing Company Limited were sampled and subjected to various physico-chemical and trace metal analysis to determine levels of pollutants, using standard methods of WHO, AO AC and APHA. Generally, the ROD v...

Proteolytic Activity In Adult Haemonchus Contortos

ABSTRACT , Proteolytic activity of theJQ.qOOxgsupernate of homegenates ef adult Haemonchus contortus has been studied with respect to substrates susceptible to its proteolytic activity, and the effects of factors such as temperature, pH, substrate concentration, extract concentration, dibasic metal ions, detergents, heat and some specific inhibitors of proteolytic activity. The supernate had two pH optima, 5.6 with haemoglobii as substrate, and 7.8 using L-alanyl - p-nitroanilide. It showed o...

Characterization And Genotyping Of Rotaviruses From Communities In Akuse District And Its Environs

ABSTRACT Background: Rotaviruses are recognised world-wide as the principal aetiological agents of severe neonatal diarrhoea in a number of species, including man and domestic animals. Eight species of this virus have been detected and classified as A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Human beings are predominantly infected by species A, B and C, but A–E species cause disease in other animals. Studies in Ghana have reported new emerging strains of the virus in paediatric diarrheal cases some of whic...

Time Series Analysis Of Maternal Mortality In Ghana. A Case Study Of The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra (2001 - 2013)

ABSTRACT This study examined the pattern of maternal mortality ratios as well as a spectral analysis of maternal mortality at the Korle - Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra from 2001 to 2013. It also fitted a stochastic model to forecast maternal mortality ratios for four quarters. Analyses were based on data available at the Bio-Statistics Department of the Obstetrics & Gynaecology directorate of the Korle - Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra for the period 2001 – 2013. The R-Consol statistical anal...

Synthesis, Characterization And Luminescent Properties Of Bipodal And Tripodal Pyrazole And Triazole Lanthanide Coordination Complexes,

ABSTRACT Lanthanide complexes have been established as promising agents in their application as catalysts and photo-luminescent materials. Recent research has been geared towards the optical application of these lanthanide complexes, especially as organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) for TV screens, phones and other portable electronic devices. The luminescent ability of these complexes is largely dependent on the choice of ligand environment. We report here for the first time lanthanide comp...

Statistical Analysis Of Water Level, Temperature And Humidity Using Cointegrated Vector Autoregression (Var) Models.

ABSTRACT The leading climate factors influencing availability of water are; temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and evaporation. Water and agricultural production cycles are indisputably influenced by temperature and relative humidity. Temperature and relative humidity projections can therefore proficiently be employed in making decisions when optimal usage of water resources is of interest. Thus, the current study explored both the “long-run” and “short-run” impact of both...

Statistical Modelling Of Birth Spacing And Reproductive Health Of Married Women From Gomoa East District In The Central Region Of Ghana: A Survival Analysis Approach

ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to apply appropriate statistical techniques to model the length of time to successive births (birth spacing) within the reproductive health of mothers and identify the socio-demographic and sociocultural factors that cause variation in the length of birth interval. The data used in this study were collected using questionnaire from Gomoa East District 2014, where multi-stage cluster sampling was used as the sampling design. The clusters were defined ...

Effects Of Pollution On Coastal Environment And Socio-Economic Life Of The People Of Elmina

ABSTRACT Coastal pollution is not only a serious threat to the coastal ecosystem but also to the life of those living there and depending on the coastal environment for their livelihood activities. The research examined the causes and effects of coastal pollution on socio-economic life of the people of Elmina as well as measures to mitigate the problem. A model of conceptual frame work showing circular inter-relationship among causes, environmental and socioeconomic effects and solutions of c...

Department Of Geography And Resource Development

ABSTRACT Malaria control has received significant attention in the Akwapim South Municipality yet remains the highest cause of ill-health among the people. Not only must interventions be put in place but they must actually be effective in ensuring that malaria morbidity and mortality are eliminated. There have been series of strategies that have been implemented under the malaria control programme to control and prevent malaria. Despite the fact that interventions have been introduced, their ...

Evaluation Of Medicines For Malaria Venture (Mmv) Compound Library For Potency Against P. Falciparum Clinical Isolates

ABSTRACT The resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to artemisinin and its derivatives underscore the need for new sets of antimalarials with novel mechanisms of action. Towards the development of new, affordable and easily accessible antimalarial drugs for endemic regions, there is the need to screen more compounds for their antimalarial activity. Several studies on different compound classes have been conducted using laboratory strains of P. falciparum. However, not much is known of their pote...

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