ABSTRACT Achlya megasperma sporulated best s.t 30°C and at pH 7.0 to 9.0. Light had no effect on forration of the sporangia. Certain concentrations of CaCl-,., ^ulcitol. Mg SO^^H^O, Malt extract, neptone and Yeast extract enhanced sporangial formation. The mineral salts, CuS04 .5H20, FeCljs MnS04 .4H20 and Zn Cl2 depressed sporangial formation. Gemmae were produced in great quantities in solutions of 0.1, 0.2 and 0,4 per cent haemoglobin and 1x0 ^ and 0_5M Zn Cl^. Sporangial formation was a...
ABSTRACT This thesis present the fundamental concept of the non-parametric method which is the Kaplan-Meier and Log-rank test and the Parametric Proportional Hazard models which are Exponential, Weibull and the Gompertz proportional model. The paper applied survival methods to breast cancer patients data from the Korle Bu teaching and Effia Nkwanta Hospital. The main objective is to become familiar with the risk factors associated to early death of breast cancer patients. The proportionality...
ABSTRACT This study was performed to evaluate surface doses and the effect of air gaps under bolus on surface dose during external beam radiotherapy for photon beam energies of 6 MV and 15 MV. Surface doses were measured by using calibrated GafChromic EBT3 films and the Roos chamber for various bolus-to-surface distances (including no bolus and bolus placed directly on the RW3 phantom surface) and various field sizes. Dose verification was also done for beam energies of 6 MV and 15 MV on the...
ABSTRACT Sitophilus zeamais and Prostephanus truncatus are two most important storage insect pests of maize in Ghana and Africa as a whole. These insects cause weight loss of about 20 to 90 % of the untreated stored maize seeds. The control of post-harvest pests largely depends on the use of pesticides. Because of the adverse effects of insecticides on humans and the environment, attempts are being made to discover remedies pest management. This study was to assess four plants (Lantana camara...
ABSTRACT In radiotherapy, accuracy and precision are key, and thus, a small deviation in dose delivered by a treatment machine can be detrimental to patients. For this reason, in any radiotherapy department, linacs that have been tuned to match each other dosimetrically require critical assessment and evaluation since patients may be moved between linacs without any adjustments to treatment plans. The main aim of this study was to assess and evaluate the photon beam dosimetric accuracy betwe...
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to identify the risk factors that influence loan default of customers in the microfinance sector and to develop model that links these factors to credit default for any customer in the sector. Data from a microfinance institution based in Accra was used. A binomial logistic regression analysis was fitted to a data of 472 customers who were granted credit from January 2011 to December 2012. Based on the Wald criterion, it was realized that among the...
ABSTRACT Radiotherapy is a complicated procedure with several steps, and these procedures have a great influence on the treatment outcome. Exact determination of dosimetric functions that are used to calculate dose within a patient undergoing external beam radiotherapy to realize the intent of treatment is very crucial for any radiotherapy treatment technique. One of the dosimetric functions, which is of great importance, is central axis percentage depth dose, which are usually measured with ...
ABSTRACT An attempt has been made to study the effects of tensile stress and temperature on the resistivity of some metals and alloys. The specimens include; copper, constantan, manganin, tantalum and minalpha. The strain coefficient of resistivity dp , rate of increase of fractional resistivity with stress of gde resistance (gauge factor (K)) were determined for copper, constantan, manganin and tantalum. For constantan, ae is found to be highest for a sample of Qde diameter 0.19 mm and lowes...
ABSTRACT Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) remain a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and economic loss globally. Until recently, human coronaviruses (HCoVs) have been mainly associated with mild upper respiratory tract infections. The 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) since 2012, illustrate the potential of coronaviruses to cause severe disease. Thus, it was necessar...
INTRODUCTION Despite wide interest in the nutrition and health of children in underdeveloped areas of the world, countries in Africa have been neglected by individuals and groups in the United States as sites for dietary and health studies. Reasons for this doubtless lie elsewhere than in a lack of interest. Such study not only offers the possibility of providing information needed by the indigenous population, but also information concerning the nutritive needs of children in relation to con...
Abstract The differences in chemical composition of natural antioxidants provides challenges at separating, detecting, and quantifying individual non-enzymatic antioxidants in complex food/biological systems. Consequently, the antioxidant capacity is a better approach at assaying beneficial health effects that can result from the combined actions of individual antioxidant species. Antioxidant assay methods are based either on electron transfer (ET) or hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) mechanisms. ...
ABSTRACT Cowpeas are a relatively inexpensive source of proteins and vitamin B. Unfortunately, the problem of insect infestation is one of the main constraints to the efficient and widespread utilisation of cowpeas. The hydrothermal treatment which involves the exposure of cowpeas to steam followed by drying has been used effectively in protecting cowpeas against the insect infestations. This study set out to assess the functional, chemical and textural changes associated with the hydrotherma...
ABSTRACT Miso is a semi-solid fermented food made commonly in Japan from soybeans alone or from a mixture of soybeans and rice or barley. This was a study to determine the suitability of local grain-legumes in the production of miso-\ke products. A traditional two-step fermentation process was adapted to process peanuts, cowpea and soybeans into the mso-like products. Three products were formulated with the legume combinations of peanut-cowpea, peanut-soybean and cowpea-soybean in ratios of ...
ABSTRACT Survival analysis has proven to be a major breakthrough in the analysis of time to event. The methodologies surrounding the concept of Survival Analysis seems laudable to most researchers especially in the medical, engineering, agricultural and actuarial field. Kaplan-Meier method which is applicable for estimating the survival function, log-rank test used for comparing the equality of two or more survival distributions, and the Cox proportional hazard model for inspecting the covari...
ABSTRACT The persistent prevalence of Counterfeit and substandard drugs poses a clear and present danger globally. Its higher degree of occurrence and under-reporting in developing nations especially in Africa and Asia is of great concern. Antibiotics are amongst the most used and abused in developing countries and as such, the need for its constant surveillance cannot be over emphasised. This study involved the assessment of the quality of three commonly used therapeutic groups of antibioti...