Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Evaluation Of Antimicrobial Activity Of Some Plants Used By Traditional Healers For Treatment Of Microbial Infections In Kakamega District: Kenya

Abstract Resistance to drugs especially antibiotics has become a major challenge facing the medical fraternity today. Most antibiotics that were once effective against pathogenic micro-organisms have now been rendered ineffective owing to resistance developed by these pathogens. This scenario has been complicated by the emergence of HIV/AIDS, which renders the victims immuno-compromised, and open to opportunistic infections. At the same time, most of the African population lives below the pov...

An Improved Algorithm For Plagiarism Detection Using N-Gram And String Matching

ABSTRACT To Plagiarise is to include another person’s work, idea, method or results without due acknowledgement. In this work, we developed an innovative algorithm to detect external plagiarism in documents, using a combination of Word-n-gram and string matching technique. The suspicious document was split into sentences and further split into word n-gram and each n-gram was used to perform a pattern match on a standard PAN-09 corpora. We discovered that the best plagiarism detection occur...

Synthesis Of (R)-1-Methyl-4-(1-Methylethenyl) Cyclohexene Multifunctional Derivatives And Their Effects On Jatropha Curcas And Algae Biofuel Blends

ABSTRACT There is a growing increase in biofuel consumption around the world. Currently there is a desire to enhance biodiesel and biodiesel blends properties by use of multifunctional additives. This project sought to evaluate the miscibility of fatty acid ethyl ester blends from algae and Jatropha curcas L. oils and also synthesise hydrogenated and oxygenated derivatives of d-limonene as potential additives. Sampling of citrus peels was done from Milly Fruit Processors and Kongowea Mombasa....

An Assessment Of The Constraints In Implementing E-Government In Bayelsa State

ABSTRACT Like the developing and developed countries in the world, Bayelsa State has also embraced and is involved in the processing of various aspects of e-government, particularly in its ministries, agencies and departments.The study is based on jugdemental methodology in using to solve the thesis problem,whose objectives are to know the main obstacles in implementing e-government in Bayelsa State, to know which obstacle have the most effect in implementing e-government in Bayelsa State, a...

Effects Of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets On Prevalence Of Malaria Among Pregnant Women In Bumula Division Of Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) for personal protection against mosquito bites have proven to be practical, highly effective, and cost effective intervention against malaria infection. Bungoma South District records malaria as the most frequently diagnosed condition in outpatients at health facilities and is the principal cause of death at the district hospital. Despite the report that ITNs have high impact on reduction of vectors of malaria, sporozoite rates, morbidity and mortality...

SSA Research 95 PAGES (18703 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Prevalence And Susceptibility Profiles Of Bacterial Pathogens Associated With Urinary Tract Infections In Children Presenting At Kisii Level 5 Hospital, Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Urinary Tract infection (UTI) is a serious infection causing illness in infants and children. It represents one of the most common diseases encountered in medical practice today. Despite the widespread availability of antibiotics, it remains the most common bacterial infection. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing therefore provides information that allows physicians to select the most appropriate antimicrobial agents for treating these infections and give the most effective antibiot...

SSA Research 77 PAGES (14979 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Ameliorative Potential Of Psidium Guajava Leaf Ethanol Extract On Paraquat Induced Toxicity And Oxidative Stress In Albino Rats

ABSTRACT The ameliorative potential of Psidium guajava leaf ethanol extract on Paraquat induced toxicity and oxidative stress in Albino Rats were investigated. Thirty (30) healthy male wistar rats were divided into five groups of six animals each. Group 1 served as the normal control (NC) and received normal saline, Group 2 (Intoxicated control) received 3.5mg/kg of paraquat. Group 3 (PG200) received 200mg/kg PG leaf extract + 3.5mg/kg PQ, Group 4 (PG400) received 400mg/kg PG leaf extract + ...

Prevalence Of The Female Athlete Triad Among Junior Female Long Distance Runners In Iten, Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Adolescents regularly participating in sports and do not meet their energy intake may develop several medical conditions, such as disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, and decreased bone mineral density, collectively referred to as the Female Athlete Triad (FAT). Limited data is available on components of FAT in adolescent athletes of African descent. This study’s aim was to investigate the presence of the components of the female athlete triad amongst a group of junior long fe...

Adsorption Studies Of Cu (Ii) And Pb (Ii) Metal Ions From Aqueous Solution Using Maize Cob As Biosorbent

ABSTRACT The use of raw maize cob (rmc) and activated maize cob (amc) as a low-cost natural adsorbent for the removal of Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions from simulated waste water was studied. Batch experiments were conducted to determine the effects of varying contact time, initial metal ion concentration, adsorbent dosage, pH and temperature of adsorption on adsorption equilibrium quantity (qe ) and percentage removal (% R). % R increased with increasing adsorbent dosage for the two metal ions. It also...

A Two-Small-Parameter Dynamic Buckling Analysis Of A Damped Quadratic-Cubic Nonlinear Structure

ABSTRACT The major goal of this research work is to determine the dynamic buckling load of a viscously damped imperfect quadratic-cubic elastic model structure, which is modeled by a nonlinear differential equation containing a load parameter. For a structure with small imperfections and subjected to step loading , the equation contains two small independent parameters, upon which asymptotic expansions are initiated. The nonlinearity is quadratic-cubic in nature and multiple-scaling two-timi...

A Re-Engineering In Database Optimization And Migration

ABSTRACT This study focuses on a model for reengineering and optimization of legacy file database which are in decay and have faced mutilation in most institutions and organizations in Nigeria. The model provides a systematic method to optimize a legacy file using open source database management system software which transforms the optimized data into digital format which now can be migrated using a designed network platform on a fiber optics backbone. This study is therefore necessitated by...

A Model Of Tertiary Institutions’ Resource Management Platform Using Cloud Computing (TIRMP)

ABSTRACT In Cloud Computing, users connect to the ’Cloud’, appearing as a single entity as opposed to multiple servers. This work seeks to solve resource managerial problems ranging from server maintenance cost, risk of loss of data, internal security issues, and availability of data for proper decision making. This work presents to tertiary institutions a model for designing a scalable and cost effective platform for institutional resource management on the cloud. The platform is called...

Variation In Levels Of Vitamins A And C With Maturity Of Amaranthus Hybridus (L) Leaves Grown In Different Soil - Types In Kwale County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The prevalence of vitamins A and C deficiencies (VAD and VCD) in Kenya are 84 % and 45 % respectively, pointing towards health hazards among human beings. The deficiencies are mainly attributed to poverty and limited accessibility to expensive but rich food sources that contain vitamins A and C. Fruits and vegetables are however cheaper and easily available as sources of vitamins A and C. These are grown in various soils and are consumed at various stages of maturity thus being facto...

SSA Research 123 PAGES (29532 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
A Fleet Information Management System

Abstract In urban transportation or freight distribution, the use of an initial distribution plan, although necessary, is by no means sufficient to address unexpected events such as mechanical failures, vehicle breakdown, total loss of transaction records that are likely to occur during delivery execution and may have adverse effects on system performance. These events cause deviations between the actual and desired state during the execution of the schedule or even after the schedule. Recen...

Chemical Composition Of Ocimum Kilimandscharicum And Ocimum Americanum And Their Bioactivities Against Sitophilus Zeamais

ABSTRACT The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Motchulsky), the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius), and the Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver), are serious pests of stored grain in Kenya. The control of these insect pests relies heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides by better off farmers; but there is an increasing cost of application and erratic supply in developing countries. In addition, small-scale farmers cannot afford these commercial products a...

SSA Research 101 PAGES (16799 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis

3166 - 3180 Of 8880 Results