Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

National Directorate of Employment (NDES) Open Apprenticeship Scheme And Youth Employment in Benue State

ABSTRACT    Youth unemployment has remamed one of the present and persistent social problems that characterize Nigeria as a developing economy. Measures to address this social problem have featured prominently in the development agenda of successive governments. One of such measures was the establishment of the National Directorate of Employment (NOE), by the Babangida Administration in 1986. NOE is a public policy on employment and wealth creation that has managed to endure over the years...

Experiences Of Persons Living With Epilepsy In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Given that globally, neurological disorders like epilepsy have remained a public health issue, this study explored the experiences of persons living with epilepsy (PLWE) in Accra, Ghana. The study was guided by Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological systems theory. The objectives of the study were to: (a) explore the perceptions of PLWE and key informants regarding the disease, (b) identify the challenges faced by PLWE, (c) find out the coping strategies adopted by PLWE and (d) ascerta...

Mobilization of Rural Farmers For Sustainable Agricultural Productivity- A Case Study of Selected Local Government Areas in Anambra State

ABSTRACT This study is an attempt to develop strategies of mobilizing rural farmers especial ly. the rural farmers of selected local government areas of A nambra State. The researcher adopted the concept of sustainable development as a thcorelical framework for the study and reviewed the existing pol icies and progrn:nmes with respect to agricultural development. The s tudy concerned i tself with the signi ficance of mobil ization of rural farmers for sustainable agricuJ1uraJ !)roductivity. ...

Service Quality And Financial Performance of Selected Banks in Nigeria (2006-2013)

Abstract This work examined the relationship between investments in service quality programmes by banks on their financial performance as well as the relationship between service quality delivery and the choice of banks and repeat purchase decisions by bank customers. The aim being to enhance Nigerian banks image in the global financial market. Banks in Nigeria continuously declare huge annual profits despite the fact that there has been seemingly increasing cases of complaints about the qua...

Mergers And Acquisition And Selected Banks Performance in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the effect of “Mergers and Acquisition and selected Banks’ performance” in Nigeria. It was necessitated by the frequent incidence of bank failures in Nigeria which has resulted in liquidation of some Banks and its attendant unemployment, loss of customers’ deposits and credit to prospective borrowers. The study relied mainly on secondary data for the analyses and covered the 1997 to 2014 period. The banks were randomly selected, while the analysis wa...

Psychosocial Factors In The Development Of Anxiety In The Ghana Police Service: A Case Study Of Nima Divisional Command.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the psychosocial factors contributing to anxiety among the police in Ghana Police Service. The purpose was to determine, identify and describe psychological and social factors responsible for anxiety among the police. One hundred and seventy police officers were conveniently selected from four police stations, namely, Nima, Legon, Airport and Kotobabi police stations respectively to participate in the study. A questionnaire was administered to gather relevant ...

PSN Africa 111 PAGES (23247 WORDS) Psychology Dissertation
Manpower Development And Commercialisation in The Nigerian Telecommunications

ABSTRACT  The research is about Manpower Development and Commercialisation of the Nigerian Telecommunications. The Nigerian Telecommunications Limited (NITEL) is one of the fully commercialised public enterprises in Nigeria; a very big employer of labour, has been facing a lot of problems since it was established. Efforts to revitalise and restructure sound and efficient telecommunications services present some challenges to training and development unit of NITEL. The study intends to exami...

Water Availability And Communities’ Access For Development: A Case Study Of The Ga East Municipal Assembly In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT The focus of most interventions in the water sector has been on the provision of water to communities and households. This notwithstanding, quite a number of studies has looked beyond water provision to issues surrounding access, functionality and affordability. This study focuses on these and further considers water availability all-year round and the effects competing economic use of water has on its availability for households all-year round in the Ga East Municipal Assembly. The ...

Investigating The Challenges Of Cocoa Purchasing Process On The Income And Livelihood Of District Marketing Officers And Purchasing Clerks

ABSTRACT The Cocoa sector contributes significantly to the economy of Ghana employing over a million people. The sector boasts of the sustenance of about six million people including marketing officers and purchasing clerks. Marketing officers and purchasing clerks constitute important individuals who act as agents of Licensed Buying Companies (LBCs). These licensed buying companies purchase cocoa bean from cocoa farmers through purchasing clerks and marketing officers to be sold to COCOBOD. ...

Assessing The Effectiveness Of Fraud Risk Management Practices In The Banking Sector Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of fraud risk management practices in the banking sector of Ghana. The structured questionnaire was used as the main research instrument. Items in the questionnaire were measured on a five-point ranking scale. Both local and foreign universal banks in Ghana, were included study. A total of 100 employees, 50 from the local banks, and another 50 from the foreign banks, were sampled through purposive and convenient sampling techn...

PSN Africa 73 PAGES (13250 WORDS) Finance Paper
Stock Return Effects Of Accounting Information And Institutional Quality

ABSTRACT This thesis analyses the extent to which accounting information quality (AIQ) and institutional quality (IQ) influence stock return. It employs a sample of 39,490 listed firms across 45 countries from 1995 to 2013 using both macro and micro-level data and is estimated using System Generalised Method of Moments (System GMM). The thesis provides the following empirical evidence: that a firm’s earnings are persistent albeit cash flows show a higher persistence. Second, the thesis supp...

PSN Africa 115 PAGES (28635 WORDS) Accounting Thesis
Retaining The Graduate Teacher In The Ghana Education Service

ABSTRACT Teacher retention/attrition rates are difficult to estimate (Memku CIE, 2000, 50 P.). An empirical data shows that intake into the University College of Education-Winneba (UCEW) programme to upgrade certificate ‘A’ teachers has increased dramatically from about 300 per year in the early 1990s to 2,300 in 1999. These teachers study full-time and therefore create vacancies in the schools. Most of these teachers do not return to the teaching service after completing their courses an...

Assessing Trade Liberalisation On Food Security In Sub-Saharan Africa (Ssa)

ABSTRACT The primary goal of governments, development partners and Non-Governmental Organisations to end hunger and ensure food security for all by 2030 under the United Nations declaration remains a key policy drive especially for developing countries. This study as a result, examines the effect of trade liberalisation on food security in Sub-Sahara Africa from 1970 to 2014. The study adopts the System General Method of Moments (GMM) econometric technique in investigating the effect of trade...

PSN Africa 105 PAGES (23722 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Life After Serving Time In Correctional Facilities: A Study Of Social Reintegration Of Juveniles In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Social reintegration of young offenders is a main challenge facing the justice system around the world. In the developed world where parole services exist, ex-offenders are easily reintegrated into the society to rebuild their lives. Although much study has been conducted on the juvenile justice system within the Ghanaian context, there is little knowledge about prerelease and post-release reintegration programmes as well as the role of the community, including the family and social ...

PSN Africa 133 PAGES (33031 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Legislative Oversight And Socio Economic Development in Benue State

ABSTRACT Under a democratic dispensation, governance and development are best optimized by collective participation. The legislature, which is a veritable arm of government in a democracy, is a catalyst of socioeconomic development. Its worth is measured not only by the quality of intellectual debate in the parliament but also by the attraction of constituency projects such as roads, electricity, industries, among others which aid development. The central thesis of this research is to determ...

11566 - 11580 Of 19638 Results