Abstract: Frequencies of ABO and Rh-D blood groups vary worldwide and are not found in equal numbers even among different ethnic groups. Some variations may even occur within one ethnic group in different geographical areas. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the frequencies of ABO and Rh-D blood group phenotypes, alleles and genotypes among Students of Oromo, Amhara, Argoba and Somali ethnic groups in Mechara Secondary and Preparatory School,West Hararghe, Oromia. A total of 4...
Abstract: Genotypic and allelic frequencies of ABO and Rh blood group systems are known to vary worldwide geographically and from one population to another. The aim of the present study was to determine the genotypic and allelic frequencies of ABO and Rh blood group systems and to determine the predominant blood groups among Butajira Preparatory School students, Gurage zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ State, Ethiopia. A total of 400 Students, with the age group 18-24 year...
Abstract: Stingless bees produce honey (locally named as tazma mar) and propolis that are different from the Apis mellifera honey and propolis in terms of composition. The aim of this study was, therefore, to evaluate the antibacterial and antioxidant activities of honey and propolis from stingless bee in vitro against selected human bacterial pathogens. The crude extracts of stingless bee honey and its propolis were prepared using absolute ethanol, methanol and distilled water. Total phenol...
Abstract: Globally malaria remains among the deadliest leading cause of morbidity and mortality. In Ethiopia the public health and socio-economic impact of this disease is huge.This study was aimed at assessing the current situation of malaria and its associated risk factors among patients attending Gambella Regional Hospital. The study was done in a time when malaria prevalence is high: during September to October, 2018. It involved hospital based crosssectional survey of malaria cases, use...
Abstract: Salmonellosis, a disease caused by Salmonella, remains an important public health problem worldwide, particularly in the developing countries. A cross sectional descriptive survey study was conducted to determine the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility profile of Salmonella species among diarrhoeal patients who were visiting Dessie Referral Hospital (DRH), Dessie, North East Ethiopia from November 2016 - January 2017. A total of 384 stool samples were collected using sterile s...
Abstract: The over increasing antibiotic resistance of pathogens has driven a global initiative towards the search for new sources of antimicrobial substances mainly from medicinal plants. Based on the existing traditional claim, this study investigated the antimicrobial activities and phytochemical composition of crude extracts of anchote (Coccinia abysinica) leaf and tuber using extracting solvents such as ethanol and hexane against the gram positive (Streptococcus aureus, Staphylococcus p...
Abstract: Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Woldia district, north Wollo Ethiopia was conducted from 1 May to August 29, 2019 in Woldiya District, North Wollo Zone, and Amhara National Regional State. The overall objective of this study was to conduct ethnobotanical survey and document plant species, which have medicinal value for both human and livestock in Woldiya district. One hundred informants from four kebeles were selected to this study randomly and purposively. Ethnobotanic...
Abstract: Antimicrobial efficiency of Datura stramonium plant parts (leaf, seed, stem and flower) crude extracts were examined using Ethanol, Chloroform and DMSO as solvents and tested against four bacterial and two fungal human pathogens like Bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Salmonella typhi ATCC1331, Streptococci agalactecia ATCC13311 and Fungi: Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus using agar disc diffusion method. The antimicrobial activities were...
Abstract: Intestinal protozoan and soil transmitted helminths infections are among the common leading causes of death worldwide. In developing countries intestinal protozoan and soil transmitted helminths infections are the major health problems where mostly pre-school and school age children are affected and the majority of these cases occur in sub-saharan African countries.The main objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence o f intestinal protozoan and soil transmitted ...
Abstract: Ethnomedicinal researches play important role for conservation and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants and associated knowledge. The objective of this study was to document medicinal plants and associated indigenous knowledge in Oda-bultum district. Ethnobotanical data was collected from April 2016 to July 2016 using semi-structured interview, focus group discussion and direct field observation with 90 randomly selected non key informants and 47 key informants. To analyze d...
Abstract: A cross sectional survey was carried out to establish baseline information on the type of primate species, their abundance and distribution and common causes of Human-Primate conflict in Tirba Forest from September 2019 to May 2020. Four localities were selected in the forest for this study. Direct observation (focal animal sampling) from appropriate vantage points was used to identify primate species, their age classes’ and group sizes; line transect survey method was used to es...
Abstract: Soil transmitted helminth (STH) parasitic infections are one of the major public health problems in many countries including Ethiopia.The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of soil transmitted helminth parasitic infections and the associated risk factors among Killiso primary school children of Chiro Town, Oromia Region, Eastern Ethiopia. The design of the study was a cross-sectional survey involving 440 children aged 7- 18 years old who were chosen using s...
Abstract: Biogas can be produced from any biodegradable feedstock that is suitable for anaerobic digestion. In present day biogas production from barley straw and cow dung was investigated using the number of small reactors. Barley straw was codigested with Cow dung with the aim of biogas production. Five treatment mixtures of Barley straw and Cow dung in ratio of 100% Barley straw(BS), 70% Barley straw(BS) and 30% Cow dung(CD) , 50% Barley straw(BS) and 50% Cow dung(CD) , 30% Barley straw a...
Abstract: Aloe vera is one of a medicinal plant that used traditionally to treat a number of diseases. Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate antimicrobial activities of Aloe vera (L.) leaf and gel extract in different solvents like Ethanol, Petroleum ether and Distilled water (aqueous) against selected human skin pathogens namely; Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae and Aspergillus flavus. Disc diffusion method was used to achieve antimicrobial assay. Minimum inhibitory, b...
Abstract: Lactic acid bacteria are widely used as probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial components of the microbiota that have been used for centuries throughout the world because of the health benefits they confer to the host. Isolation and characterization of probiotic lactic acid bacteria is essential not only for understanding their individual contribution to fermentation processes but also to reveal their roles in industrial applications. The aim of this study was to isolate and charact...