Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Recruitment, Selection and Employee Performance in Rwanda Social Security Board

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between recruitment, selection and employee performance, using the case of Rwanda Social Security Board. Following the track of its set objectives, this study identified how recruitment and selection are conducted in Rwanda Social Security Board, put light on some of the challenges Rwanda Social Security Board faces in its endeavors to carry out effective recruitment and selection, find out whether there is relationship between recruitment, selecti...

The Effects of Training and Performance of Primary Schools Pupils in Ap Ac District. The Case of Ap Ac Town Council.

TABLE OF CONTENT Declaration ........................................................................... i Approval ............................................................................ ... ii Dedication ........................................................................... iii Acknowle~g~ment .................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction .................................................................... I I.I B...

Taxation and Growth of Small, Micro and Medium Entreprises Case Study of Selected Smes in Ntungamo Municipality, Uganda

Abstract Small and medium enterprises play a very important role in development of the Ugandan economy. The SMEs sector’s importance in the economic development of any country in recent years cannot be underrated especially with regard to creation of employment, innovation, uplifting the people’s standard of living and financial contribution to the growth of the country’s GDP. This sector’s growth is hindered by the challenges of lack of financial resources to expand, the entrepreneur...

The Impact of the Economic Environment on Entrepreneurship Development a Case of Hared Petroleum Limited, Jinja District- Uganda

ABSTRACT: TI1e main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the economic environment on the enh·epreneurship development. This inspired the researcher to select Hared Petroleum Limited in Jinja as a case study. The research is driven by the quest to find out the main objective of the study. The study aimed at achieving the following objectives:- 1. To identify and examine the impact of economic environment on entrepreneurship development. 2. To determine relationship between e...

Public Policy Implementation and Community Development in Noima District, (A Case Study of Kabwoya Sub county)

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION naaaannaannaaanaanananananananaaaaaa~aaaaaaana~ APPROVAL DEDICA’l”ION annaaaananaaanaaanaaa$oaannnanaannannnnnnannann~~ ACKNO~AfLE DGEM ENT~ an a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a anna a a a an a a an a a a a a a a ann a a anna ann an a a a a anna a anna a a anna a ann ant a IIV TABLE OF CON1EN1tnaaaanaaantannaannanaaannaann~. CHAPTER ONEanaaaaaaannnnaaanaaanananaaauanaaanaa It 1.0 Introduction of the Study 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement...

The Influence of Information Technology on Organizational Performance: Case Study of Unilever Ltd, Uganda

ABSTRACT The advent and spread of new information technology in organizations is the decades most dramatic and significant change in organizational life. Organizations all over the world have been driven to innovate and keep pace with changes in information technology in order to survive and perform in competitive markets. This imperative and impetus for performance has even become more urgent oftoday's rapid technological advances. It's not surprising therefore; organizations are at the for...

Customer Satisfaction and Trust Relationship ( A Case Study of Uganda Telecom)

ABSTRACT Customer satisfaction and trust relationship are not new topics, but the advent of technology based solutions has enabled companies to deal better on au individual level and more efficiently with their large customer base. Seeing the benefits of this competitive advantage, many companies have implemented a customer satisfaction solution but with the result that many of them have failed to be successful. The problem is that these companies often do not know why they were not successf...

Accountability and Service Delivery in the Public Sector: A Case of Kcca, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study explored the topic: Accountability and Service Delivery in public sector: A case of Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA), Kampala District. The specific objectives were: To examine the effect of political accountability on service delivery in Kampala City Council Authority; To establish the effect of legal accountability on service delivery in Kampala City Council Authority; and to examine the effect of administrative accountability on service delivery in Kampala City Coun...

The Impact of Water Transport and Economic Development of Uganda’s Landing Sites; Case Study of Ggaba Region, Makindye Division of Kampala City.

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of water transport and economic development in Ggaba region of Makindye division, Kampala city. The study objectives were; (i) to find out the influence of water transport on employment level in Ggaba, (ii) to find out the impact of water transport on the productivity of economic activities in Ggaba, (ii) to identify the challenges facing water transport in promoting economic development in Ggaba and (iv) to find out the relationship between water iransp...

Edu Frontiers 63 PAGES (11525 WORDS) Economics Project
The Role of Micro Finance Institutions in the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya: A Case Study of Equity Bank Meru Branch, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish and evaluate the role of MFI in the development of SME in Meru district and was driven by four objectives of establishing whether there are any existing approaches by MFI's in developing SME, analyzing how small and micro entrepreneurs benefit from micro-finance institutions, evaluating challenges microfinance institutions face in helping develop SME's, identifYing the possible solutions of how to improve micro credit schemes in Meru district. To achieve...

The Effect of Road Infrastructure on Agricultural Output: A Case Study of Kisoro District Central Division - Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was designed to investigate the effect of road infrastructure on agricultural output in Kisoro district central division. Focus was put on trying to establish the relationship between road infrastructure and agricultural output. The study employed the use of correlation design to establish the nature of the relationship. The validity and reliability of research instruments was established and data was collected from 117 respondents selected from central municipality using ...

Edu Frontiers 45 PAGES (8008 WORDS) Economics Project
The Effects of Reward System On Employee Performance at Work: A Case Study of Smart Telecom Limited kabalagala Branch

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between the impacts of reward system on employee performance at work. The objectives of the study were to establish the different systems of reward in Smart Telecom, to find factors responsible for employee performance at work and to assess the effects resulting from the systems used by the company when rewarding employees. The study used a quantitative and research design for the purpose of making valid conclusion. Quantitative design which i...

Motivation Practices and Employee Performance (A Case Study of Sembule Steel Mills Uganda Limited)

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between motivational practices and employee performance in Sembule Steel Mills Uganda Limited. The study was guided by three objectives including: To examine the role of motivational practices on employee performance in Sembule Steel Mills Uganda Limited, to examine the effect of motivational practices on employee performance in Sembule Steel Mills Uganda Limited. To establish the relationship between motivational practices a...

The Contribution of Small Scale Businesses and Provision of Employment to Labor Force

ABSTRACT The study examined the various activities in which SSBs absorb the labor force of Mityana Central Market in Mityana district. The study was guided by four objectives which include: To identify the different activities of SSBs in which labor force is employed, to establish the relationship between SSBs and provision of employment to labor force, to identify the size of businesses that provide employment to labor force and to find out the challenges limiting activities of small scale b...

Edu Frontiers 53 PAGES (9764 WORDS) Economics Project
Effect of Inventory Management Practices On the Operational Performance of Manufacturing Firms a Case Study of Mukwano Group of Companies

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENT v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1. lBackground 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 5 1.3 General objective 5 1.4 Specific objectives of the study 5 1.5 Research questions 6 1.6 Scope of the study 6 1.6.1 Geographical scope 6 1.6.2 Sampling Scope 6 1.6.3 Time Scope 6 1.7 Justification of the study 7 1.8 Conceptual Frame Work 8 V CHAPTER TWO.9 LITERATURE REVIEW...

2191 - 2205 Of 19638 Results