Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Comparative Study Of Interior Point, Simplex And Active Set Methods For The Solution Of Linear Programming Problems.

Linear Programming is a subset of Mathematical Programming that is concerned with efficient allocation of limited resources to known activities with the objective of meeting a desired goal of maximization or minimization of a function. Linear Programming determines the way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model, given some list of requirements as linear equations. Linear Programming can be applied to various fields of study - business...

3d Seismic Interpretation Of Shallow Marine In “Dabra Area” Offshore Niger Delta

ABSTRACT The thrust of the study which carried out in the Cenozoic Niger Delta is to infer and predict potential Petrophysical properties and hydrocarbon presence in unexplored areas proximal to producing areas in the eastern flank of Cenozoic Niger Delta, Nigeria, using seismic data and analogue proximal well data set from a producing area for subsurface reservoir characterization. Seismic and offset well dataset were used as input dataset to carry out Petrophysical evaluation, Seismic inte...

3d Seismic Interpretation And Reservoir Characterization Of “Diba Field’’, Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Interpretation of structures and reservoir characterization using 3D seismic cube and well data pose great challenges in mapping because of their complexities especially in structural deformations, and where identification of reservoir facies is a major challenge to plan delineation, field appraisal and development drilling. Thus, the project work takes a model approach. The ―DIBA‖ Field in the Niger Delta contains hydrocarbons that are largely trapped in sandstones and unconsol...

3-D Seismic Attributes Analysis And Reserve Estimation Of “Guramala Field”, Coastal Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta.

ABSTRACT An integrated seismic interpretation using 3-D seismic data, check shot data and a suite of well logs for four wells were analyzed with the Petrel (seismic to simulation software). The objectives were to carry out a detailed formation evaluation, reservoir characterisation and a 3-D assisted structural interpretation of the densely faulted oil field in the coastal depo-belt of the Niger Delta. RMS amplitude, instantaneous frequency map and interval average extraction maps were extra...

Diagenetic And Provenance Studies Of Sandstones In Parts Of Anambra And Afikpo Basins Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study of the textural and structural properties of sandstone sediments outcropping in parts of the Anambra and Afikpo Basins formed a basis for evaluating the diagenetic properties and source areas of the Cretaceous formations (Ajali, Afikpo and Amaesiri Sandstones, Mamu and Nkporo Formations) in the area. Preliminary field studies showed that the studied sandstone sediments were friable to moderately consolidated. Detailed petrological studies in thin sections revealed early...

Soybean (Glycine Max) Processing And Performance In Fermented Maize Dough System

ABSTRACT The effect of addition of processed soybean flour on the physicochemical characteristics of fermented maize dough was studied. Soybean flours; Full-fat, Extruded, and Defatted soy-flours were processed and added to maize dough before and after fermentation of the dough. The soy were added to the dough at 0,10,and 20 percent concentrations. The dough samples were also fermented at 0,6,24 and 4 8 hours respectively. Two traditional food products; Ga kenkey and Akasa (Porridge) were al...

Antiplasmodial Activity Cytotoxicity and Phytochemical Composition of Justicia Betonica Vernonia Dumicola and Rotheca Myricoides and Their Combinations

ABSTRACT Malaria, a disease caused by Plasmodium species is currently the main cause of human sickness and death in the world, more so in the tropics. It mostly affects pregnant mothers and children below five years of age. The parasites develop resistance to antiplasmodial drugs and this has been a challenge in control and treatment of the disease through chemotherapy, something that necessitates the continuous search for alternative antiplasmodial agents. The use of plants to treat malaria ...

SSA Research 88 PAGES (18674 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Fabrication And Characterization Of Magnetoresponsive Carbon Nanotube-Infused Polysulfone (Cnt-Ipsf) Nanocomposites For Water Purification

ABSTRACT The search for materials for purification of polluted water is growing daily with the advent of nanoparticles. This is particularly important because many populations of people in the developing countries lack clean water due to water pollution. Water pollutants such as heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to have adverse effects on humans and environment. This work investigated the potential of synthesized magnetoresponsive CNT-polysulfone infused polym...

SSA Research 170 PAGES (34336 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Pneumococcal Carriage Among HIV Positive Children At The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: The pneumococcus is carried as a normal flora of the upper respiratory tract and carriage is the precursor for development of pneumococcal disease, and is also responsible for pneumococcal transmission from person-to-person. HIV positive children have about forty times greater risk of invasive pneumococcal disease compared to healthy children. In Africa, little is known about the pneumococcus in relation to people with HIV infection. Aim: The aim of the study was to inv...

Transmission Of Hepatitis B Virus Among Prison Inmates In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Data on the transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) within correctional facilities is limited in Ghana, even though the prevalence suggests intra-prison transmission. Aim: This study determined the level of transmissibility, new infections, and intraprison transmission of HBV among inmates in Ghana Methodology: Immunoglobulin M antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM) and Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) were determined for 323 archived plasma samples obtaine...

Malaria Immunosurveillance And Evaluation Of Rapid Diagnosis Test In Meru South Sub County, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite intensive worldwide attempt to control malaria, it remains one of the most fatal and widespread protozoan infection of mankind. About 2.4 billon people inhabit malaria prone regions which is about forty percentage of the world population. Prompt accurate, diagnosis and treatment is important to avert suffering of malaria patients. Malaria infection is a serious global challenge in the affected countries. The rapid diagnosis tests of malaria are recent diagnostic techniques wh...

SSA Research 80 PAGES (15752 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Green Synthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles Using Citrullus Lanatus Rind Extract As A Reductant For Selected Antibacterial Applications

ABSTRACT Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are the most studied metal nanoparticles due to their ever growing range of applications in areas such as chemical sensing, nanomedicine and electronics which has led to their increased demand. The AgNPs synthesis involves the use of hazardous reagents and toxic solvents. There is need to develop methods AgNPs that use environmentally benign reagents and solvents. This research work reports a green method where AgNPs were synthesized using silver nitrate...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (16417 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Quality Characteristics Of Palm Oils Produced From Improved Traditional, Artisanal, Medium And Large Scale Processes

ABSTRACT The quality of palm oil depends on the method of extraction. Mechanized methods of extracting palm oil result in better oil quality. In Ghana over 80% of palm oil is produced by small scale processors whose lack of mechanization results in poor oil quality. A study conducted in 2011 resulted in the development of an improved traditional process (ITP) to augment the quality of palm oil from the small scale. This study sought to compare palm oils from different processing scales to IT...

Gamma Ray Spectrometric Analysis Of Sand Samples From Selected Beaches On Coastline Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Background radiation from natural sources is the major source of external dose in our environment. The major radionuclides responsible for this are 40K, 232Th, 238U and their products of decay. Beach sands are weathering resistant residuals of geological formations which gets to the beach by erosion from mainland or deposition through waves and current action from the ocean. Waves wash back lighter grains leaving behind heavy ones which may be rich in minerals such as zircon, ilmenit...

SSA Research 82 PAGES (14916 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Assessment Of Mean Glandular Dose To Patients From Digital Mammography Systems

ABSTRACT Mean glandular dose assessment of patients undergoing digital mammography examination has been done. A total of 297 patient data was used for the study. Basic Quality Control tests were done to ascertain the performance of the equipment used. The results of Quality Control tests indicated that the three Mammography units used for this study were functioning within the internationally acceptable performance criteria. Patients with a breast thickness of 30 mm within the two age groups...

3181 - 3195 Of 8880 Results