Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Characterization Of Wild-Type Salmonella And Their Susceptibility To “Mist Enterica” An Anti-Typhoid Herbal Preparation

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibiotic resistance and clonal lineage of Salmonella isolated from patients suspected of suffering from typhoid fever and the susceptibility of these Salmonella strains to “Mist Enterica”, a herbal preparation used at the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (CSRPM) out-patients’ department, Mampong-Akwapim, Ghana, to treat typhoid fever. Other strains of Salmonella isolated from food sources were also included in...

The Genetic Diversity Of Plasmodium Falciparum In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background The population structure of the causative agents of human malaria, Plasmodium species including the most serious agent Plasmodium falciparum, depends on the local epidemiological and demographic situations, such as the incidence of infected people, the vector transmission intensity and migration of inhabitants (i.e. exchange between sites).One of the major characteristics of malaria parasites is their genetic diversity and an increasing number of studies have reported on t...

The Erodibility Of Some Ghanaian Soils In Relation To Their Physical And Chemical Properties.

ABSTRACT The erodibility of soils from six different rainfall erosivity areas in Ghana were investigated. The soils were sampled and packed into wooden boxes maintained at 9% slope. Soil erosion was measured by applying simulated rainfall storms over the soil samples. The erodibility factor K for each soil type was calculated from USLE, K=A/EI30LSCP. The results showed a variability in erodibility factor values which ranged from 0.36 to 0.62. The physical and chemical properties of the soils ...

Isolation And Partial Characterization Of Bacteriophages

ABSTRACT viii Bacteriophages were isolated from sewage samples obtained from the Tema Sewage Disposal Plant and the Legon vicinity using the indicator bacteria strains Shigella dysenteriae. Salmonella tvohi. Escherichia cull, and Salmpneila fir.P.UP__D.. Ten phages were isolated and partially characterized by electron microscopy, DNA fingerprinting and protein profiles by SDS-PAGE. The relatedness of the phages was determined by immunological studies. Some of the phages were screened for thei...

Reliability Of The Bod Pod® Compared To Traditional Reference Methods For Measuring Body Composition

ABSTRACT In the mid 1990s, a new air-displacement plethysmograph (ADP) was developed for measuring human body composition. This device (BOD POD® Body Composition System) uses the relationship between the pressure and volume of air to measure the body volume of a subject seated in the test chamber. Body density (Db) is then calculated using body mass and body volume and percent body fat (% BF) estimated using an equation such as the one by Siri (1961). This study evaluated the reliability of ...

Studies On The Chemoreception Profile Of Bulinus Truncatus {Avdouin) As An Aid To The Development Of Controlled Release Molluscicides.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Epidemiology and geographical distribution of Schistosomiasis: Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic infection apart from malaria. Unlike the latter, whose prevalence tends to fluctuate with the rains in many areas of high endemicity for the year, schistosome infection prevalence may be usually high throughout the year in areas where the disease is endemic. Available WHO(1991) document indicates that the disease afflicts more than 200million people w...

Continued Validation Of Sybr Green-1-Based Fluorescence Assay For The Routine Screening Of Plasmodium Falciparum Susceptibility To Anti Malarial` Drugs In Ghana.

ABSTRACT This study describes the validation of a sybr green-1 based in vitro test of susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to antimalarial drugs. The assay was evaluated by determining fluorescence development at various ranges of parasitaemia of 3D7 clones incubated with sybr green in the dark. The flourescence was measured with a fluorimeter after every 1hr time interval of incubation. The effect of haemoglobin on the sybr green fluorescence was also investigated with salmon sperm DNA. T...

Studies Of The Infection Of Cultivars Of Shallot (Allium Ascalonicum L.) In Ghana By Aspergillus Niger Van Tieghem And The Effect Of The Host On Some Aspects Of The Biology Of A. Niger

ABSTRACT The relationship between five randomly selected isolates of Aspergillus niger from naturally infected bulbs of shallot and two shallot cultivars (Allium ascalonicum L.) was investigated. The two cultivars were “Pale-brown” and “Pink”- named for the colours of their scale leaves. A. niger causes bulb rot of shallots which have important uses in food and traditional medicine in Ghana The relationship showed by the cultivars were similar in some aspects and different in many oth...

The Riordan group, additional algebraic structure and the uplift principle.

Abstract We show that the normal Appell subgroup of the Riordan group is a pseudo ring under a multiplication given by the componentwise composition. We develop formulae for calculating the degree of the root in generating trees and we establish isomorphisms between the four groups : the hitting time, Bell, associated and the derivative which are all subgroups of the Riordan group. We have found the average number of trees with left branch length in the class of ordered trees and the Motzkin ...

The In Vivo Effects Of Extracts Of The Anti-Asthmatic Plant, Dbsmodium Adscendens On Anaphylaxis

ABSTRACT Desmodium adscendens is used as prophylaxis in asthma. Earlier work in this laboratory on the scientific basis for the therapeutic action of the plant indicated that both the aqueous and alcoholic extracts were anti-anaphylactic in vitro. Since extracts of the plant are taken orally by asthmatic patients, the present work was carried out to investigate the in vivo effects of both alcoholic and aqueous extracts of D. adscendens on anaphylaxis. The methods used were the contraction of ...

Cryptosporidiosis In HIV/AIDS Patients And Children With Diarrhoea In Accra

ABSTRACT Although Cryptosporidium spp. infections in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients (AIDS) and children with diarrhoea have been reported in several African countries, there is scanty information regarding cryptosporidial diarrhoea in Ghana. This study investigated occurrence of C. parvum in HIV/AIDS patients and children up to five years with diarrhoea in the Greater Accra Region. It was a cross sectional study, with Fevers Unit, Child Health Department in the Korle-Bu Teaching ...

The Quality Of Water Of The Weija Dam And The Densu River

ABSTRACT In recent years there has been an immense public outcry over the concern of the quality of water from the Densu River and the Weija reservoir. In an attempt to study the quality of water from the Densu River and the Weija reservoir, a 2 x 5 factorial experiment with two seasons (rainy and dry) and five sources of water (Akwadum, Asuboi, Nsawam, Manhia and the Weija Dam) as variables was performed. These water samples were analysed for various physical, chemical, nutritive and microbi...

Time Series Modelling For Total Number Of Defective Parts Of Printed Circuit Boards In The Manufacturing Industry In Ghana

ABSTRACT For stochastic time series modelling, an essential property is the underlying statistical model that is assumed to govern the number of defective parts of printed circuit boards in a production process in the manufacturing industries in Ghana. The data was for a period spanning from 2009 to 2014. Considering time series methodology, we specify differences in the data points as a stochastic process assumed to have Markov dependency with respective state transition probabilities matric...

The Population Parameters, Food Habits And Physicochemical Environment Of Three Cichlid Species In The Southwestern Sector Of The Keta Lagoon

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in the southwestern sector of the Keta lagoon, a closed coastal lagoon located in the southeastern part of Ghana. The study was aimed at studying the population parameters and the feeding habits of the major fish species (in terms of catch) in the lagoon in relation to the prevailing physicochemical parameters and the benthic macrofauna of the area. The water physicochemical parameters studied included the electrochemical and the optical properties of the wa...

Modelling Asset Returns In A Portfolio Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Stochastic Proce

ABSTRACT The study explores the modelling of asset returns in portfolio as a stochastic process which exhibits mean reversion towards the long-term stationary mean. This can be thought of as if an asset return is connected to its long-run mean with a spring which pulls the asset return towards the long-run mean. The study investigates the stochastic nature of two assets returns by use of autoregressive and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes to illustrate the features of the assets weekly retur...

5521 - 5535 Of 8880 Results