Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Proposed Framework For Evaluating The Quality Of Websites

Abstract The aim of the research is to provide a proposed framework for evaluating the quality of websites regardless of the nature of the services provided by the website. It is comprehensive in terms of its containment of the main elements of the evaluation, clarity through the possibility of using numerical values to measure indicators and flexibility through its applicability to all websites, regardless of nature of service provided. The elements of the proposed model of content quali...

Phyto-chemical Screeningof Seedsand Physicochemical Characterization of the Oil of Citrullus Colocynthis

Abstract A sample of Citrullus colocynthis fruits were collected from Alamab Area South Khartoum state, the seeds were isolated after dryness of the fruits. Phytochemical screening of the seeds indicate that they contain of flavonoids, tannins, cumarins , sterol, triterpene, saponins and Alkaloids. The oil of Citrullus colocynthis was extracted from the seeds. The average yield was 20%. Physico-chemical characterization result show that the density of the oil was 0.9728 g/cm3, Iodine value ...

SSA Research 44 PAGES (5226 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Geophysical Investigation For Groundwater Potential Evaluation Of A Regolith Aquifer In A Typical Basement Complex Terrain; A Case Study Of Ikole Ekiti, Southwestern, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT A geophysical investigation involving the electrical resistivity method was carried out at IkoleEkiti of South Western, Nigeria with the main aim of investigating the area for groundwater potential of the regolith aquifer. The objectives are to identify geological structures and aquifers favorable to groundwater accumulation andalso input geoelectric layers parameters into a software to produce maps of the subsurface in order todetermine the groundwater potential of the regolith aqu...

SSA Research 75 PAGES (10607 WORDS) Geophysics Thesis
Mg Doped On Zno To Investigate The Effect Of Mg Ions On Optical Properties And Bandgap Of Zno Nano-Particle

Abstract In this study, the optical (absorption coefficient and transparency) properties and the energy band of Zinc Oxide nano particles doped with magnesium ion were investigated within different weight percent namely (0.00 , 0.05 and 15% of weiht) was synthesized , the ZnOnano particles was prepared using sol–gel method. A UV-VIS spectrophotometer used to investigate the absorption coefficient and transparency of ZnO nanoparticles with each weight percent adding of magnesium ion, ...

A Comparative Study Between Three Different Adjustment Techniques As Applied To Part Of The Old Sudanese Triangulation Networks

Abstract Triangulation in survey is the process of determining the control points by measuring angles and distances. The adjustment process of triangulating a network can be carried out by many methods, one of these methods is variation of coordinates using distance, angle and azimuth observation equation. The objective of this study was to use the variation of coordinates method by distance observation equation only. The network has been adjusted was a part of an old triangulation in Sudan, ...

Serological Prevalence Of Hepatitis E Virus (Hev) Among Pregnant Women Attending Health-Care Centers In Ekiti State.

ABSTRACT The current prevalence of HEY among pregnant women attending antenatal care at major health-care centers in Ekiti State Nigeria was investigated. Ninety (90) serum samples and demographic information were collected from consenting pregnant women aged between 15-45 years and screened for anti-HEY specific lgM antibody using rapid ELISA test kits (CTK Biotech, Inc. USA). Data were analysed using SPSS software version 20.0 and Chi-square test. Three out of ninety (3.3%) serum samples w...

SSA Research 73 PAGES (13081 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Docking And QSAR Studies Of Some Flouroquinolones Derivatives

Abstract In this study computational chemistry, drug design and docking tools were employed to discover a new class of fluoroquinolone derivatives. Fifty eight compounds were designed and made to dock into the active site of a selected receptor (4eru and 1jij); which was retrieved from protein data bank. It was found that modifications in the molecular structure of the core skeleton of fluoroquinolones structure highly affect at biological activity.It was clearly observed positions 2, 3 and 4...

Prevalence Ofci-Ilamydia Trachoma Tis Igm In Students Of Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ek.It! State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Chlamydia trachomatis infections are the most common bacterial cause of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the world. This study was to investigate the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection amongst students of Federal university Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Urine samples were collected from ninety four participants and were screened using the microwell ELISA Chlamydia trachomatis kit - Swab/Urine . (Golden Bio Technologies Corp, USA). Out of 94 patients screened, 26...

SSA Research 59 PAGES (10759 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Similarity Of Quasinilpotent Operators And Norm Estimates On Hardy Spaces With Interpolation Of Applications To Controllability

Abstract We Show the uniqueness of the norm on the Lebesgue space of the compact group. We give some applications of the property of Kazhdan to the method of automatic continuity. We determine the similarity of quasinilpotent operators. The symmetric Meixner- Pollaczek polynomials and a system of orthogonal polynomials with Hardy spaces for the strip are considered. We investigate the behaviour of the Lebesgue space of the integral means of the analytic functions and the vector- valued BMOA ...

Study Of Physical And Chemical Characteristics For Hibiscus Sabdariffa L Using Different Techniques

Abstract Two types of hibiscussabdariffa L were prepared (red and white) in the form of powder respectively and the samples were exposed to the XRF meter to identify elements and their concentrations of the samples. Also the samples were exposed to X-ray to study the crystal structure. It was found that the material was amorphous. Also some of the samples were dissolved in cold and hot water in the form of a solution and were characterized by UV-VIS spectrometer to study the absorbance ...

Remediation Of Cr (Vi) From Contaminated Water By Actvated Carbon Entrapped In Calcium Alginate Beads

   ABSTRACT Cr (VI) is a well-known highly toxic metal. This project focuses on the removal of Cr (VI) from contaminated water using activated carbon entrapped in calcium alginate beads. Activated carbon used for this work was prepared from an organic waste material called walnut shell by carbonization using phosphoric acid as an activating agent. 0.5g of activated carbon was added to 10mL of 4% sodium alginate solution.The mixture was promptly dropped into 3.5% aqueous solution of calciu...

Geochemical And Petrographic Studies Of The Newly Exposed Facies In The Ibese Quarry, Dahomey Basin

ABSTRACT Limestone, glauconite, ferruginized sandstone and shale samples were obtained from the mapped newly exposed part of the Dangote Cement quarry located in Ibese, eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria. The Paleocene-Eocene Akinbo and Ewekoro Formations were studied, logged and sampled from the Northern (NM) and Southwestern (SWM) sections quarried to depths of about 12m and 23m respectively. Twelve samples taken from these sections have been examined in an attempt to determine the geochemical...

SSA Research 66 PAGES (13520 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Corrosion Of Copper And A Copper Alloy In Different Aqueous Media

Abstract In this research, the corrosion behavior of the copper and copper alloy in different conditions and environment were studied. The corrosion behaviour and mechanism for copper and copper alloy in( HNO3, H2SO4,HCl, NaCl)solutions were studied by chemical mass loss, kinetic of corrosion, half life time, inhibitor efficiency and corrosion rate of inhibitor efficiency methods at25oC.were also investigated. The chemical results revealed that copper and copper alloy corrodes in( HNO3, H...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (9592 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Development Of A Bayesian Based Approach To Malaria Fever Diagnosis

ABSTRACT Malaria is a deadly disease killing millions of people every year. Different countries of the world, governmental and non-governmental organizations including World Health Organization have taken it as a challenge to address the issue of deaths associated with malaria. Prompt and accurate diagnosis is a major key in medical field. This prompts for the need to develop a Bayesian base approach to malaria fever diagnosis. A machine learning technique Bayesian was used on labelled sets ...

Determination Of Radionuclides In Dust Around Some Stone Quarry Sites In Ondo And Ekiti States

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to determine the natural raaionuclides activities of 238U, 232Th, and 4°K as contaminants and their distribution from dust particles obtained from selected qua1Ties in Ekiti and Ondo States. This work was performed in four quarries sites located in Ekiti and Ondo States and a control sample. The radioactivity concentrations of the natural radionuclides (238U. 232Th and 4°K) in the collected quarries dust samples were determined by gamma ray spectrometry. ...

3316 - 3330 Of 8880 Results