Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Modelling A Monetary Valuation Tool For Human Resource Accounting Practice In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The conventional accounting practice has been faulted for failing to supply adequate and relevant information required for investment decision making because annual reports lack monetary information on human resources.In order tofill the gaps created by this inadequacy and keep pace with economic reality, a number of organisations in both developing and developed countries such as India, Jordan, Sweden, Denmark, United States and Great Britain have voluntarily, embraced monetary Huma...

SSA Research 216 PAGES (39307 WORDS) Accounting Thesis
Government Deficit And The Inflationary Process In Nigeria, 1986-1998

ABSTRACT This research investigates empirically the relationship between government deficit and inflation in Nigeria. The study aimes at determining the nature of causality between deficit and inflation; the dynamics of inflation; and the role of deficit in the process of inflation, among others. Both descriptive and analytical techniques have been used to carry out the study. Specifically, ratios, charts, growth rates and a macro econometric model have been used to analyse relevant statistic...

SSA Research 282 PAGES (42157 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Performance Evaluation Of The Public Sector A Case Study Of Jamb

Abstrack In recent time, government expenditure on public and other ad-hoc establishments has been on the increase. This can be attributed to the resolve of govenunent for rapid and accelerated development including the welfare of the citizen hence, the underlying objectives in the establishment of public enterprises and corporations. Thus, the principle of limited government restricts the government only to its traditional statuto1y role of maintaining Law and order plus the provision of bas...

The Appraisal Of The Role Of Government In The Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Nigeria: A Study Of National Ecof\Iomic Empowerment And Development Strategy In Fct

ABSTRACT Poverty reduction has been a long concern fol' all African co1mtl'ies since independence. The high incidence of po1·crty in Nigcl'ia has been a greatest obstacle to the development of the nation at large. This research work examined the role of the government in Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Nigeria in orde!' to reduce poverty to its minimum barest level. Questionnaire 111as used as instrument for gathering data for the research. The data collected were ana􀂪y:::.ed using simp...

Party Politics And National Integration: A Case Study Of People’s Democratic Party (Pdp) In Nigeria, 1999-2015

Abstract Since the attainment of independence in 1960, it has been known that party polities has not really done much in the area of national integration in Nigeria because of this; political parties in Nigeria tend to promote ethnic and private interest which has milted against National integration. Based on this, this study sought to investigate the party politics and national integration with a view to analyzing the nature and structure of the People ’s Democratic Parties (PDP) between ...

Organizational Reward System And Its Effect On Staff Productivity: A Study Of Selected Deposit Money Banks.

ABSTRACT This research work investigated the Organizational Reward System and Its Effect on Staff Productivity: A Study of Selected Deposit Money Banks. The study was necessitated by the importance of reward system in enhancing employee performance. The work aimed at determining the effect of reward system on employee productivity. The study made use of secondary data in its analysis. Three explanatory variables (salaries and wages, pension contribution and other staff benefits /allowances) w...

Assessment Of The Contributions Of Information & Communication Technology (Ict) On Banking Performance (A Study Of Zenith Bank Plc)

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the contribution of information, communication and technology (ICT) on banking performance. My main objective of the study is to ascertain whether the adoption of ICT in Zenith Bank has led to increase in the profitability of the Bank and to determine whether the adoption of ICT in Zenith Bank has led to improved customer services. I adopted Expo-factor Research design. Data was generated from responses from various respond ents which were distributed among res...

Mobile Money Adoption In Emerging Markets: A Case Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The adoption and widespread use of mobile phones in emerging markets have opened up diverse opportunities in financial services such as mobile money transfer. However, mobile money transfer is at different stages of adoption in emerging markets. The main objective of the research was to identify factors that influence consumers‘ intention to adopt mobile money transfer in Ghana. A conceptual research model was developed based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technolog...

PSN Africa 168 PAGES (42672 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Human Resource Development And Nigeria Economy A Case Study In Umuna In Orlu Local Government Area In Imo State

ABSTRACT The study seeks to find out the implication of human resource development on the economic development of Umuna in Orlu Local Government Area in Imo State. With the use of survey design and random sampling of corporate workers, civil servants, private company workers and labor in general, questionnaire administration is used to acquire information and simple percentage for generalization. The study found out that development can be achieved through accessible health care and affordab...

SSA Research 28 PAGES (8330 WORDS) Economics Project

ABSTRACT Small-holder farmers in the urban and peri-urban areas have become very vulnerable to land use change patterns due to rapid increase in population and urbanization. Farmlands are gradually being converted to residential facilities, posing significant threat to the livelihood of farmers who depend on such lands. Land use change at Abokobi dates back to the 2004, but the phenomena became more pronounced in 2008 when the Ga East District attained municipal status. With support from the ...

Neuropsychological Functioning In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

ABSTRACT Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is a disorder in which a person’s immune system attacks the tissues and organs of the body, causing inflammation, damage and dysfunction. Challenges associated with SLE include cognitive and behavioural changes as well as problems with perceived quality of life. It affects mainly women in their prime in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study examined the neuropsychological functioning of individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Accra, Ghana. The s...

PSN Africa 124 PAGES (29675 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Microfinancing of Some Selected Small And Medium Enterprises in Owerri

ABSTRACT   This research work is on Microfinancing of Small and Medium Enterprises in Owerri with emphasis on selected Small and Medium Enterprises. The indispensable role of finance to the growth and survival of enterprises and the adoption of microfinance as the main source of financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria motivated this study. Primary data gathered using 5- Point Likert Scale questionnaire were presented and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies. Hypothes...

Assessing The Comprehensiveness Of Community Participation In The Planning And Implementation Of Development Projects. A Case Of The Women And Children’s Ward (Wcw) Facility In Abokobi, Ghana

ABSTRACT Community development projects requires the use of participatory approaches in the formulation of plans to reflect the needs and aspiration of the people. Participatory development perceives local people as experts within their own circumstances, thus highlighting the need to draw on their strengths and indigenous capabilities. Active participation ensures that the beneficiaries of the development project are empowered to become actively involved in all stages of a project cycle. The...

Nicon And The Leadership Challenges in The Nigeria Insurance Industry; A Case Study of Nicon Insurance Corporations.

ABSTRACT  1.0 BACKGROUND One of the indices for measuring the development of an economy is the size and maturity of its insurance industry. This is because the insurance industry plays a very important role in the mobilization and utilization of investible resources in the economy. It also acts as the observer of the risks and uncertainties associated with economic activities, the absence of a market for which can greatly reduce the growth of economic activity. The relevance of the insurance...

African Cultural Values And Psychological Health In Adult Persons With Sickle Cell Disease In Ghana

ABSTRACT Although spirituality has been found to reduce psychological symptoms, the factors that intervene in the relationship remain unclear. The present study aimed at determining whether African cultural values would moderate the relationship between spirituality and psychological health, and whether this observation was unique to SCD participants. Additionally, the study explored reasons for the use of African cultural values in coping. Finally, the study aimed at developing a model of co...

SSA Research 354 PAGES (83722 WORDS) Psychology Thesis

11551 - 11565 Of 19638 Results