ABSTRACT The study established the effect of UNEB examiners’ personality on effectiveness of conveyor belt system of marking in Uganda. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) to examine the effect of UNEB examiners’ attitudes on effectiveness of conveyor belt system of marking in Uganda; ii) to establish the effect of UNEB examiners’ values on effectiveness of conveyor belt system of marking in Uganda and (iii) to assess the effect of UNEB examiners’ ...
ABSTRACT This research study was carried out with the intention of finding out the inefficiencies existing in NSSF savings, investments highlighting the possible elements of Mismanagement. It was aimed at finding the value of returns on investments, the rate of interest on NSSF savings to see if these levels are enough to reward the saving workers adequately or not. The study made use of secondary data from NSSF Annual reports for the periods 1999-2004, Annual reports of the selected ban...
ABSTRACT Taxation is the major source of government revenue in Rwanda and developing countries at large. Following the economic crisis of 1994 genocide, Rwanda has made a substantial progress in rebuilding the country's economy and social infrastructure compared to the situation before the war. This economic reform has been possible due to a number of reforms undertaken by the government of Rwanda including tax policy and tax administration reforms among others, the establishment of Rwanda Re...
ABSTRACT The aim of the research was aimed at investigating the effect of packaging on consumer behavior. The types of research used are qualitative and quantitative techniques. The aim of the research is to; research how packaging has improved on consumer purchases. The management through the research has been able to know how the customers are educated about keeping their environment clean and about their safety and health. The management has also seen how lifestyle would really affect cons...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of compensation on employee's motivation in war child Holland Uganda. The study sought to establish the effect of benefits on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to examine the effect to pay on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to establish the relationship between incentives and motivation of employees in War Child Holland. The literature review was conducted with the aim of establishing and shading mo...
ABSTRACT This report investigated Road Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Uganda 2000 - 2018, the Study considered all national roads, that is, paved and unpaved roads however, district roads were excluded due to lack of data for the entire period of the study. The emphasis on national roads was both due to data availability and the multiplier effects associated with these roads towards economic growth. The objectives of the study were to: establish the causality between economic growth an...
ABST. RACT The study will be to determine the significance of E-payment system towards reduction of the paper filing system in Del-Monte Company. The interviews and observations will be employed to collect qualitative data to enable good access of the current payment system used and the proposed systems. The purpose and sampling teclmiques will be employed, to determine the sample size. The main aim of the study will be to reduce errors that come up with the existing filing system and develop...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Kanyinya Sector, Nyarugenge district in Rwanda, Its purpose was: to test hypothesis of no significant relationship between Vision 2020 Program and Household growth in Kanyinya Sector; to validate existing information related to the theory to which the study was basing; to generate new information based on the findings of the study; then, to bridge the gaps identified in previous studies. The objectives were to determine the profile of the respondents in t...
ABSTRACT The study explored the relationship between capital market investment income and performance among commercial banks in Kigali, Rwanda. The study was based on three objectives that included determining the level of capital market investment income of commercial banks in Kigali, Rwanda, determining the extent of performance of commercial banks in Kigali, Rwanda and establishing the relationship between capital markets investment income and performance of sciected commercial banks in Ki...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of logistics management on service delivery in humanitarian organizations in Mogadishu Somalia. The study objectives were to analyze the effect of transport management on service delivery in the humanitarian organizations, to evaluate the effect of inventory management on service delivery in the humanitarian organizations and lastly to explore the effect of order process management on service delivery in the Humanitarian organizati...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the occupations stress and employee performance relationship between occupational stress and employee performance. The research objectives were 1) determine level of occupational stress among employees (2) examine the level of employee performance in United Nations Mission in Central African Republic. (3) Establish the relationship between occupational stress and employee performance. The study employed the descriptive cross sectional survey ...
ABSTRACT The study of The Socio-economic Impact of Adult Education was conducted with the aim of identifying and evaluating various objectives acquired by the department of ACE under the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture and Social Services. These objectives, such as eradication of illiteracy in the country, promotion of cultural heritage, encouraging learning as a life long process and alleviating poverty, were some of the factors that were used to determine the consequences ...
ABSTRACT This study was about the Challenges of Workers Participation in Organization in Arusha, Tanzania, TANAPA being a case study. The study gives out a picture on how TANAPA manages Workers Participation in their day to day activities. It also provides the mechanisms on which TANAPA use to make staff to be involved and much less some problems occurred during the process. The population Sample Involved Employees ofTANAPA Headquarters .The sample size includes 50 employees, which is equival...
ABSTRACT The study whose objectives were employee orientation on organization performance in the manufacturing sector, effect ofj oh rotation on organization performance in the manufacturing sector, effect of promotional training on organization performance in the manufacturing sector of Mogadishu Somalia. The study adopted a descriptive survey design on quantitative and qualitative data. The study involved the employees of the manufacturing companies in Mogadishu who were 160; the sample pop...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find the effect of internal control activities on cash management case study: Ugafode microfinance limited (MDI), with the following objectives the stud~ will basically aim at finding out the effects of internal control activities on cash management, To establish the relationship between internal auditing and cash budgeting, To establish the relationship between segregation of duties and internal control activities The study used both quantitative and qualitative ...