Abstract: The issue of ensuring food and nutrition security has become a global agenda, particularly for low-income countries with high population growth rate. In Ethiopia, food insecurity and undernutrition are worsening despite numerous policies and programmes geared towards improving household calorie intake and access to nutritious foods. As a tool, understanding the major causes of food and nutrition insecurity is important for interventions. Therefore, this study was initiated to estim...
Abstract: This study was initiated to evaluate the productive and reproductive performances of crossbred dairy cattle at Holetta research center dairy farm. Overall, 19,454 crossbred dairy cattle performance records were used for the study. Non-genetic and genetic analysis on the performance of crossbred dairy cattle were applied for estimation. The GLM and regression analysis procedure of SAS 2004 software was employed to determine the fixed and crossbreeding effects of year, season, parity...
Abstract: Homegarden agroforestry system mostly constitutes complex multi-strata than other agroforestry systems. The aim of this study was to assess the structure, composition and diversity of plant species growing in homegarden agroforestry system and to evaluate the economic contributions of homegardens to households in Bulen district, North-West Ethiopia. The study was conducted in five kebeles of the Woreda, which were randomly selected. Systematic random sampling procedure was employed...
Abstract: Food insecurity is widespread in Menz Gera District. The study was intended to assess the household food insecurity situation in Menz Gera District using 150 randomly selected sample households. The Household Calorie Acquisition (HCA) was used to measure the diet quantity aspect of food insecurity, and 2200Kcal/day/AE was used as a food security line. Based on this measure the incidence, gap and severity of food insecurity were computed using the FGT poverty index and results 84.7,...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, small scale irrigation is thought to be one of the most useful irrigation systems which has a profound impact on food security through increasing income and production. Therefore, the study focused on the impact of small scale irrigation on farm household food security with specific reference to Kobo District of Amhara Regional State. The specific objectives of the study were to identify factors affecting households’ participation in small scale irrigation and its im...
Abstract: ICTs has a positive impact on the living conditions of rural and urban societies if it used in appropriate and utilize to the maximum extent. This study is, therefore, focused on exploration of opportunities and challenges in using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for poverty reduction. The objective of the study includes Identifying opportunities of using ICTs in poverty reduction in this region, Exploring challenges of using ICT in poverty reduction and Suggestin...
Abstract: Systematic analysis of climate change and variability at local scale is critical to improve planning on agricultural activities and thus reduce vulnerability of the community. Therefore, the present study was aimed to analyze trends of climate variables and assessing its potential effects on sorghum production in the Haramaya District. Historical climate data (1985-2016) were collected from National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia. Future climate data (2020-2099) were downscaled ...
Abstract: The study was conducted in Selale-Addis, Ambo-Woliso, and Adama-Asela milk sheds in Ethiopia with the objective to investigate milk postharvest losses, their causes, mitigation strategies, physicochemical, compositional, microbial quality, and safety of raw milk, and their effects on household income and per capita milk consumption in the study area. The three milk sheds were purposively selected based on their potential for milk production, whereas households were selected randoml...
Abstract: Sensory quality and physicochemical properties are very important to determine yoghurt quality. Sensory attributes of yoghurt can be affected by starter cultures and pasteurization temperature in yoghurt manufacturing process. This study was aimed to investigate effect of three commercial starter cultures namely YoFlex Mild 1.0 and YF-L904 (thermophilic yoghurt cultures containing strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles) and RST-743(Lac...
Abstract: This study was conducted in Enebse Sar Middir district with the objective of performance evaluation of scavenging local chicken under intensive and extensive production system. To evaluate the performance of local chicken at intensive system Mertule Mariam ATVET College was used and 30 pullets were housed in three panes. And to evaluate the performance of local chicken at extensive system three agro ecologies were selected and in each agro ecology three kebeles were selected and pe...
Abstract: The study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa L.) on chicken performances, fertility and hatchability of egg, chick quality, embryonic mortality, blood parameters and economic benefit of black cumin seeds on white leghorn layers at Haramaya University Poultry Farm for 70 days. One hundred eighty WL layer at twenty- four weeks of age with an average initial body weight of 1219.52± 5.45g were randomly distributed to four t...
Abstract: Ethiopia having 4.5 million heads of dromedary camels is the third in camel population worldwide. However, studies pertaining to the role of camel as meat animal and its meat quality are not well addressed so far. This dissertation was aimed to investigate the effects of age, body condition, and postslaughter handling on slaughter characteristics and quality of camel meat in eastern Ethiopia. The survey assessed camel meat production potentials and constraints in Shinile district a...
Abstract: The study was conducted to evaluate effects of replacing different levels of sceerened red haricot bean (SRHB) for soybean meal on dry matter intake, body weight gain, egg production, egg quality, feed conversion ratio, fertility, hatchability, chick quality of white leghorn chicken, and economic profitability. A total of 225 (195 hens + 30 cocks) at age of 30 weeks with initial body weight of 1104.7± 16.35 gram were randomly distributed in to 15 pens each with 13 hens and 2 cocks...
Abstract: productivity is low due to use of poor quality seeds, inappropriate seed rate and unavailability of adaptable improved varieties to wide range of agro-ecologies. Therefore, this experiment was conducted at Kersa, eastern Ethiopia with the objectives of evaluating the effect of seeds sources, seed rates and varieties on yield and yield related traits and to determine seed quality of different sources of bread wheat varieties. The laboratory experiment was laid out as Completely Rand...
Abstract: A study was conducted using 40 yearling Arsi-Bale sheep with initial body weight of 19.85+0.29 kg (mean + SD). The objectives were to evaluate the varietal differences among faba bean straws and to evaluate effects of feeding different varieties of faba bean straws with concentrate (2 parts wheat bran: 1 part noug seed cake) fed at the rate 70% straws and 30% concentrate mixture on feed intake, digestibility, body weight gain and carcass characteristics of the animals. The varietie...