Abstract: The present study was carried out at Haramaya University dairy laboratory with the intention of investigating (1) the effect of camel chymosin on milk coagulation properties of camel milk and (2) the effect of camel chymosin and cooking on soft unripened cheese characteristics. Two experiments were conducted. The first experiment was on milk coagulation with completely randomized design (CRD) and different chymosin concentrations (40, 70 and 100 IMCU/L) were tested for gelation tim...
Abstract: The current study was conducted at Haramaya University Dairy laboratory with the main objective of investigating how heat treatment affects whey proteins and rennetability property of camel milk for cheese making. Completely randomized design (CRD)was used by evaluating effect temperature (heated at 400C,650C/30min,720C/30 sec, 750C/5 min, 850C/5 min and 900C/5 min).Unheated milk used for alternative reference during chemical and whey protein denaturation evaluation. Similar experi...
Abstract: The study was conducted to evaluate and characterize cultured Dhanaan (camel milk fermented using commercial starter cultures) with the following objectives; evaluation of the microbial safety of traditionally fermented Dhanaan, evaluation of the acidification activities of commercial starter cultures in camel milk, proteomic/peptidomics characterization of cultured Dhanaan and aromatic characterization of cultured Dhanaan. Shotgun metagenomic approach of 16S rRNA gene amplicon was...
Abstract: The objective of the study was to assess hygienic production practices, microbial quality and marketing of raw cows’ milk and milk products. The study was conducted on survey work and laboratory analysis. The survey works involved interview of 180 smallholder milk producers from two agro ecologies in the district while 40 milk samples were collected in the morning from milk producers, small shops, cafes and consumers for laboratory analysis. Majority of the respondents (96.7%) di...
Abstract: Most rural populations in developing countries use surface water which is turbid in appearance and contaminated with human feces which needs treatment. Even if there are synthetic chemicals that can reduce turbidity and pathogenic organisms from drinking water, they are neither cost effective nor eco-friendly. Instead, natural coagulants are eco-friendly solutions with minimum health risks if properly tested and promoted to be used by community dependent on such unsafe water source...
Abstract: Teaching methodology has a greater impact on the way students learn from teachers and tutors. However traditional class rooms are meant for rote learning, hence, there exists some challenges in promoting “in-depth learning” among the learners when it comes to teaching complex ICT concepts. This paper has been developed based on the experience of introducing an integrated approach towards promoting in-depth learning and understanding by the students. This integrated approach com...
Abstract: Food security issue is one of the critical concern and top priority area for developing countries. Having clear picture on food security status and its determinants helps policy makers to devise appropriate policies that enhance food security. Hence, this study aims to determine the food security status of the households, its determinants, and identify coping strategies used during food shortage in Oda Bultum district of West Hararghe zone, Oromia National Regional State. By using ...
Abstract: This study set out to assess the determinants of milk market supply and channel choices in the study area of Sodo Zuria district of SNNPR, Ethiopia. The study employed two-stage sampling technique to draw 120 sample respondents. Simple descriptive statistical analysis such as mean, standard deviation, percentage, and multiple linear regression and multivariate probit were used to analyze the data. Based on descriptive statics the major channels identified in the study area were sma...
Abstract: The first experimental observation of spin-orbit (SO) coupling in Bose Einstein Con densates (BECs) provided an interesting new platform to explore a fascinating and growing field of research and lead to rich physical e↵ects. In ultracold atomic sys tems,the synthetic SO coupling can be generated using two counter-propagating Ra man lasers that couple two hyperfine ground states. Motivated by these experimental findings, some theoretical activities have been committed to the phys...
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to propose and analyze a nonlinear mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of cervical cancer due to human papillomavirus with vaccination. The aim of this study is to investigate the dynamics of cervical cancer and analyze a deterministic mathematical model for the spread of cervical cancer due to HPV dynamics with vaccination. To conduct the study, a deterministic mathematical model system of ordinary differential equation and numerical...
Abstract: In Ethiopia microfinance institutions are becoming increasingly essential instruments in reducing poverty. Improving the delivery of financial services to the poor helps the poor to increase their disposable income, asset ownership, and cushion consumption during food deficit periods. Accordingly, Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company has been providing formal financial services for rural households in Oromia region for the last two decades. Large number of studies examined the im...
Abstract: This dissertation was composed of four experiments. In the first experiment, effects of different processing methods(roasting, boiling and germination) on proximate composition, some mineral and antinutrient contents of finger millet was evaluated. In the second and third experiments, the replacement effect of roasted finger millet grain for maize in starter and finisher broiler diets on feed intake, body weight, blood hematology, carcass parameters and meat chemical composition we...
Abstract: Frequent use of antibiotics to stimulate growth and health of animals is becoming a common animal production practice. However, this leads to the development of antibiotic-resistant populations of microorganisms. In this context, alternatives like herbs and spices to antibiotics are of importance, as they are natural products. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (1) evaluate the effects of Lepidium sativum (Garden cress, GC, Experiment I) and Capsicum frutescens (Hot red pe...
Abstract: A total of 180 Cobb 500 day old broiler chicks were randomly distributed into 15 pens. Five different rations consisting different inclusion levels of Tomato Waste Meal (TWM) were prepared and randomly assigned to treatments to evaluate the growth performances, carcass characteristics and selected hematological and serum biochemical parameters of the chicks. The inclusion levels of TWM were 0% (T1), 3% (T2), 6% (T3), 9% (T4) and 12% (T5). The experiment was conducted for a period o...
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Haramaya University compound, to evaluate three beneficial local microorganism (BLM) harvesting protocols and the effect of application rate and ensiling period of barley straw (BS) with beneficial local microorganism solution on its silage quality. The three procedures Niva, Rodrigueze and Davenport were used for production of beneficial local microorganism solution with three replication in a completely randomized design for each treatment (procedu...