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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Alcohousm and Domesi Violence in Nakawa Division, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTDeclarationApproval iiAcknowledgement iiiList of Tables viiList of Figures viiiList ofAppendices ixList of Acronyms xAbstract xiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction1.1 Background 11.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Objectives ofthe Study 31.4 Scope ofthe Study 31.5 Significance of the Study 31.6 Justification 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Online Ticketing 52.2 Online Booking/Reservation 52.3 Electronic Payment System 72.4 E-payment Initiatives 82.5 Problems of Implem...

Record Keeping and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises; A Case of Western Division Fort Portal Municipality

ABSTRACT I intend to study the role of record keeping and financial performance of small and medium enterprises in foti patial municipality Western division. Despite the effort made to promote their financial performance through proper documentation, and the fact that financial record keeping exists in small and medium enterprises, it has been found out that even business that keep financial records have failed to succeed in business due to the fact that business owners do not review their re...

The Effects of Raw Material Inputs On Product Quality in a Manufacturing Firm. Case Study (Nile Breweriess Limited)

ABSTRACT This study was cmried out to assess the effects of raw materials inputs on product quality in manufacturing industries. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires accompanied by observation and interviews. The study involved 20 respondents. These were all involved in different activities at different departments. It was revealed that there is a close relationship between Raw material inputs on product quality factors such as moisture content of grains, hardness of grains, b...

Performance Appraisal and Employee Productivity in Organisations

ABSTRACT The report is a result of research conducted on performance appraisal and employee productivity in organizations. Thus the objectives of the study were; to examine the types of performance appraisal, to establish the roles of performance appraisal, to examine factors affecting employee productivity, to determine the relationship between performance appraisal and employee productivity in organizations. To achieve these objectives the researcher mainly read and analysed the already exi...

Effects of Budgetary Control and Cash Flow Effectiveness on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises' Performance A Case Study of Global Paints Limited (Glp) Naka Wa Division

ABSTRACT Budgetary control and cash flow effectiveness The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the effects of Budgetary Control and Cash Flow Effectiveness on Small And Medium Sized Enterprises' performance in organizations especially Global Paints Limited. In chapter one the researcher covered the background the study, stated the problem statement, the scope of the study and finally the signification of the study. In chapter two, the researcher initially started by...

The Effects of Computerized Accounting and Customer Service Delivery: A Case Study of Cooperetive Rural Development Bank (Crdb) in Mbeya Town (Tanzania)

ABSTRACT In this world of globalization, computerized accounting system is becoming a very vital system in day to day operations to achieve developments in various organizations. In this survey carried to establish the impacts of computerized accounting system in improvements of organizations, research questions of both closed and open were issued in the field. Oral interviews were also conducted to provide accuracy explanations which could have been left out in this survey was one hundred an...

Internal Communication and Employee Retention of Entebbe Handling Services Ltd

ABSTRACT This study investigated internal communication and employee retention at ENHAS. The following objectives guided the study: i) to determine the effectiveness of internal communication at Entebbe Handling Services Limited; ii)to establish the level of employee retention at Entebbe Handling Services limited; and iii)to find out the relationship between internal communication and employee retention at Entebbe Handling Services limited. The study used descriptive survey design with a targ...

Inventory Management and Customer Satisfaction. A Case of Spear Motors Limited Kampala

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish or investigate the relationship between inventory management and customer satisfaction in Spear Mctors Limited Kampala basing on the following objectives, to examine inventory management techniques used in organization, to find out the factors affect customer satisfaction in organizations, to establish the relationship between inventory management and customer satisfaction. The researcher used descriptive and quantitative research designs. Co...

Motivation and Employee Performance in Organisations, A Case Study of Uganda Revenue Authority (Ura)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xCHAPTER ONE 1BACKGKROUND OF THE STUDY I1.0 Introduction I1.1 Background of the study1 .2 Statement of the Problem 61 .3 Purpose of the study 71,4 Specific objectives 71 .5 Research questions 71.6 Scope of the study 71.6.1 Content scope 71.6.2 Geographical scope 81.6.3 Time scope 81.7 Significance of the study 8CHAPTER rrwo 10LITERATURE REVIEW 10...

Management Style and Employee Turnover in Sembabule District: A Case Study of Kawanda Sub-county June-october 2018

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of management style on employee turnover. The study was guided by the following research objectives namely; to determine the type of the management style in Kawanda Sub-county to investigate the causes of employee turnover in Kawanda sub-county and to establish the relationship between management styles in Kawanda sub-county. The research was descriptive and analytical in nature. The findings of the research are in agreement with the...

Record Keeping and Performance of Small Scale Enterprises, A Case Study of Kansangamakindye Division

ABSTRACT A number of small scale enterprises are coming up significantly but their operation is shmi lived because the small business operators are not keen on keeping their business records which are useful in the evaluation of the performance. Small businesses are uniquely susceptible to disaster or incomplete records results in huge taxes being levied on small business operators denying them a chance to access loans, grants and funding. Records are essential elements of an organization in ...

Tax Policies And Revenue Perfomance: A Case Study Of Tanzania Revenue Authority, Kilimanjaro Region..

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out at Tanzania Revenue Authority, Kilimanjaro region as a case study, in an attempt to find out the tax policies on revenue performance.In this study revenue collection performance is the measure of government efforts to collect tax revenue as percentage of GDP.The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between tax policies and revenue collection performance in Tanzania. To examine advantages of adopting good taxpolicies, to es...

Sales Training on Sales Performance in The Hospitality Industry A Case Study Serena Hotel Nairobi

ABSTRACT The study was set out to investigate the effect of sales training on sales performance in the hospitality industry. The study was guided by the following objectives; To determine the characteristics of a good sales training program in the hospitality industry, to determine the caliber of staff to be included in a sales training program and to establish the importance for sales training program in the hospitality industry. The study findings were that characteristics of a good sales t...

SSA Research 47 PAGES (7445 WORDS) Marketing Project
Effect of School Foundation Board on Academic Performance Of Pupils In Oluko Sub County Primary Schools, Arua District, West Nile Region Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study on The Effect of School Foundation Board (S.F.B) on Academic Performance in Oluko Sub County Primary Schools (2008 - 2010) has come timely to shade light misunderstanding of the role of school foundation boards on primary school. This is becausethe role of school foundation boards has continued not to be clearly understood by many _ parents, teachers, opinion leaders and school administration.The specific objectives of the study were to examine the roles of sc...

The Effect of Credit on Growth of Smes in Katwe Trading Centre, Makindye Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the relationship between credit and the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Katwe trading center. The study was set to address the following specific objectives: to examine the nature of credit facilities offered to the small and medium enterprises at Katwe treading center, to determine the level of growth of small and medium enterprises at Katwe trading center, to determine the relationship between credit facilities and growth of small and ...

2461 - 2475 Of 19638 Results