Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Foreign Aid And Economic Growth Case Study Khatumo State Of Somalia In Lasanod District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ii APPROVAL iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEGDEMENT LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2. Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 The purpose of the study 4 1.4. Research Objectives 4 1.5. Research Questions 4 1.6. Null Hypothesis 4 1.7. Scope 5 1.7.1. Geographical Scope 5 1.7.2. Content Scope 5 1.7.3.Theoretical Scope 5 1.7.4. Time Scope 5 1.8. Significance of the Study 5 1.9. Operational Defin...

An Online Student Registration System For Secondary Schools Case Study: St. Lawrence Citizens’ High School

Abstract This Project Report Is About An Online Registration System For St Lawrence Citizens’ High School Used As A Case Study. After Students Acquire Admission From The Headquarters, They Then Proceed For Registration At Their Respective Campuses Or Colleges. The School Was Making The Registration At Its Respective Campuses And Colleges Then Records Would Be Transferred To The Headquarters And This Had Numerous Shortfalls Most Important Being Lack Of Security In Storing Files, Loss Of Vita...

An Integrated Electronic Records Management System

Electronic Records Management system is one of the best measures CUC can use to keep their records safely, updated and easily traceable for better performance evaluation. This Performance Evaluation links the expectations of professional staff to actual performance. The principal objective of the evaluation is to assist in professional development by identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Evaluations enable management to assess an individual’s job performance and determine appropr...

Web -Based Students’ Academic Management System; A Case Of School Of Computer Studieskampala International University.

Abstract By The Year 2000, Academic, Administration And Management Was Based Of File Based Records Where Information Was Stored In Files. Data Redundancy, Ambiguity And Wastage Of Time Came Out As A Hindrance To The Whole System Due To Poor Record Management. Student Records Were Stored Under A Format Where Each Student Had To Inquire For Academic Material Which Could Waste A Lot Of Time Given A Big Number Of Students. A New System Was Implemented In Order To Capture And Avail Information To ...

Personlity Traits And Academic Performance In Statistics Among Business Students Of Kampala International Univerity Main Campus

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of personality on academic performance. Participants were Business students of Kampala international university who voluntarily participated in the study. They were asked to complete a personality questionnaire (NEO-FFI); academic performance was measured in term of marks in test among business students including their demographic data. The correlation type of descriptive research design was used for the study. One hundred and thirty students constitute...

An Information Management System For General Stores Case Study: Muru Enterprise Limitted

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to develop and implement an Information Management System for General Stores. We zeroed to one general store, Muru Enterprises Limited, since we had limited time yet all general stores have slightly the same activities. Interviews, questionnaires and closer observations were used to gather information about the existing system at Muru Enterprises Limited, which gave us a clear overview of the system requirements for the proposed system. Data flow Dia...

Net Export And Economic Growth In Burundi (2003 —2012)

ABSTRACT This thesis was based on net export and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Burundi. The research was guided by three objectives, that is, (i) to evaluate the level of net exports in Burundi from 2003 — 2012. (ii) To assess the level of economic growth in Burundi from 2003 to 2012. (iii) to find out if there is a significant relationship between net exports and economic growth in Burundi from 2003 -2012.The study hypothesis was that there is no relationship between net export and GDP g...

Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Library Records Management System; A Case Study Of St~ Johns Secondary School Bukedea

ABSTRACT St. Johns Secondary School is an upcoming school in the eastern part of Uganda. It has a growing library which operates on a manual system of pen and paper and a traditional filing system of file covers stacked on top of each other. A research project has been carried out to computerize the library by implemnenting a computerized records management system. The computerized records system will be able to retrieve information, save, print and only to authorized users. The use of passw...

A Webbased Emmigration System For Tracking Of Clients Records Case Study: Busia Immigration And Customs Office

ABSTRACT. This system is a web based Immigration System for Tracking of Records (ISTR) for Ministry of Internal Affairs, Busia Immigrations and Customs Office. It is going to solve the problem of manual tracking of records, updating of immigrants data. It gives the methods of (ways) of solving the current problems faced by the Immigration department and provides results to the records tracking office. The objectives of this project are to establish an online system for keeping track of record...

Information Management Systems For A Microfinance Case Study: Dts Microfinance

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .1 Approval Acknowledgement iii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 2 1.3Scope 2 1.4 Objectives of the project 3 1.4.1 Main objectives 3 1 .4.2 Specific objectives 3 1 .5 Research questions 4 1.6 Conceptual Framework 4 1 .7 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 7 2.1 Information system 7 2.2.1 Components of the information system 7 2.3 Management Information system 9 2.4 Database system 10 2....

An Automated Students' Attendance Records Management System Case Study: Kampala International University- Wc

ABSTRACT  Automated Attendance system is software tool that captures daily student attendance records in schools and institutions and facilitates access to the attendance of a particular student in a particular class and help in generating reports and evaluating the attendance eligibility of a student. Rather than signing an attendance sheet manually, the attendance records are captured electronically into a database which makes it easier manageable The study was conducted in the Directorate...

Electronic Learning Resource A Case Study Of Uganda Martyrs Primary School

ABSTRACT  Uganda Martyrs primary school has been using the chalk and blackboards to teach~However, the chalk and black board system has many challenges which include pupils being bored sitting for hours listening to the teacher, it was not interesting, created a gap between children and computer technology, pupils who lacked self confidence and slow learners needed updated materials and interactive systems to do constant revision and practice independently. This project was aimed to introduc...

A Hotel Room Booking Information System Case Study: Mubano Hotel

Abstract A hotel Information System was a system designed for Mubano hotel due to the problems that it was facing during the time it was still using the manual system. It took time to come up with urgently needed information due to the type of filling system that was being used. The hotel spent a lot of money on stationery. Money was spent on buying papers, pens, and what ever that was used in this manual system. The working environment was not conducive for the employees in the front of...

A Responsive Concurrent Supermarket Billing System Acase Study Of Fine Fair Super Market

ABSTRACT This project is about supermarket billing system. Fine Fair supermarket was used as a case study. The current system was found to be completely manual faced with numerous problems like duplication, poor user interface, poor processing speed of the software and sometimes hanging due to workload. This project consists of five chapters and they include the amongst the following: Chapter one consists of the introduction, the background, problem statement, the objectives, scope and the si...

Policing Domestic Violence Through A Web Based Information System

Abstract This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, main objective specific objectives and scope of the study 1.1 Background of the Study Rehabilitation centre for victims of domestic and sexual violence was established on the 15(11/05/1996 to help victims of domestic and sexual violence, the centre has four departments of administration, sales, domestic violence and sexual violence. The Rehabilitation centre receives a number of victims thus necessitating th...

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