Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Synthesis Of The Conventional Phenomenological Theories With Marginal Fermi Liquid Model

ABSTRACT The high temperature superconducting cuprates show some non Fermi liquid behaviour in their normal state. Also there is no generally accepted theory of high temperature superconductivity. The BCS theory has failed to explain the superconductive state properties of the cuprate superconductors. GorterCasimir two uid model and London theory has been very useful before the BCS theory. Varma and his co-workers propounded a `marginal` Fermi liquid theory which explains the normal state pro...

Theoretical And Computational Modeling Of An Implantable Biomedical Device For Localized Hyperthermia And Drug Delivery

ABSTRACT The advent of nanotechnology together with Biomedical Microelectro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS) for improved efficacy in treatment of cancer has resulted in the development of an implantable biomedical device for localized hyperthermia and drug delivery. This thesis work develops a mathematical framework based on relaxation losses of heating mechanism of magnetite magnetic nanoparticles synthesized with the Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) gel encasement. Numerical solution of the mathem...


A feasibility study of a conceptual nuclear design of a facility capable of producing high thermal neutron fluxes using isotopic neutron sources in a multiplying medium was carried out. The one-dimensional multigroup neutron diffusion equation was solved using the finite difference technique. A computer code SUNDES was written in FORTRAN 77 programming language and used to study the effect of reflectors, shielding materials and strength of isotopic neutron sources on the production lev...

A Framework For Nation-Wide Integration Of Biometric Information

ABSTRACT Having a central database for Nigeria which organizations can rely on for identification/verification purposes has been a plan in the pipeline for many years now. This has become urgent because of the nation’s current security challenges and the problem of multiple enrolments across various organizations. All of these organizations collect data, but the data collected is not useful outside the collecting organizations. According to various reports, the Nigerian government has been...

Studies Of The Chemical Vapor Deposition Method Of Generating Graphene

SUMMARY Since the pioneering report of the discovery of graphene in 2004 by Novoselov et al, scientists and researchers worldwide have carried out in depth investigations in this new family of carbon because of its myriad properties and potential applications. The synthesis of the novel nanoscale material is the main target in current material science. This study investigates the effect of different types of cabon source and catalyst for the production of large area, single/few crystalline l...

General Circulation and Principal Wave Modes in Andaman Sea from Observations

Objectives: This study intends to describe the Andaman Sea circulation and investigate the dominant modes of variability in the basin. Analysis/Observations: The domain experiences stronger South-westerly winds from May to September and relatively weaker North-easterlies from November to February. A strong negative Ekman pumping along the north coast of Indonesia is observed during Summer. The transport of water across the straits of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANI) is computed by simple mas...

Quantum Simulation Of A Transverse-Field Ising Model

ABSTRACT A popular model that have been used to study ferromagnetism is the Ising Model which is an arrangement of spins along a particular direction and with discrete values of +1. 1-D Ising model doesn't show a phase transition to the paramagnetic phase as opposed to the 2-D Ising model which shows a transition at a critical temperature. In this work, I have used Monte Carlo simulation method to study the 1-D quantum Ising model in a transverse eld at a nite temperature to obtain the critic...

Spectral Theory Of Compact Linear Operators And Applications

This Project primarily falls into the field of Linear Functional Analysis and its Applications to Eigenvalue problems. It concerns the study of Compact Linear Operators (i.e., bounded linear operators which map the closed unit ball onto a relatively compact set) and their spectral analysis applicable to Fourier Analysis and to the solvability of Fredholm Integral Equations, linear elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with the Dirichlet boundary condition, Sturm-Liouville problems, a...

Studies On The Distribution Of The Allotypic Variants Of The Igg Receptors (Fcyriia And Fcyrihb) And Their Association With Severe Clinical Malaria Among Ghanaian Children

ABSTRACT The immunoglobulin G (IgG) receptors FcyRIIa and FcyRIIIb vary among different ethnic groups, and more importantly, are also known to be associated with either susceptibility to or protection from certain diseases. These variations are manifest as differences in the antigen-binding capabilities of the receptors. The genes encoding for these receptors are polymorphic and these also vary among populations. These variations can be investigated using molecular methods such as PCR. The ai...


This thesis examined the changes in land use in the Akwapim South District where agriculture has undergone significant changes since the 1930s when cocoa farms were destroyed as a result of the invasion of swollen shoot disease. The methodological approach explored Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as tools for investigating the phenomenon. Aerial photographs of 1972n 4 and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite images of 1985 and 1991 supported the analysis of ch...

Effects Of Bending On The Optoelectronic Properties And Failure Mechanism In Organic Photovoltaics

ABSTRACT This research investigates the effects of bending on the electrical, optical, structural and mechanical properties of flexible organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells. Bulk heterojunction organic solar cells were fabricated on Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates using Poly-3-hexylthiophene: [6, 6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT: PCBM) as the active layer and Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) as the hole injection layer. All the organic...

Accessibility To And Utilization Of Primary Health Care In The Ga, Dangme East And Dangme West Districts Of The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT The study examined the accessibility and other socio-economic forces that influence the utilization o f primary health care services in the rural parts o f the Greater Accra Region o f Ghana. Three administrative districts, Ga, Dangme West and Dangme East, were selected for study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were used. Questionnaire and interview schedules reinforced by focus group discussions and observations, were the main research instruments. Descriptive and multivaria...

A Multimedia Learning System For Selected Topics Of Physics.

ABSTRACT The usage of computers in Physics Instruction began in the seventies and ever since then, lots of research efforts have been devoted to studying various emerging technologies and their impact on the learning process. Multimedia Learning Systems provide flexibility as well as a collaborative approach to learning, decreased cost of education for learners and proper time usage for instructors. It provides a major benefit over the traditional approach to Physics Instruction. This Thesis ...

Physicochemical And Nutritional Profiling Of Fermented Tiger Nut-Cereal-Based Synbiotic Dairy Drink

ABSTRACT Tiger nut and millet are indigenous crops in Ghana. These crops have been on the radar recently due to their versatile applications in food processing and their increase in consumption by low-income households. The nut is rich in fermentable carbohydrates and resistant starch, rich in fiber and micronutrients, and it is an ideal candidate for synbiotic foods. The objective of this study was to utilize whole tiger nut in dairy-cereal based beverage, make the product synbiotic, and ass...

Why Classical Finite Difference Approximations Fail For A Singularly Perturbed System Of Convection-Diffusion Equations

ABSTRACT We consider classical Finite Difference Scheme for a system of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equations coupled in their reactive terms, we prove that the classical SFD scheme is not a robust technique for solving such problem with singularities. First we prove that the discrete operator satisfies a stability property in the l2-norm which is not uniform with respect to the perturbation parameters, as the solution blows up when the perturbation parameters goes to zero. An e...

5461 - 5475 Of 8880 Results