Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Assessing The Impacts Of Urbanization On The Environment Of Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC)

ABSTRACT Rapid urbane without effective environmental consciousness means that in virtually every matter - from large cities and metropolitan areas to regional centers and ss ret towns - a substantial proportion of the population is at risk from nature an-induced environmental hazards. A strategic approach is essential if urbane to enjoy all the benefits which nature can bring. This paper evaluates the urbanization on federal capital territory environment. It is concentrating. a district of ...

Edu Frontiers 66 PAGES (9722 WORDS) Geography Project
Aquifer Hydraulic Characteristics and Vulnerability Estimation from Vertical Electrical Sounding: Case Study of Oru and Environs, South-Eastern, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Aquifer Hydraulic Characteristics and Vulnerability Estimation from Vertical Electrical Sounding: A Case Study of Oru and its Environs, South-Eastern, Nigeria was carried out to delineate the different aquifer units with a view to determine the vulnerability of groundwater in the area. The study area is underlain by the Benin Formation which is within the Niger Delta Basin. Twenty-Seven (27) VES data were acquired using a Schlumberger array with a maximum electrode separation of AB/...

Edu Frontiers 185 PAGES (28142 WORDS) Geophysics Project
Applications of Computer On Airport Customs Station (Nigeria Customs Service) A Case Study Of Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja

Many physical processes are expensive or impracticable to observe directly, and certainly they can only be observed in operation under conditions that actually exist. Almost any industrial process, almost any natural biological, physical, or social environment, and almost any large computing system is quite complex. Such as, building a large chemical plant based on a newly discovered sequence of reactions without knowing that it will work on a large scale much as it does in the laboratory wou...

Application of Computer Programming to Linear Programming Problems (Simplex Method)

ABSTRACT The allocation of limited resources and competing demands is the most prevalent problem in organisation. Mathematical programming is the general term for a host of mathematical techniques developed to solve problems involving resource allocation. Linear programming is the most popular and most widely applied technique. Although linear programming has been applied to a wide variety of business problems, it has been developed most fully and used frequently in production problems. Acco...

Application of Computer Graphics in Presentation of Statistical Data

ABSTRACT This project is focus on the application of computer graphics in presentation of statistical data. The data ;1owever, is formatted to suit the purpose as demanded for presentation in the form of Pie chart and Bar cha1i. Each of the charts is used to give certain information about the data in pictorial form. Pie chart portrays the components of data and provides highlight on their relative magnitude. On the other hand, bar chart serves for comparison of characters of events, which co...

Antimicrobial Efficacy Of Guava (Pisdium Guajava) And Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Stems Extract Against Streptococcus Mutans And Candida Albicans

ABSTRACT   This research was conducted in Microbiology Laboratory of Godfrey Okoye University to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous, methanol, ethanol of Pisdium guajava and Citrus x sinensis on the pathogenic Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. The Dimethyl sulfoxide was used for dissolving the plant extracts. Pisdium guajava showed antimicrobial activity against C. albicans with the exception of methanol showing no zone of inhibition to any of the isolates. The aqueous...

Phytochemical Screening, Proximate Analysis and Nutrient Evaluation of Thaumatoccocus Daniellii (Sweet Prayers Leaves) And Musa Accuminata (Banana Leaves)

ABSTRACT Thaumatococcus daniellii and Musa acuminate are leaves used for wrapping foods and these herbs have some medicinal value. The affordability, preservation, usage techniques, and seasonal scarcity of the leaves make it difficult for people to use them frequently but they are preferred over plastic bags and aluminum foil in terms of wrapping edible foods like beans pudding (moi-moi), agidi, etc and fresh foods like uncooked meat, vegetables etc. This research work involved phytochemica...

An Urban Soil Study: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Heavy Metals in Selected Towns in Niger State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Soil samples were collected from cultivated farmlands, roadside topsoil, industrial sites, and local brass industrial site located in three major cities (Minna, Bida and Suleja) of Niger State. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 3050 was followed to digest heavy metals from the samples, and subsequently, the concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni were detem1ined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) technique. Generally, the mean concentrations .Vere 14±...

Edu Frontiers 176 PAGES (34219 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
An Assessment of the Effect of Different Land use of on Soil Prices in Tunga Maje Gwagwalada Area in Abuja the Federal Capital Territory.

ABSTRACT This research focused on the assessment of the effects of different land on sites in Tunga Maje, Gwagwalada AreC7 Council of the Federal Territory, having the following objectives, and to examine soil physically of various land uses (three land uses C7na control) with a sample of depth; 0-15cm (topsoil) and _I 6-30crn (subsoil), to compare in soil properties between the three lands use. It rr2aa~e -;U5.,~f.Z primary and secondary data. Primary was obtained t}2r.;_ry-ZJ"g}-;z .ses fr...

Edu Frontiers 105 PAGES (18036 WORDS) Geography Project
An Assessment of Changes in Tree Density and Diversity On Smallholder Farms Along Nigeria-Niger Border

ABSTRACT This study assessed changes in tree density and diversity on smallholder farms along Nigeria-Niger border. The study draws attention to the importance of the tree and the changes of tree grown on the smallholder farms in the border region. The study also assessed the knowledge of local farmers on tree changes and the method they use to tackle the changes in tree diversity. The study area is in the sand region which experiences little rainfall and a high temperature, therefore, droug...

Edu Frontiers 182 PAGES (45666 WORDS) Geography Thesis
An Assessment of the Rainfall and Temperature Variations in Parts of Northern Nigeria

Abstract The aim of the study is the assessment of rainfall and temperature variations in parts of Northern Nigeria. To achieve the aim, the study set out the following objectives (i) to determine variations in rainfall characteristics in terms of number of rain days, extreme rainfall amounts, variability and ranges; (ii) to determine variations in maximum, minimum and mean temperature patterns and using the time series to determine any trend in the change, (upward or downward) (iii) to pred...

Structural and Petrological Evolution of the Shai Hills Tectonic Suture Zone, Southeastern Ghana.

ABSTRACT High Pressure (HP) mafic granulites (mafic garnet gneisses) in the Shai Hills suture zone occur as NE/SW trending isolated inselbergs in the Accra plains. They characterize the suture zone rocks of the Pan-African orogeny in Ghana. Various aspects of the Shai Hills suture rocks have been studied yet relatively little is known about its structural and deformational evolution. This work presents a new research into the structural, petrological and deformational evolution highlighting ...

Petrography and Geochemistry of Granitoid Gneisses and Associated Rocks in Parts of the Suhum Basin, Ghana: Implications for Petro genesis and Tectonic Setting

ABSTRACT The Paleoproterozoic Birimian rocks within the Nsawam, Suhum and Koforidua enclave of the Suhum basin have been analyzed for their major and trace element concentrations and mineral chemistry. Twenty-nine (29) thin sections were prepared for petrographic studies. Twenty-five (29) samples were analysed for their major and trace elements contents and twenty-four (24) samples were analyzed for the mineral chemistry of selected phases. Based on the petrography, the geology of the area i...

Edu Frontiers 144 PAGES (30328 WORDS) Geophysics Thesis
Some Aspects of Water Relations of two Mahogany Species

ABSTRACT The general distribution, growth form and economic importance of Kha%a senega!sir (Bear) A. Juss. and Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. are described. Some aspects of the water relations of seedlings of these two species, the former a savanna species and the latter a forest species were studied with the view of ascertaining whether moisture plays an important role in determining the pattern of their distribution. &rowth of seedlings under four soil watering regimes namely - -0.3 (A), -0,4 (B...

Edu Frontiers 266 PAGES (47850 WORDS) Botany Thesis
The Efficacy of Consuming a Highly Fortified Groundnut Supplement On the Nutritional Status of School Children in The Ashanti Region

ABSTRACT Background: Childhood undernutrition is prevalent worldwide especially in developing countries. It is associated with impaired physical growth and poor cognitive function among school children. Aim: To quantify the effect of consuming fortified groundnut based snack for four months on the nutritional status and academic performance of children (6-17years) enrolled on the GSFP in the Ashanti region. Design and methods: This was a quasi-experimental design that involved experimental ...

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