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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effectiveness of NTU Africentric System of Psychotherapy in the Management of Trauma Among Refugees in Ghana

Abstract Ntu psychotherapy is an African centred system of psychotherapy specifically developed to deal with a wide variety of psychological and social problems. The present study sought to investigate how effective Ntu psychotherapy is in the management of trauma among refugees. The objective of the study was to investigate if Ntu psychotherapy could lead to an alleviation of signs and symptoms of psychotrauma. The study was also aimed at helping to establish a baseline or reference for whic...

SSA Research 247 PAGES (55225 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Personality And Spousal Age Difference as Predictors on Marital Adjustments on Godfrey Okoye University Group of Institution

ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of personality dimensions and spousal age difference on marital adjustment of married staff of Godfrey Okoye group of institutions. Two hundred and six (206) married staff of Godfrey Okoye group of institutions (the University, the Institute of Ecumenical Education, the Secondary School, and the Primary School) formed the participants of the study. The study employed simple random sampling technique (simple balloting) to select participants to this ...

Edu Frontiers 56 PAGES (10815 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Effectiveness Of Fraud Prevention And Detection Mechanisms: Accountants’ Perception

ABSTRACT The upsurge in fraud and the existential threat it poses to the corporate organisations has spurred the interest of many academics, accountants, auditors and investors alike. The failure of audits to detect fraud have resulted in the has called the integrity of the accountancy and the audit function profession, resulted in lawsuits and set many corporate executives on the path to find the most appropriate methods to address same. This study presents an examination fraud detection and...

SSA Research 75 PAGES (15790 WORDS) Accounting Paper
Informal Sector Work In Ghana: Determinants And Poverty Implications

ABSTRACT This study adopts a legal definition of informal sector work and studies the determinants of informality, paying particular attention to the gender dynamics with respect to informality and poverty. The study throws more light on the definition and measures of informality, then proceeds to determine the socio-economic factors that influence an individual’s decision to work in the informal sector. Particular attention is given to the relationship between informal sector work and pove...

SSA Research 132 PAGES (31886 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Feasibility Study Of A Single Currency For West African Monetary Zone

1.0 Background to the Study In spite of the high level of globalization, international trade, financial liberalization as well as the increasing economic integration of the world as a whole, there is still a wide range of currencies circulating in the world’s economic monetary system. The International Monetary Fund with 188 member countries has more than 150 currencies. As Mundell (1961) writes: “If some spaceship captain came down from outer space and looked at the way international mon...

PSN Africa 139 PAGES (27981 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Macroeconomic Variables And Stock Market Returns Volatility in Nigeria

ABSTRACT GARCH (1, 1) and the E- GARCH (p, q) techniques were used in this study to evaluate the volatility clustering in the stock market returns. Interest rates, inflation rates and exchange rates were themacroeconomic determinantfactors to stock market returns volatility in Nigeria, covering the period, 1995 to 2014. The study revealed that inflation, interest rates and exchange rates were volatile and move in clusters, with the following valuesof GARCH coefficient β 0.966349, 0.9662 and...

Cultural Values And Emotional Intelligence As Predictors Of Conflict Management Styles: A Study Of Teachers In Accra

INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Conflict may be considered as a normal facet of our everyday life and is a truth that exists in any human society throughout history (Ahmed, 2015). Wherever two or more people interact, there is a tendency for conflict to arise. In other words, conflict in the workplace is destined to occur as long as there are ongoing interactions among stakeholders. Conflict may occur within any organisation, be it a large business or a privately-owned small business...

PSN Africa 130 PAGES (27607 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Integrating Leadership And Management in Nigerians Industrial Organizations( A Test of The DML Model)

ABSTRACT The present research tested the significance of the Dynamic Managerial Leadership model in Nigerian Industrial-Organisations. It was hypothesised that DML Organisations will outperform NON-DML Organisations in Assembly times. Quality of products, Profit ratio, Production decisions, Satisfaction and Productivity ratings. The Participants for the main study consisted of 192 University students: 96 males and 96 females, randomly selected form the part three and four classes of Departme...

Edu Frontiers 293 PAGES (39829 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Influence of Customer Relationship Management on The Performance of Deposit Money in The Banks

Abstract      This st1u�v examined the influence of customer relationship management (CRJv!) 011 the pel.formance of Depos;t Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The study sought to establish if CRM measured 'by (customer knowledge, customer knowledge managf!ment capability, customer interaction and customization) influences the pel.formance of DMBs (pmxied by customer value, cu's·tomer sati.s.faction, customer loyalty and customer life-time value). The study adopted a survey research method...

Pay Satisfaction And Employee Commitment In Expatriates Owned Businesses In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is to examine the influence of pay satisfaction on the three dimensions of employee commitment (affective, normative and continuance) among employees of expatriates owned businesses in Ghana. The sample for this study was limited to the local employees of these expatriates owned businesses. A sample of 222 responses were retrieved from seven expatriate owned companies in North Kaneshie Industrial Area, Accra and used for the analysis. Simple linear regression...

The Effects Of The Antecedents And Consequences Of Employee Turnover Intention On Accountants’ Job Performance In Ghana

ABSTRACT High employee turnover among accountants is a phenomenon that has assumed a global dimension requiring more attention from all stakeholders. So, this study investigates the effects of the antecedents and consequences of turnover intention on accountants Job Performance. Using evidence from Ghana, the study employed the survey research strategy. A total of 337 respondents (Accountants) working in 225 Auditing firms in Ghana were surveyed. The study analysed the hypothesized relationsh...

SSA Research 148 PAGES (31404 WORDS) Accounting Thesis
An Evaluation of The Effect of The Nigerian Capital Market on Industrial Development of Nigeria (1986-2017)

ABSTRACT          The study assesses the Effect of the Nigerian Capital market on Industrial development (1986-2017).The Industrial development by data manufacturing sector and the capital market variables considered includes: Market Capitalization (MCAP), Volume of Shares (VOS) and All Shares Index (ASI). Applying Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Unit root test and Johansen co-integration, the model was estimated using Eview software. The estimated model revealed that there is a significan...

The Impact Of Household Cooking Fuel Choice On Healthcare Expenditure In Ghana

ABSTRACT This paper investigates household cooking fuel choice and its impact on household healthcare expenditure as well as examining the socio-economic and demographic factors that influence household healthcare expenditure in Ghana. We employed the Tobit regression technique and data from the sixth and seventh round of the Ghana Living Standards Survey conducted in 2012/13 and 2016/17 respectively. Our findings reveal that relative to households using wood, households using charcoal and ga...

SSA Research 112 PAGES (25656 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Social Capital And Enrolment In Social Health Insurance: The Experience Of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (Nhis)

ABSTRACT In response to calls for studies that highlight the social determinants of Social Health Insurance enrolment, this study investigated the forms of social capital (SC) in selected communities in Ghana and how they influence the enrolment decision. It also explored how SC structures in the selected communities could be leveraged to drive enrolment in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). Situated in an interpretive paradigm, the study adopted a qualitative research methodo...

Understanding The Nature Of Marketing Analytics In Ghana: A Case Study Of Multinational Firms

ABSTRACT Over the years, marketing analytics had surfaced as a third component of the marketing research, considered on equal footing with quantitative and qualitative research. While the process is not new, its implementation and uses today are always changing, in an environment where consumers are evolving, hence the need for marketers to gather as much relevant information on the customer as is practically and ethically possible. This study thus investigated the nature of marketing analyti...

SSA Research 116 PAGES (29321 WORDS) Marketing Thesis

11581 - 11595 Of 19638 Results