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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Implementation Of The Single Spine Salary Structure (Ssss) In Ghana

ABSTRACT The Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) is one of the major components of the Single Spine Pay Policy (SSPP) introduced by the Government of Ghana and got implemented in 2010, to regulate the payment of public service workers especially those under article 190 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. Notwithstanding the well-crafted nature and the objectives of the policy, its implementation has suffered challenges. Analysis of data collected revealed some of these challenges including hi...

Moonlighting To Survive: The Effect Of Multiple Job Holding On The Working Poor In Ghana.

ABSTRACT Earlier works on moonlighting are concentrated on the motives for holding two or more jobs. In Ghana, as well as other African countries, studies on multiple job holding have mostly centered around determinants of moonlighting, relationship between moonlighting and unionism, urban deprivation and multiple modes of livelihood, among others. On the contrary, little work has been done on the effect that moonlighting has on moonlighters, especially the working poor population. This thesi...

The Effect Of Organizational Climate On Transfer Of Training – A Study Of Asa Ghana

ABSTRACT One of the main factors to ensure improved organizational performance is training. When training is conducted, trainees are equipped with new knowledge and skills with the expectation that the new learnt skills will be transferred to the organization. The climate in which transfer occurs is very critical to ensuring that transfer is possible. The main objective of this research was to identify how organizational climate can affect transfer of training using a micro finance organizati...

Effects of deposits Mobilization on The Financial Performance of Microfinance Banks in Nigeria- A Study of Umuchinemere Microfinance Bank

ABSTRACT Dwindling nature of deposits mobilization in microfinance industry necessitated this study. It is to establish the effect of deposit mobilization on the financial performance of micro finance banks in Nigeria: A study of Umuchinemere Pro-credit micro finance bank Nigeria limited 2005 - 2014. The main objective is to examine the effect of customer deposit on the financial performance of the bank and one specific objectives. Two hypotheses were formulated, two research questions, The ...

Measuring Higher Education Service Quality (A Study Across Some Selected Universities In Ghana)

ABSTRACT Measuring service quality in higher education has become an important exercise to determine students‟ level of satisfaction and possibility of continue enrolment. This paper focuses on measuring Ghana‟s higher education service quality with the specific objective of identifying perceptions of students in University of Ghana (UG), Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA)as a means to evaluate the quality o...

PSN Africa 116 PAGES (26806 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Perceived Benefits Of Online Shopping And Attitude Formation Of Women Shoppers In Urban Ghana

ABSTRACT The extent of globalization and technological revolution has rendered online retail business very competitive, complex and difficult to plan and predict effectively. Online retailers in Ghana are constantly exploring and exploiting ways to attract, engage and help consumers choose their brands over other competing brands. To understand these issues better from the context of online retailers and women shoppers in Accra, this study formulated three research objectives to assess how pe...

Effect of Value Added Tax on a Profitability of Manufacturing Firm a Study of Some Manufacturing Companies in Enugu State

Abstract 1.1     Background to the Study There are quite a number of definitions of tax or taxation depending on the qualities it poses. In that vein, taxation is the process or machinery by which communities or group of persons are made to contribute in some agreed quantum and method for the purpose of the administration and development of the society (Adedeji, 2010).Taxation is the system of imposing levy by the government against the income, profit or wealth of the individual, partn...

Effect of Staff Training on The Performance of Civil Servants A Study of Ministry of Agriculture Enugu State

ABSTRACT The project “effect of Training on the performance of  Civil Servants was an attempt to make contribution to the ongoing debate on the Nigerian Civil Service training and productivity that has been raging since the Nigerian Third and Fourth Republics. The study isolated an important internal functional process within the civil service and investigated the extent and the general dynamics of its practice within the context of the Enugu State civil service. It focused primarily on t...

Working Capital Management And The Profitability Of Local And Foreign Non-Financial Firms Listed On The Gse.

ABSTRACT There is ongoing conversation among researchers and practitioners on the role working capital variables play in determining the profitability of firms. The findings of previous research works have proven to be far from conclusive, having shown that the role of working capital management can, at best, be context specific. This means that there is the need to examine the relationship between working capital management and profitability in different contexts. While extant literature has...

Reward Management on Organizational Performance (A Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc Enugu).

Abstract 1.1    Background of the Study           Organizations are established with the aim of effectively utilizing various available human and non-human resources to achieve certain objective. Among these resources in human, which is commonly seen as the most valuable asset an organization could use to earn competitive advantage and achieve its objective, hence the need for human resources management to ensure optimum productivity and organizational continuous existence.   �...

Effect of Organizational Culture on Employees Performance (A Study of Hardis And Dromedas Umunya, Anambra State)

ABSTRACT This study is based on the effect of organizational culture on employee’s performance. (A study of Hardis and Dromedas Umunya, Anambra State). The study adopts the following object; to determine the relationship between training and development on employee’s competency, to examine the relationship between reward and productivity within the organization, to ascertain how recruitment can enhance the market share of the organization. The descriptive survey research design was adop...

Determinants of Deposit Money Banks Profitability in Nigeria

Abstract This study analysed the significant determinants of deposit money banks‟ profitability in Nigeria and developed profitability prediction models thereof. The study adopted a combination of expost facto and survey designs in data collection, while quantitative and qualitative tools were employed in data analysis. The BASEL III accord provided the basic framework that guided the investigation. CAMELS index in addition to two industry drivers (bank size and market share) and one macro...

Monetary Policy And Deposit Money Banks Credit in Nigeria

ABSTRACT   The study examines the relationship between monetary policy and Deposit Monet Banks’ Credit in Nigeria. (1980 – 2013). The study critically and objectively evaluated the effects of monetary policy measures adopted in this country on credit allocation of money deposit banks. The study used multiple regression model as the technique of data analysis, employing eveiws 7.0 (2014) software to reveal a significant relationship between monetary policy and sectoral allocation of cre...

Political Participation And Democratic Consolidation In Nigeria; A Case Study Of Enugu State 2007-2017

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to evaluate political participation and democratic consolidation in Nigeria with a particular reference to Enugu State. Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to guide the research. The study adopted thematic format in its literature review. The theoretical framework used was structural functionalism and research design used in the study was expos facto design and content analysis was used to evaluate the topic under discussion in lin...


In recent time, government expenditure on public and other ad-hoc establishments has been on the increase. This can be attributed to the resolve of govenunent for rapid and accelerated development including the welfare of the citizen hence, the underlying objectives in the establishment of public enterprises and corporations. Thus, the principle of limited government restricts the government only to its traditional statuto1y role of maintaining Law and order plus the provision of basic...

11536 - 11550 Of 19638 Results