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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Academic Performance Of Pupils In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Matuga Division, Kw Ale District, Coastal Province, Kenya

Abstract The Study Focused On The Impact Of Teacher's Quality And Teaching Resources In Teaching Mathematics In Secondary Schools. Performance Of The Learners Is A Basic Indicator Of Effective Learning. Grade Scored In Internal Examinations Are Normally Used As Measures Of The Subjects. In This Study, The Researcher Looked Into Qualifications, Experience Of Teachers, Teaching Resources And The Methods Employed During Instruction. The Study Fwther Established That There Are Other Factors That...

Role Of Broadcasting Media In Fighting Against Domestic Violence In Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT This study dealt with the role played by broadcasting media in fighting against domestic violence in Kampala Uganda. The methodology used was both descriptive and explanatory. The study was based on analysis of secondary and primary data about domestic violence in Kampala district and Uganda in particular. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and interview guides. A case study research design was used to select the respondents from Kampala district and all beneficiaries. The f...

The Role Of Media In Fighting Cases Of Child Abuse In Society Case Study: Kakoba Division -Mbarara Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. ! ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. III DEDICATION .......................................................

Effects Of Communication Difficulties On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairment: A Case Study Of Mugaram~Sub-County, Buyanja County, K*Baale District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects oF communication difficulties ii academic performance of learners with hearing impairment. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identifying ways in which our communication can be improved to slut school performance, the effect of communication on school performance, roles of the school in reducing communication barriers. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. I...

Decentralisation And Service Delivery In The Water Sector In Bukwo Sub-County Bukwo District Uganda

ABSTRACT The research study title, “Decentralization and service delivery in water sector”, was conducted to examine the relationship between decentralization policy and service delivery in the water sector in Bukwo Sub-county, Bukwo District under the objectives being; to establish how decentralization policy has impacted on the service delivery in the water sector, the challenges facing water sector in a decentralized setting and possible solutions to decentralization policy in trying t...

Challenges Facing Girl Child Education In An Inclusive Setting, Chepkorio Zone, Keiyo District

1~BsmAcr One of the goals of millennium development goals is to ensure that there is gender parity in access to education. Education for All (EPA) has indeed brought the girl child education to another level where the government of Kenya has laid down strategies aimed at improving girl child enrolment and transition to higher levels. This study therefore looked at the challenges liced by the girl child in pursuit of education. The study was carried out at Chepkorio zone of Keiyo district. I P...

Determinants In Perfor1\1ance Of Biology Amongst Secondary School Students Of Kljmilil,I Division Of Bungoma North District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to find determinants in the performance of Biology amongst secondary school students of Kimilili Division of Bungoma North District, Kenya. Despite the fact that Biology is so important, students still perform poorly. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors which lead to poor performance of Biology. The broad objective was to determine the factors leading to the poor performance of Biology amongst secondary school students of Kimilili Division of Bu...

Childhood Care And Education In Marion Preparatory School Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the problems of early childhood care and education in Marion preparatory school Nairobi, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for poor early childhood care and education in Marion preparatory school. The methods used for data collection was questionnaires to the teachers in the school who were involved in the study. In chapter four, the findings were presented and interpreted in relation to...

Comparison Of The Optical Potential Method And The Distorted Wave Born Approximation Method In Electron – Atom Elastic Scattering

ABSTRACT  The optical potential (OP) method has been widely used in electron-atom elastic scattering since for a given distorting potential, a solution valid to all orders of perturbation series can be obtained. The first-order distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) is only valid to first order. However by use of a distorting potential that accurately models the electron-atom interaction, the DWBA method can yield quite reliable results for elastic scattering and possibly for inelastic sca...

Edu Frontiers 122 PAGES (22756 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
Gender Relations And Food Crop Production: A Case Of Kiambu District Kenya, 1920-1985

ABSTRACT This study examined gender relations and on food crop production in Kiambu District between 1920 and 1985. The socioeconomic relations between females and males that are characterized often by differential assignments to labour tasks, control over decision-making and differential access to and control over resources has changed over time. These relations of production have been influenced by the socio-political and economic transformation that has taken place over the period of stud...

Edu Frontiers 266 PAGES (76921 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
Solutions For Poor Performance In Mathemetics In Secondary School Students In Naiv Asha District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study revealed that Mathematics is an important subject as other subjects at school since it is applicable in day to day life. The study was guided by the following objectives; Finding out whether the student's attitude towards Mathematics has an impact on their performance; to find out whether availability of materials and resources for learning Mathematics contributes to good performance; and to find out whether students are able to realize or come up with the solutions f...

The Impact Of Examination Malpractices On Student's Academic Performance In Ogembo Division, Gucha District, Kenya

Background to the Study  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948, states that "everyone has a right to education". The World Conference on Education for All (EFA) held in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990, sparked off a new impetus towards basic education. It noted, "That to serve the basic needs for all requires more than a recommitment to basic education as now exists. What is needed is an expanded vision that surpasses resource levels, institutional structures, curricula and con...

Pre-Marital Sex Consequences In Tertialy Institutions. A Case Studyof Kyamulibwa Technical Institute.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the consequences of having premarital sex among Kyamulibwa Technical Institute students The study was an exploratory survey that helped the researcher to examine the consequences of having premarital sex on institute students. Data was collected using closed ended questionnaires were distributed randomly to respondents and after the questionnaires were completed, the gathered data was coded and entered into the computer. They were then analyzed using st...

Change Management In Academic Libraries: A Case Study Of The Technical University Of Kenya Library, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out how the library leadership has initiated and managed change at The Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi in order to meet the expectations of diverse categories of users and get support from the parent organization and donors. The study was guided by the following objectives: To identify the change management programs at the Technical University of Kenya Library, to identify the role of the University Librarian in change management, to estab...

Effective Records Management Systems In Academic Libraries: A Case Study Of Kampala International University Users Records

ABSTRACT The study intended to focus on the effectiveness of records management systems in academic libraries, with a case study of Kampala International University.The study was focused on the types of records kept, values of records, records management systems. elements of records management systems, types of records management systems, effective records management system of print and non-print records of library users, effective records management strategies, managing Academic Library reco...

2146 - 2160 Of 8202 Results