Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Mapping and Analysis of Agricultural Systems in a Part of The Lower River Benue Basin, Nigeria

Abstract The present recession of the Lower River Benue has led to some adverse ecological changes and the decline of agricultural production in the face of rapid population growth in the area. The solution to the problem certainly requires a detailed agricultural land use analysis. The existing agricultural systems in the Lower River Benue Basin were identified and analyzed in order to determine their characteristics and spatial trends as a basis for conscious agricultural planning and inte...

Effects of Water Soluble Fractions of Used Crankcase Oil on Some Physiological Parameters of The Nile Tilapia (OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS)

ABSTRACT Used crankcase oil is disposed off indiscriminately and it eventually finds its way into the aquatic environment resulting in surface and ground water contamination by complex interacting chemicals and substances. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, additives, antioxidants and trace levels of chlorinated solvents have been detected in used engine oil and these pose a great risk to fish populations and the human consumer of fish. This study (i) investigated the sub...

Conduent Pension Administration System User Satisfaction; A Case Study of SIGMA Pensions Limited,Abuja

ABSTRACT User satisfaction is one of the key research area of Information Technology (IT) particularly, Information System (IS). It is recognized by many researchers as a significant factor in determining IS success. In view of it competitive advantage, most business organizations nowadays focus on IS as a means of minimizing cost and maximizing profit. Unfortunately, many are not getting the expected outcomes as agreed in the IS requirements, not because of wrong choice of products and vend...

Microbial Etiology Of Acute Febrile Illness In Children Presenting To Hospitals In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background Acute febrile illness (AFI) is responsible for a significant number of childhood mortality and morbidity and remains a common clinical presentation at most hospitals. Lack of appropriate screening techniques present a challenge in identifying potential pathogens associated with AFI. This study investigated the microbial etiology of AFI among febrile children, evaluated the potential use of inflammatory mediators as biomarkers of fever, and developed a web-based model to pr...

Industrial Training Monitoring System

ABSTRACT Industrial Training Fund, I.T.F is a governmental body that deals with man-power development in Nigeria. Its aim is to reduce poverty and the rate of unemployment in the country. It is also involves entrepreneurial skill development in craftsmanship. This scheme have been implemented in schools and other academic institutions whereby registered schools allow their students indulge in the I.T.F work experiences scheme (S.I.W.E.S.S) within a particular period of time which could be da...

Biosynthesis Of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles And Its Potential Application In Cancer Treatment.

ABSTRACT Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally and its treatment and cure are therefore very important. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery have been the major forms of treatment. In this work, magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles are biologically synthesized using maize leaves, plantain leaves and peels extracts as mediators. The synthesized particles were magnetic and this aided in their washing after the synthesis. UV-Vis spectroscopy pointed to the formation of the Fe3O4 nanopart...

Lithofacies Analyses And Diagenetic Evaluation of the Reservoir Units in Well XYZ Field, Onshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Lithofacies and petrophysical analysis formed the basis for the diagenetic evaluation of the reservoir units in well XYZ 006, XYZ field, Onshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Detailed examination of cores taken from the Lithologic section in XYZ-006 well, led to the recognition of several distinctive component facies comprising of fourteen (14) facies. These was subjected to facies analysis using the Markov Chain statistical technique. The modal analysis of the studied core samples exhibit...

Genetic Variations In Schistosoma Haematobium And Disease Severity In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Background: Schistosomes are parasitic worms that dwell in the blood vessels and belong to the genus Schistosoma. Schistosoma haematobium, one of the species of Schistosoma cause urogenital schistosomiasis (urinary schistosomiasis). The knowledge of urogenital schistosomiasis has improved over the years; however, there are still endemic areas with reported cases in Africa including Ghana. The disease may present as mild or severe with accompanying morbidity and mortality. Genetic var...

Sediment Yield And Bank Erosion Assessment Of Pra River Basin

Abstract The Pra River Basin has been engulfed by certain anthropogenic activities particularly illegal small scale mining (popularly called galamsey) and serious concerns have been raised by stakeholders within the basin of the level of pollution due to the release of chemicals and sediments into the water bodies. Fluvial sediment yield data is an essential requirement for informed decision making on water resources development and management. However, information on the sediment load of mos...

Physico-Functional Properties Of Wheat-Morama Bean Composite Flour And Its Performance In Food Systems

ABSTRACT There is an increasing demand for variety in food products, mankind rely on very limited number of crops to meet the needs of staple diets on a very limited number of major non-food crops to meet the associated needs, the functionality of wheat-morama bean composite flour for food applications was thus investigated. Morama bean (Tylosema esculentum) was shelled and milled into flour. Part of the morama bean flour was defatted using n-hexane. Wheat flour (both hard and soft) was subst...

Process And Product Optimization And Storage Characteristics Of Canned Peanut Soup Base

ABSTRACT Peanut soup is very popular in Ghana and the entire West Africa region. It is largely prepared and consumed both at the domestic and commercial scales. Due to the long and tedious nature of preparing the soup, there was the need to develop a shelf stable condensed canned peanut soupbase which could be reconstituted to create convenience in peanut soup preparation. Previous work/studies done established a process flow chart for the canned peanut soup-base through selection of suitable...

Kinetic and Catalytic Studies on The Use of some Local Materials For Biodiesel Production From Soybean Feedstock

Abstract    This \ork. is aimed at developing solid base catalysts from locally sourced materials and applying them to an environmentally beneficial reactive distillation process for transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol into biodiesel. Solid base catalysts include calcium oxides (prepared from the calcinations of poultry eggshell, limestone, chalk clay and marble stone). By investigating these processed solid base catalysts samples catalytic behaviors in the transesterificat...

Drug Resistance Mutations In Hiv Patients On Antiretroviral Therapy In Ghana

ABSTRACT Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is known to improve treatment in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected patients but the emergence of drug resistance is an obstacle in the effective management of HIV infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Plasma viral load monitoring is the gold standard used in high-income countries for monitoring treatment but it is not available in many resource-limited settings. Although limited viral load testing is now avail...

Antiplasmodial Activity of Aqueous And Ethanolic Extracts of Anacarduim Occidental And Cymbopogon Citratus

ABSTRACT The search for antimalarial compounds was necessitated by Plasmodium falciparum resistance to most antimalarial drugs. In endemic countries where malaria is prevalent, medicinal plants are often used to treat malaria. In this study, the in vitro antimalarial activities of crude aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Anacardium occidentale and Cymbopogon citratus, were evaluated against P. falciparum. Fourteen fresh blood samples obtained from infected children and adults aged 15 to 25 ye...

Aspects Of The Ecology Of Three Communally Breeding Bird Species On Legon Campus

ABSTRACT This study compares some ecological aspects (territory size, group size, clutch size and food supply rate) of three communally breeding bird species, namely Yellow-billed Shrike (Corvinella corvina), Green Wood-hoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) and Brown Babbler (Turdoides plebejus), on the Legon campus of the University of Ghana. This was in response to the limited literature on communal breeding bird species despite their widespread distribution in Africa. The methodology involved dir...

PSN Africa 101 PAGES (17008 WORDS) Zoology Thesis

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