ABSTRACT Changes in oxidative stress parameters, lipid profile, atherogenic predictor indices, and anthropometrics of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) subjects attending Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital (COOUTH) Awka, were assessed using standard methods. Demographic data of the T2DM patients were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire.The subjects included willingly consented 60 (30 males and 30 females) T2DM patients and 40 (20 males and 20 females) appar...
ABSTRACT Three multimix complementary diets were prepared from local foodstuffs i.e. maize (Zea mays), acha grain (Digitaria exilis) rice (Sativa oryza), sorghum (Sorgum bicolar), millet (Pennisatum typhoides), groundnut (Arachis hypogea), bambaranut (V-oadzeia subterranea), sesame (Sesamun indicum), carrots (Daucas carota), crayfish (Macrobrachuim Sp), garden egg (Solanum incanum), palm oil (Elaeis guinensis) and table salt (NaCl). The formulated diets were subjected to biochemical analysis...
ABSTRACT The ethanolic extract (crude extract) was successively extracted with nhexane, chloroform, water, 103 aqueous methanol and n_hexane to give the corresponding fractions. The crude exfract, 103 "aqueous methanol, vvater soluble and n-hexane fractions of the root of .c_.africana, were screened for antimicrobial activity and chemical constituents. The n-hexane fraction was chromatographed on a column of silica gel to give a number of fairly pure components. The infrared spectra of the co...
ABSTRACT Studies of physico-mechanical and morphological properties of pure and -cellulose reinforced blends of polystyrene (PS) and poly (vinyl acetate) (PVAc) are reported in this work. The compression moulded articles of the blends of different compositions (10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 and 90:10, PS/PVAc) were tested for mechanical performance, absorption behaviour, void activity and morphological arrangements. Comparison of mechanical properties such as tensi...
Abstract The corrosion inhibition of aluminium and mild steel in H2SO4 in the presence of Bromothymol blue, BTB, Dimethyl yellow, DMY, Methyl orange, MO, Titanium (IV) oxide, TO and Cassia Siamea Lam, CSL leaves extract at 303 – 313K was studied using “Absorbance difference” technique. The results showed that inhibition efficiency (%IE) increased with increase in inhibitor concentration (except for BTB, where beyond a “critical” concentration of 0.0007M, it reversed its function and...
ABSTRACT Internal s o r t i n g a l g o rithms constitute a class of util ity prog rams that are widely used in performi n g rout i n e comput i n g operations . This thesis exam i n es t h e t h eory and structu res of these algorithms and i l l ustrates t h e i r basic principles w i t h f l owcharts and tabular presentations. PASCAL codes were also d evel oped and implemented for the methods.
Cultivation of Jatropha curcas L. for production of biodiesel as an alternative source of energy is crucial for sustainable development in Nigeria. Pests and pathogens especially fungi have been reported to be a major constraint to commercial cultivation of J. curcas in Asia and some West African countries. However, this is yet to be fully investigated and documented in Nigeria. Fungal pathogens infecting J. curcas in southwestern Nigeria were therefore investigated. Two hundred plant s...
ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to develop an online hotel reservation system, a case study of FORT ELLIS Hotels LTD Gwagwalada, Abuj a which corrects the inefficiency of the current existing manual system, where all bookings and reservations and other management activities are done manually. For improving hotel business and providing scope for global reservation of rooms we developed an online hotel reservation system which is a web application. The major programming language that was us...
ABSTRACT This project is insight into the design and implementation of an Online Counseling System. The primary aim of this project is to eradicate the long queues at the counseling unit. It was discovered in the course of this study that students or counselees have neglected the face-to-face counseling mode which is been offered by the university because of the stress in registering for counseling and seeing the counselor, so the need for a better system came about with online counseling sys...
ABSTRACT Automatic Offiine Isolated handwriting word verification system using template matching (pixel by pixel matching) is proposed in the research work. The composition of 400 word essay, the handwritten biometrics of 50 people (students); 25 males and 25 females to handwrite the essay five times in separate sheet of papers the aim here is to verify if a particular handwriting is from that same person or is a fake. No speclfzcation for pen type and color were given. The collected document...
ABSTRACT The microbial and chemical compositions of some indigenous foods of Southeastern Nigeria (Imo and Anambra States) were investigated. The total aerobic plate count (TAPC) for Ogiri ranged from 1.2 x 1010 to 2.4 x1011 cfu/g, the coliform count ranged from 2.1 x101 to 9.8 x102 cfu/g, and fungal count ranged from 1.0x108 to 3.3x1011 cfu/g. Aniga had a mean TAPC of 1.4x1011 cfu/g, coliform count of 3.8 x101 cfu/g and fungal count of 1.9x1011 cfu/g. Agbarati had a TAPC ranged from 1.1x109 ...
ABSTRACT The industrialization of our society, including drilling for oil, mining of coal and minerals has led to increasing production of xenobiotic and natural chemical substances. Continual releases of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from mining and drilling activities leads to their deposition in coastal environments and ultimately bioaccumulation in plants and animals, creating the danger of toxicity. PAH are deemed to be carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic. In Ghana, oil dri...
ABSTRACT Port Harcourt and Omoku are two densely populated towns in Rivers State. This may not be unconnected with the presence of such attractive features as tertiary institutions, oil and gas companies, very large daily markets, free electric power supply (as in Omoku) among others. In the light of the above, it is expected that industrial effluents, domestic waste discharge, automobile emissions, gas flaring etc generate atmospheric aerosols which dissolve to form particulates as pollutan...
ABSTRACT The levels of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils of municipal solid waste and ground water within the Abuja municipality was determined. The flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine the metals. The aqua reqia extraction method was used to extract metals from the soils. The average concentration of metals in the soil samples were Cd = 4.3 J..Lgg-1 dry weight (2.4-5.9 J..Lgg-1 dry weight), Cu = 12.4 J.!gg-1 dry weight (3.4 - 19.9 J.!gg-1 dry weight) Ni = 8.3J..Lgg-1...
ABSTRACT The asset price returns are multi-period (that is multi-fractal dimensional) market depending on market scenarios which are the measure points. In this research work, a number of continuous time stochastic models were formulated, for the measurement of random behaviour of equity returns, using multi-fractal measures which examine power law behaviours at different time scales. Fractal exponent was first derived followed by a seemingly Black-Scholes parabolic equation. The solution to...