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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effect of Book Keeping on The Performance of Finanacial Institutions. Case Study of Iqtgum Cooperative Savings and Credit Society (Sacco)

ABSTRRACTThe topic of the study was to assess the effects of book keeping on the performance of financial institution. The researcher used the case study of Kitgum cooperative savings and credit society(SACCO). The study was guided by three objectives (i) To find out the effects of account preparation on performance of financial institution; (ii) To find out the effect of inventory and budget control on performance of financial institution; and (iii) To find out the effect of r...

An Investigation of Environmental Risk Factors Influencing Chorela Epidemic in Magale Sub-county, Manafwa District of Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT Cholera is an acute enteric infection caused by the ingestion of bacterium Vibrio cholera present in faecally contaminated water or food. Primarily linked to insufficient access to safe water and proper sanitation, its impact can be even more dramatic in areas where basic environmental infrastructures are disrupted or have been destroyed. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors contributing to the prevalence of cholera and the environmental risk factors associated with ch...

Cash Management and Profitability in Small and Mediam Enterprices In Kampala Uganda

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between cash management and profitability and in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The study was conducted inMukono leisure gardens The objectives of the study were to find out examine the various cash management policies used in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), factors influencing theirprofitability and to establish the relationship between cash management and profitabilityin small and medium enterprises...

Employee Selection Process And Perfomance: A Study In National Microfinance Bank Mandela Moshi, Tanzania

ABSTRACTThis study set out to describe the relationship between selection procedure ~mo~ovee ~errormance ~n oraanizarions, a study in National Microfinance Bank limited, Mandela Branch-Moshi, Tanzania, It was based on both cross sectional and descriptive correlational survey designs. A self administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 66 employees, usingstratified random sampling. Data analysis was done using SPSS’s relative frequencies, means, s...

The Role of Decentralization in The Promotion of Socio Economic Development in Kaabong District: A Case Study of Lolelia Sub- County

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the role of decentralization in the promotion of socio-economic development in Kaabong district where by Lolelia Sub County was used as the case study. The study objectives included to examine the ways through which decentralization was being practiced in Lolelia Sub County, to assess the contributions of decentralization towards socio economic development of Lolelia Sub County and to examine the challenges that decentralization was encountering in foster...

Internal Auditing and Performance of Local Government in Uganda. A Case Study Buyende Town Council

ABSTRACTThis study sought to establish the effect of internal control system on performance of local government in Buyende Town Council. Buyende district. The study was driven by three objectives. These were; to examine the effectiveness of the internal audit in Buyende TownCouncil, to determine the different types of internal audit practices used in Buyende Town Council. and to establish the relationship between internal audit and performance in Buyende Town Council.To ac...

Customer Care and The Growth of Small-Scale Business Enterprises. A Case study of Kampala Central Division in Kampala District

ABSTRACT The research was majorly carried out to establish the factors influencing the growth of customer care in small scale business enterprises; a case study of Kampala central Division, Kampala district. The study attempted to find out, analysis factors responsible for growth, problems, and solutions as well as prospects of small scale business enterprises The study was organized into five chapters and these chapters contained various sub headings and these include; Chapter one is the int...

The Impact of Universal Primary Education on Girl Child Education In Adjumani District In Nothern Uganda Acase Study of Pakelle Sub County

ABSTRACTDespite the importance of universal primary schools as a foundation for the country’s formal education for increased number of girl child education, the Ministry of Education spends less than three percent of its budget on this sub-sector, The General objective of the study was todetermine the impact of universal primary education on girl child education. The research study was conducted between November 2014 and march 2015. The study was carried in Pakelle Sub C...

Management Of Accounts Receiveable And Performance Of Organisations: A Case Study Of Kyela District In Mbeya Region Tanzania.

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out at Kyela District Council, Mbeya region as a case study, in an attempt to find out the management of account receivable problems.The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between management of account receivable and performance of the organisation in Tanzania. To examine advantages of adoptinggood account receivable policies, to establish challenges faced when implementing these policies towards positive or negative debts c...

The Effect of Organisational Culture on Employee Perfomance Case Study: Motelcom International Uganda Limited

ABSTRACT This study was conducted between March and May 2009. It aimed at assessing the impact of organizational culture on employee performance. Taking Motelecom International Uganda Limited as the case study. It further identifies different cultures that affect employee performance in organizations.TABLE OF CONTENTS DELARATION.................................................................................................. (i) APPROVAL.................................................

An Investigation into the Cause of Women Empowerment in the Development of Padyere County, Nebbi District.

ABSTRACT This study was qualitative in nature, investigating the cause of Women Empowerment on Development in Padyere county-Nebbi District. its objectives was to determine the challenges faced by the women in accessing education, to examine the factors for the high infant mortality, to find out the factors leading to low use of family planning, and to asses the strategies being used to empower women in Padyere County Nebbi District. There are various challenges faced by the women in accessin...

Child Labour and Performance of Pupils in Gulu Municipality, Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on Child Labour and Performance of Pupils in Northern Uganda, was carried out in Gulu municipality, Northern Uganda to specifically find out; the causes of child labour; government contribution to poverty eradication in promoting performance of children and the challenges experienced by government. The study employed a descriptive study design with a sample of 50 respondents, while a questionnaire and interview guide were adopted for data collection. Study findings revealed...

Stakeholder Management and Organizational Effectiveness in Private Banks in Kampala Central Division, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study aimed at establishing the effect of stakeholder management on organizational effectiveness in Kampala Uganda. Three specific objectives guided this study and these were i) examining the effect of stakeholder management on market share in private banks in Kampala, Uganda ii) determine the effect of stakeholder management on financial growth in private banks in Kampala, Uganda; and (iii) determine the effect of stakeholder management on customer satisfhction in private banks...

The Influence of Physically Disabled Persons on Social Economic Development in Somalia. A Case Study of Puntland

Abstract The study entitled the influence of physically disabled persons on social economic development in Somalia, case study of Puntland, was guided by the following objectives,to determine the causes and elements of physical disability among people in Puntland Somalia,to identify how disabled persons have contributed to socio-economic development in Puntland Somalia,to identify the challenges faced by disabled persons in accessing social economic development in Puntland Somalia,to identify...

The Impact of Immigration on Somali Culture in Uganda, A Case Study of Jusenyi-mengo

ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The impact of immigration on Somali culture in Uganda, Kisenyi mengo” was aimed at establishing Somali culture in Kisenyi, Uganda. The focus of the research also analyzed the socio-economic needs of the Somali immigrants in Uganda. The investigation was also based on the metrics relevant to the rights of the Somali immigrants and the effective mechanisms required safeguarding their educational and fundamental human rights. The theories relating immigr...

2476 - 2490 Of 19638 Results