ABSTRACT The seed of Nigella sativa was evaluated for its chemical composition, medicinal as well as its nutritional values. The powdered seed was extracted with methanol to give the crude extract. Phytochemical screening of the crude extract revealed the presence of the following classes of natural products; alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins and anthraquinones, sterols and terpenes. The proximate analysis showed 12.00% moisture, ash content 3.00%, ether soluble extract 33.30% crude p...
ABSTRACT The Chemical and miCrobial assessment of water quality was investigated with a view to obtain a qualitative and quantitative information on the state of drinking water in Bwari Area Council of Abuja., which. is known for its poor sanitary conditions. Samples of water were collected from boreholes., wells and stream from selected sites and analyzed using standard methods of water analysis. The test result showed higher levels of Mn., Zn, Fe., and Ni in both ground and surface water.,...
Abstract Anaerobic biodegradation of banana leaves by cellulolytic fungus (yeast) was conducted at optimum operational conditions of concentration, temperature and pH for biogas and bio liquid production. Proximate analysis of both the fermented and unfermented substrates was carried out. Effects of nutritive additives on biogas and bio liquid production were investigated. The bio liquid generated was extracted by soxhlet extraction and, its components were separated into maltenes (soluble c...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of ethanol leaf extract of Mucuna utilis (EEMu) on lead acetate induced toxicity on Wistar albino rats. Acute toxicity analysis of the plant extract produced no lethality even at high doses of 3000 mg/kg body weight. Twenty albino rats weighing 115 – 235 g were divided into four (4) groups; the first groupof animals served as normal control and were not administered either lead acetate or EEMU. The second group was treated intraperitoneally with ...
Abstract Let Xn = { } 1,2,…,n be a finite n -element set and let Sn An and Dn , be the Symmetric, Alternating and Dihedral groups of Xn , respectively. In this thesis we obtained and discussed formulae for the number of even and odd permutations (of an n − element set) having exactly k fixed points in the alternating group and the generating functions for the fixed points. Further, we give two different proofs of the number of even and odd permutations (of an n − element set) having ex...
ABSTRACT The computer is an extension of man's ability to process, arrange and compute data. One of the most important characteristics of a computer is its ability to store and process information. This ability of computers is all achieved through programming. In the world today, the application of software has been assisting various organizations in carrying out their operations successfully and reliably. Personnel information is a very vital and crucial aspect of every organization be it p...
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 The federal Road Safely Commission keeps data and information of some kind. In this regard, the whole Jot of booking and recording of road traffic offenders', and other road safety management information systems are being stored and proc1.:sscd in some form. Frank, M. Lin (1996) gave the definition of an information system as " (is) a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support the operation of ...
ABSTRACT Information technology is increasingly being used in the office, factory, shop, home, supermarket and in many other places. It is being used to carry out transactions, provide information, record data, perform an ever increasing range of tasks and even in making decisions. This means that with the development of information technology, many manual operations are being converted to modern automated systems. The new development does not elude pension and gratuity system. Pension and....
ABSTRACT The Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn content of ten chocolates and candies purchased from Abuja municipal aiea council were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The HN03 digestion method was evaluated by the analysis of the ten replicates of the candies and chocolate which gave a precision of 2%, 3%, 17% and 2% for Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn respectively. The results of the analysis showed that the mean metal levels in the chocolate and candy samples were Ni 0.077+0.0µglg Cu/0.26±0.05µg/...
ABSTRACT The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in vegetables grown in Kaduna metropolis were determined. The nitric acid -per chloric acid mixture was used in the digestion procedure and a precision of 4.2%, 3.8%, 2.4%, 5.3%, and 5.7% was obtained for Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cu respectively. Good recoveries between 88-96% were obtained for the metals studied. The concentrations of metals in the vegetables varied from 40-1 OOµg/g for Fe, 21.3-51.3µg/g Zn, 9.0-28. Oµg/g Cu, 0.7-2.6µg/g Pb...
ABSTRACT The concentrations of some trace metals (zinc, iron, copper, cadmium and lead) in 51 canned foods (fish, vegetable and fruit juice) samples purchased within Abuja Municipal Area Council (Nigeria) were determined using the flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS). The wet oxidation procedure of HN03-H20 2 was used in the preparation of the samples. The ranges obtained for trace metals analyzed in ug/g are as follows: Canned fish: Zn (19.15±0.8-32.50±0.3), Fe (17.92± 1.2 --...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Pollution affects more than our water and air; soils also are seriously polluted. It is easy to forget that the soil is more than just a mass of inert matter. In its own way, the soil is a living organism. (I) Soil is a crucial component of the rural and urban environments, and in both cases, land management is the key to soil quality. Pesticides are synthetic organic or inorganic chemicals used to control weeds in fields and lawns, and unwanted or ha...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the phytochemical and nutrient compositions of edible yam species Dioscorea rotundata 1, Dioscorea rotundata 2, Dioscorea rotundata 3, Dioscuri rotundata 4, Dioscorea Cayenensis, Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea dumentorum and Dioscorea bulbifera in Southeastern Nigeria. The phytochemical and nutrient (proximate, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids) compositions of the yam tubers were investigated using standard analytical methods.
ABSTRACT This research work is aimed at assessment of levels of heavy metals in soils and their environmental effects from three Mechanic Villages in Abuja namely; Apo, Kugbo and Zuba. To achieve the set target, soil samples were collected from five sampling points in each of the mechanic villages to a depth range of 0 - 15 cm with a stainless hand-dug auger. A control sample was also taken from a point of approximately 100 km where neither industrial nor commercial activities take place. Re...
ABSTRACT This study assesses the surface and groundwater quality for human consumption within the vicinity of Karu abattoir in Abuja. Water samples were collected from three points along Tauga stream, comprising the discharge point, 40meters before (upstream) and after (downstream) the discharge point. Groundwater samples were also collected around the abattoir, comprising the abattoir vicinity (Group A), 60meters from the abattoir (Group B) and 200-300meters from the abattoir (Group C). The...