Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Optimization of Biodiesel from Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Seed Oil

ABSTRACT Coconut seeds was investigated for its use as biodiesel feedstock. Oil was extracted from coconut seeds using soxhlet extraction method where 67.2% yield of oil was obtained. Biodiesel synthesis was developed and optimized using Box-Behnken design in Response Surface Methodology to study the effect of experimental variables such as methanol to oil ratio, catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time on the extracted oil from coconut seeds. The model shows optim...

Water Quality And Organochlorine Pesticides In Fresh Water Bodies In The Lower Volta Basin: A Case Study Of Lakes Kasu And Nyafie.

ABSTRACT The study was in two parts. The first part dealt with the determination o f water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, DO, BOD, COD, conductivity, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids and total solids. Others are nutrients and ions such as nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The rest were under hardness o f water such as calcium, magnesium and total hardness. O f all these parameters, only the values for turbidity i.e 8...

Effects of Iron Chelators on Bloodstream Forms of Trypanosoma Bruei

ABSTRACT African trypanosomiasis still remains a lethal disease to both human and livestock. The disease persists due to limited drug availability, toxicity and emergence of drug resistance, hence the need to provide alternative forms of therapy. Studies have shown that the iron chelator deferoxamine exhibited anti-trypanosomal effects by inhibiting cell growth and interfering with the activity of some iron dependent enzymes. In this study, the in vitro effects of different phenolic acids, w...

Investigating Anthropogenic Impact On Groundwater Quality In The Ga East Municipality

ABSTRACT Population growth and industrialisation have put a lot of pressure on water resources the world over. Accra is overpopulated due to influx of people from other part of the country to seek greener pastures with limited access to water supply from the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) resulting in individuals supplying their own water through drilling of individual boreholes. Hydrochemical data from 39 water samples (i.e. boreholes, hand dug wells and surface water) from six communiti...

Controllability Results For Non-Linear Neutral Functional Differential Equations

ABSTRACT  In this work, necessary and sufficient conditions are investigated and proved for the controllability of nonlinear functional neutral differential equations. The existence, form, and uniqueness of the optimal control of the linear systems are also derived. Global uniform asymptotic stability for nonlinear infinite neutral differential systems are investigated and proved and ultimately, the Shaefers’ fixed point theorem is used to forge a new and farreaching result for the exi...

Chaos in Constrained System

Abstract  Chaos poses technical challenges to constrained Hamiltonian systems. This is an important topic for discussion, because general relativity in its Hamiltonian formulation is a constrained system, and there is strong evidence that it exhibits chaotic features. We review concepts in gauge systems and their association with Hamiltonian constraints, relational Dirac observables as gauge-invariant encodings of physical information, and chaos in unconstrained Hamiltonian systems. We then ...

Distribution Patterns Dispersal And Population Genetics of Anopheline Mosquitoes Along The Kenyan Coast

ABSTRACT Studies on the distribution patterns, dispersal and population genetics of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) and Anopheles funestus (Diptera: Culicidae) were conducted at two sites, i.e Jaribuni and Mtepeni in Kilifi, along the Kenyan Coast. Longitudinal sampling of mosquito populations was conducted during the period 2002 - 2003. Day resting indoor collections and all night human biting catches revealed the presence of An. funestus, An. gambiae s.s, An. squamosus, An. coustani...

Tolerance of Different Maize Varieties And Wood Species Used in Maize Storage Structures in The Volta Region, Ghana to The Larger Grain Borer, PROSTEPHANUS TRUNCATUS (HORN) (COLEOPTERA: BOSTR

ABSTRACT prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), the Larger Grain Borer (LGB) has become a serious pest of stored maize and dried cassava chips since it was first seen in Ghana in 1989. Studies on the tolerance of maize varieties and wood species used in the construction of maize storage structures in the Volta Region of Ghana to P. truncatus was made under laboratory and field conditions. Varietal resistance of maize to insects could be of great help to farmers, especially...

Molecular Characteristics And Immuno-Epidemiology of Plasm Odium Falciparum Infections in School Children at Dodowa

Abstract Malaria is a mosquito-borne protozoal disease caused by species o f the genus Plasmodium. It is characterised by acute febrile illness which may be expressed as periodic paroxysms occurring every' 48 or 72 hours with afebrile and relatively asymptomatic intervals and the tendency to recrudesce or relapse over a period of months to many years (Gilles and Warrel. 1993). Other major symptoms of malaria are rigors/chills, vomiting, convulsion, headache, drowsiness and muscleskeletal pain...

A Statistical Assessment Of The Role Of Gender In Modulating Episodic Prospection

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess whether gender contributes towards how prospection modulates delay discounting. The relevant data for the study was generated by means of three sets of behavioral experiments; where by equal number of males and females under took inter-temporal tasks involving choosing between instant though smaller reward and deferred yet larger reward, while imaging positive, negative, and neural episodes respectively. In order to test the various hypotheses related to th...

CYP2C9, VKORC1 AND CYP4F2 Variant Frequencies in Patients on Either Low or High Stable Warfarin Maintenance Therapy in The Ghanaian Population

ABSTRACT Warfarin is the most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulant drug for reducing thromboembolic events that often give rise to stroke, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or serious coronary malfunctions. Warfarin has a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio and genetic factors have been associated with inter-individual variability in warfarin dose / response in different ethnic populations. The initiation of this drug has been associated with one of the highest adverse event rates for a...

A Review of the Nilothauma pictipenne Group And a Description of Four New Afrotropical Species of Nilothauma Kieffer, 1921 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae)

ABSTRACT A revised generic diagnosis of the genus Nilothauma Kieffer, 1921a, is given. Four new Afrotropical species, N. loba sp. n., N. tricaudata sp. n., N. flabella sp. n., and N. insolita sp. n., are described as male imagines. N. pictipenne Kieffer, 1921a is redescribed as male and female imagines. Two Neotropical species (N. aleta Roback,1960 and N. Buena Roback, 1960) are regarded as nominal dubia and placed in Paratendipes. A key to male imagines of the Nilothauma pictipenne group is...

Statistical Analysis of The Impact of The GCNET on Revenue Performance in Ghana: (A Case Study of TEMA Port)

ABSTRACT In most economies of the world, import revenue makes up a significant part of total government revenue (Zhu & Kotz, 2010). Since economic development in a nation is largely driven by the amount of revenue mobilized, import revenue makes an impact on how well an economy develops. This study aims at assessing the contribution of Ghana’s import revenue mobilization to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and investigate the impact of the implementation of the Ghana Community Network (...

Phage - Mediated Transfer of Genetic Material

ABSTRACT Ten phages were isolated randomly from sewage sources and disposal points on the University of Ghana,Legon campus, purified and characterised as delivery systems for the resistance marker genes, Strr and Benr. The phages were found to have proteins of relative molecular weights ranging from 9,000 - 100,000. Eight phages were found to be morphologically related to the tailed phages. The other two were tailless phages. All the coliphages isolated were morphologically related to the T-...

Intestinal Entamoeba complex infection among School Children in the Ho Municipality

ABSTRACT  Amoebiasis remains one of the commonest gastroenteritis in Ghana especially among children. The Entamoeba complex comprises Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar and Entamoeba moshkovskii, which are morphologically identical but genetically diverse. Entamoeba histolytica is the only known pathogenic protozoan Entamoeba species. The epidemiology of Entamoeba complex infections within the Ho Municipality in the South-Eastern part of Ghana has not been thoroughly investigated and th...

5506 - 5520 Of 8880 Results