Abstract: Concerns about disease causing bacteria are now ever increasing. The common and immediate action to these disease causing microbes is the use of antibiotics. However, due to the challenges of drug-resistance in bacteria and the problems of affordability of the drugs, the search for new compounds from plant and animal sources that act against the pathogens has become crucial in many countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using honey, garlic and ginger...
Abstract: Helicobacter pylori is a small, spiral-shaped bacteria that lives on the surface of the stomach and duodenum. H. pylori is closely associated with onset of diseases such as gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis and gastric cancers. The aim of this study was to determine the allelic and genotypic frequencies of ABO blood group system and their associations with H. pylori infection among 384 patients with gastrointestinal complaints in the Ejere and Amaro Helth Center. Stool sam...
Abstract: Ethiopia has rich flora with different plant species having medical importance in health care system based on local indigenous knowledge. In this study, plants of traditional medicinal use and their associated indigenous knowledge in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha were investigated. A total of 100 informants (age≥25) were selected to collect information on medicinal plant use from three sampled kebeles. Of these, 20 key informants were selected purposively and 80 informants were selec...
Abstract: In the past, Ethiopia was rich in natural resources. As population pressure increased, resources have been exploited greatly. In the study area the need to expand cultivated has led to the removal of well-adapted, nutrient additive indigenous trees. The study was conducted in Bisho watershed, Southern Ethiopia, to evaluate the Effect of Eucalyptus camaldunesis Dehnh. and Croton macrostachyus Del. and distance away from tree trunk on selected soil chemical and physical properties in...
Abstract: Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants was conducted to document the indigenous knowledge in Gog District, Agnuak Zone, Gambella Regional State, South Western Ethiopia. A total of 74 informants (age≥25) were selected to collect information on medicinal plant use from five sampled Kebeles. Of these, 14 key informants were selected purposively based on recommendation by local elders and authorities. The rest were selected randomly. Data were collected using semi-structured interv...
Abstract: Production of bio-ethanol from Lingocellulosic materials is naturally abundunt renewable resources that can potentially provide a long-term sustainable fuel supply. Prosopis juliflora, an invasive plant is one source of lignocellosic materials to serve as feedstock for bio-ethanol production. With the objective of evaluating its potential for bio-ethanol production, differen concentrations (10g, 20g, 30g, and 40g) of P. juliflora leaves treated with dilute sulfuric acid and untreat...
Abstract: Plants are rich in a wide diversity of secondary metabolites which have been found to exhibit antimicrobial, antioxidant and antitumor activities. Guava (Psidium guajava L., Myrtaceae) and (Calpurnia aurea L. Fabaceae) are known for their traditional medicinal values. These studies were conducted with the objective of analyzing the secondary compounds profile of the two plant species and evaluate their antimicrobial properties on selected human bacterial pathogenes. Extraction was ...
Abstract: Oral Candidiasis has been a worldwide health crises especially in immunocopromised patients particularly with HIV infections. Though the incidence and prevalence of Candida infections have been reduced due to the use of anti-retroviral therapy (ART), candidiasis remains the most frequent HIV associated health disorder. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence of canddiasis and associated risk factors among HIV positive participants taking anti-retro viral therapy. The study was...
Abstract: The study of indigenous knowledge on utilization of native plants as source of Medicine is important to conserve useful them and preserve indigenous knowledge for next generation. This study was conducted to document indigenous knowledge and medicinal plants used by the people of Toke Kutaye district in four field campaigns. A total of 100 respondents (age≥27) were participated during ethnobotanical data collection. Ethnobotanical data were collected using semi-structured intervi...
Abstract: Ethiopia has rich flora with different plant species having use in health care system based on local indigenous knowledge. However, documented ethnobotanical information was lacking in Wadla Woreda. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify and document ethnobotanical information of medicinal plants in Wadla Woreda, North Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. A total of 100 informants aged 20 and above were selected to collect ethnobotanical data. Out of these, 21 key inf...
Abstract: Fresh fruits are essential components of the human diet and there is considerable evidence of the health and nutritional benefits associated with the consumption of fresh fruits or their juices. Improperly prepared fresh fruit and vegetable juices are recognized as one of the major causes of food borne illnesses. Therefore, this study was aimed at assessing the microbial quality of fresh fruit juices (avocado and mango) prepared in juice houses of Dangila Town and their hygienic co...
Abstract: Medicinal plants have been used as a source of medicine to treat human and livestock ailments since time immemorial. Indigenous people of a given community have their own local specific knowledge on plant. This study was conducted to document indigenous plant based medicinal knowledge in the study area. The data were collected using semi structured interviews, focus group discussions and field observations with local peoples. A total of 100 informants (70 males and 30 females) abov...
Abstract: Intestinal protozoan and helminthes parasite infections are the major public health problems in many developing countries including Ethiopia. The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and their association with anthropometric measurements among school children in Yeshimebet Primary School of Harari Region, Ethiopia. The study was a school based cross sectional survey, involving 422 participants (241 males and 181 females, ...
Abstract: Intestinal parasitic infections are the major public health problems in many developing countries including Ethiopia. Intestinal protozoa and helminths are among the major factors that contribute or cause malnutrition. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and their associations with anthropometric measurements of school children at Afezez Primary School in Merhabiete district using a school based cross-sectional survey design. A total ...
Abstract: Ethnobotanical studies are useful in documenting, analyzing and communicating knowledge and interaction between biodiversity and human society. The objective of this study was to conduct ethnobotanical study and document medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge in Tulo district. Ethnobotanical data was collected from December 2019 to January 2020 using semi-structured interview, focus group discussion and direct field observation with 80 randomly selected non traditional healers a...