Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Design And Implementation Of A Video Library Management Information System Us1ng Visual Basic, Oracle Log And Microsoft Windows Xp Case Study: Mel ~Deo Library, Namwongo

ABSTRACT This project was aimed at designing a Video Library Management information System; a system to aid in the management and operation of the video library. Methods that were used to gather information about the current system include; interviews, document review and questionnaires. From that information, requirements for the new system were obtained, The new system was designed and implemented using Visual Basic and Oracle lOg. The system generates reports that are vital for the vi...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Voting System In Selected Developing Countries; A Case Of The Republic Of Uganda

Abstract Potential voters face difficulty when registering to be legitimate voters, some of these difficulties includes: the long distances to be traveled for registration process, the long queues at the registration sites, the short time duration provided for registration, updating and viewing the voter register. In an effort to make the voter registration and voting process easier, this project report outlines the designing and implementation of the online voting system based on current...

Development And Implementation Of A Management System To Enhance Sales A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Ltd, Uganda

Sales of a company are an important financial metric used to evaluate existing infòlmation systems and justify investment decisions on new acquisitions. The research work provides an introduction to the sales. It helps to understand the concept, methods of gathering data and calculating assessments. The deployment of a Sales system is factored by the aspects of bottom-line returns and imperative processes aimed at reducing staff in manufacturing, purchasing, sales, and marketing and hence...

Design, Development And Implementation Of Interactive Library Management System For Kampala International University .

The purpose of this study is to develop a Library Management System that will aid the librarian in obtaining, organizing and managing library resources. Our LMS will be implemented as a centralized VB standalone application which will be able to establish a communication link between the user and the database. The librarian will therefore be able to record all the necessary information pertaining to the library including; adding members to the library, and recording the books' movement at ease.

Design And Implementation Of An Online Reporter’s Record Management System Case Study: Amnesty International (Uganda)

ABSTRACT The main objective of this project is to design an online Reporters’ Record Management System with a view of improving data capture, management, retrieval and Production of timely reports so as to improve the performance of the Amnesty Commission. Currently, the Amnesty Commission’s infomntion management system is manual. Under the system, agents (Senior Resettlement Officers) collect survey forms fiom the headquarters then transport them to their respective regions. Information...

Design And Implementation Of A Hotel Control Information System Case Study: Speke Group Hotels

ABSTRACT This project aimed at the design and implementation of a hotel control information system; a system to aid in the management and operation of the hotel customer service. Information systems which are not carefully designed basing on good security practices may lead to data loss, misplacement, inconsistencies and redundancies. Methods that were used to gather information about the current system include; interviews, record review and questionnaire method. It gives detailed review of t...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Client Order Processing System A Case Of Mukwano Manufacturing Industries

Abstract This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study and the objectives of the study, the scope of the study and the justification of the study. 1.1 Background of the study The Group’s headquarters are located on Mukwano Road in Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. The coordinates of the company headquarters are:OO 18 50N, 325923E (Latitude:O.3 137; Longitude:32.5923) The group has manufacturing facilities and assets in Masindi District, Li...

Design and Modelling of School Time Table Application System A Case Study of Kampala International University’s School of Computer Studies

Abstract Time table application for the School of Computer studies is one of the difficult aspects. It is the actual making and use of the Time table in the school so that time table application for the School of Computer studies is paramount for it offers the school schedule for which the school goes by time table application for the School of Computer studies goes hand in hand with the general time timetable because it must tally with other schools and faculties for various reasons. One of ...

Design And Implementation Of Online Real Estate Management System Case Study: Avrack Real Estate Agents And Brokers

ABSTRACT With the advent of digital age, it is inevitable for Real estate’s organizations to reinforce securitr measures to protect data form loss, unauthorized viewing or corruption. The need to secure stored data and data on transit in a nenvork birthed, and also to ensure data is managed and controlled with efficient measures, to avoid redundancy, inconsistency, mcompatible file formats and fixed queries among other limitations of paperwork. The gist of this project revolves around data...

The Role Of A Database Management System In Improving Performance Of A Commercial Enterprise

ABSTRACT This Project describes the role of a database in improving performance of a commercial enterprise. The main purpose of the study will be to establish an appropriate database management system to help in facilitating and maintaining the growth of a company, The results of the study will inspire company CEO’s and database managers and assistants even in other areas to design better systems for successful integration of information while setting up the database management system. It ...

Online Ticket Booking System A Case Study In Cineplex Cinema Garden City

Abstract Time and again, human beings get bored and always need to find a way out of it. Activities like recreation and events are the key in addressing such issues because they provide entertainment for people after a long day/week of stress. Events are a major tool to the economic development of a country. Such events include; concerts, movies in cinemas, sports galas etc. However, the public has to be notified about these events in the best efficient, effective and the most convenient way....

Online Hotel Management System A Case Study Ranova Hotel.

Abstract Ranova Hotel Management System is developed to be used by hotel staff and for better management of the hotel process. It is used to- give facility to the user. It is also developed to replace the manual system that is used before. There have been many problems during use manual system, like data redundancy, lost or damage. The scopes that exist in this system are booking online room, rent room, make payment using system, generate report for the hotel, make a checklist and make an...

Ministry Of Health Drug Monitoring System Case Study: Kapchorwa Main Hospital

The study determined the impact of design and development of a drug monitoring system in Kapchorwa district .the purpose of the study is to design and develop a drug monitoring system for monitoring and knowing the use and distribution ofdrugs in Kapchorwa district. The study was intended to establish and recommend strategic polices to reduce the safety of drugs for the district; this is in view of the fact that safety of drugs is common along the supply chain management. The study was c...

Designand Impemetation Of Ane-learning Management System For Kafumuschool Of Comprehensive Nursing In Mbarara-uganda.

This project report documents the detailed steps for implementation of an e learning management system for students’ easy mode of learning. Currently the students wish to access their information whenever needed. The project will be able to help students access their information and interact with their lecturers through the system, Lecturers will use less time in interacting with their students, know the number of their students in their class. Students’ records will be easy to acces...

Web-based Store Records Management System A Case Study Of Uganda Technical College, Bushenyi

This project is about a web based store records management system. Uganda Technical College. Bushenyi was used as a study. The current system was found to be completely manual faced with numerous problems like duplication. loss of records. huge storage space and time consuming. A computerized system was designed using tools like. Class diagrams. DFDs. SQL. HTML. JAVA and JAVA SCRIPT. This system is fast. convenient in terms of storage. makes it easy to share information and it is user fi...

2551 - 2565 Of 8880 Results