Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Impact of Population Increase On Forest Conservation in Wajir County North Eastern Province Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION .DEDICATIONAPPROVAL.ivACKNOWLEDGEM~JqTLIST OF ACRONYMS viTABLE OF CONTENTABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1I. I Introduction and background ofthe study 11.2 Statement ofthe problem 31.3 Objectives ofthe study1.3.1 General objective 51.3.2 Specific Objectives1.4 Research questions1.SScopeofthestudy 61.5.1 Geographical scope 61.5.2Timescope 61.5.3 Content scope 61.6 Definition ofkey terms 61.7 Significance ofthe studyVIICHAPTER TWO .8LITERATURE REVIEW ....

Procurement Process and Service Delivery in the Public Sector: A Case Study of National Water Sewarage Corporation, (Nwsc), Gulu Branch

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEGEMENT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xLIST OF TABLES xiLIST OF FIGURES xiiABSTRACT xiiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction I1.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement ofthe Problem 31.3 Purpose ofthe study 41.4 The objectives of the study 41.5 Research Questions 41.6 Hypothesis 41.7 The Scope ofthe study 41.7.1 Geographical scope 41.7.2 Content scope 41.7.3 Time scope 51.8 Significance of the Study 51.9 The c...

Electronic Tendering and Organizational Performance. A Case Study of Bidco Uganda Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................. iv...

Working Capital Management Practices and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mak1ndye Division; A Case Study Of Nsambya Parish

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS VLIST OF ACRONYMS XiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study I1.1 .1 Historical perspective.1.2 Theoretical perspective 21 .1 .3 Contextual Background 31.2 Statement of the Problem 41.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Research Objectives 51.5 Research Questions 51.6 Hypothesis 51.7 Scope of the Study 51.7.1 Geographical scope 51.7.3 Content Scope 61.8 Time scope 61.9 Significance of the s...

Procurement Strategies and Cost Performance in Business Firms (A Case Study of Shell Petrol Station-Bugolobi)

TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle: PageDeclaration ..................................................................................... .iApproval .................................................... ..................................... iiDedication ...................................................................................... .iiiAcknowledgement ... ... ............................................................. .......... .ivTable ofcontents ...................................................

The Impact of Marketing Strategies On the Performance of Saccos. A Case Study of Sacco Based in Mombasa District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .......................................................................................................... iACIZNOWLEGMENTS ............................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iiiABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS .................................................................... .ivTABLE OF CONTENTS .............

Employee Benefit Programs and Labour Turnover A Case Study of National Social Security Fund in Kampala-Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION •.•.••.................•.•.•.........................••.••.............•.•..........•..•......•..• iAPPROVAL ...............•.••••••.•.•••......••.••••.•......•.••••.•........•.•.••........••..•.•.••......•...... iiDEDICATION ••••........•..••.•.•.•••.•.......••••••.••....•••••••.•.•.•......•••�...

Team Work and Employee Performance in Microfinance Institutions in Uganda, A Case Study of Visionfund, Uganda - Headquarter, Kampala.

ABSTRACT This research study looked at team work and employee performance in microfinance institutions in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between teamwork and employee performance in microfinance institutions in Uganda. The objectives of the study included the different forms of teamwork used in VisionFund, the effect of teamwork on employee's performance and employees' perception towards teamwork in vision fund. The study used a case study design. A sample ...

Women Political Participation and Good Governance in Yei River County South Sudan

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION jAPPROVAL iiACKNOWLEDGMENT jj~TABLE OF CONTENTS ivLIST OF TABLES viiCHAPTER ONE ,.,.....~...... ~ .. ..~. ...~..THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE ,,,..,,...., 11.1 Back ground of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 31.4 Research objectives 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Scope 31.7 Significance of the study 41.8 Operational definition of key terms 4CHAPTER TWO ., . . 0, 0 000 0~~ 0 0~~0000 0000000000~ 0 0~ , , , , .5THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES . ,....

Decentralization and Education Service Delivery in Kanungu District Local Government (2010-2017)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .11APPROVAL IiDEDICATIONTABLE OF CONTENTSOPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE KEY TERMS ixCHAPTER ONE1 .0 IntroductionI .1 Background of the Study1.1.1 Historical perspective• 1 .2 Theoretical perspective• I .3 Conceptual perspectiveI .4 Contextual perspective1.2 Statement of the Problem 61.3 Purpose of the Study 7I .4 Research Objectives 7I .4.1 General Objective 7.5 Speciflc objectives 7I .6 Research Questions 7I .7 Scope of the Study 8I .8 Sign iflcance of the stu...

Leadership Styles and Employee Job Performance in Serere District Local Government, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENT vLIST OF TAI3LES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS xABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTROI)UCTION I1.0 Introduction1.1 Backgrounds 11.1.1 Historical perspective1 .1 .2 Theoretical perspective 41.1.3 Conceptual perspective 41.1.4 Contextual background 61.2 Problem Statement 61.3 Purpose of the study 91.6 Scope of the Study 101.7 Significance of the study 10VCHARPTER TWO .11LITERATURE REVIEW 112.0 Litera...

Effective Capital Management and Organisation Profitability, A Case of Green Power Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 General objective 31.4 Specific Objectives 31.5 Research questions 31.6. Scope of the study 41.6.1 Content scope 41.6.2 Geographical scope 41.6.3 Time scope 41.7 Significance of the study 4VCHAPTER TWO .5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Definitions of working c...

Impact of Budgeting On the Performance of Local Governments. A Case Study of Rakai Local Government.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................

Micro Finance Institutions and Poverty Reduction Among Unemployed Women: A Case Study of Pride Micro Finance Mbarara

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iAPPROV AL ............................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................

An Assessment of the Factors Influencing the Buying Behaviour of Milk Consumers in Dar-Es Salaam Region: A Case Study of Kinondoni District

ABSTRACT The study aims at assessing factors influencing consumer-buying behaviour of milk consumers in Tanzania a case study of Kinondoni district. It aims at investigating consumers' awareness on importance of milk for their health; and determining the impact of quality, distance from source of supply and socio-cultural factors on milk consumption. The data for the study were collected and through questionnaires and interview to a random selected sample of 83 individuals in fourteen wards o...

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