Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Unification of Gauge Coupling Constants in 5D Pati-Salam Model

The standard model of particle physics is currently an accepted theory at low energies; however, it doesn’t address the unification of gauge coupling constants. In this dissertation, the renormalization group equations at one loop order in the standard model, both in 4D and 5D, in addition to Pati-Salam model (4D and  5D)have been studied. We found, both analytically and numerically, that a natural and successful gauge coupling unification could be achieved in 4D Pati-Salam model with...

Calculating the Energy Gab of Photo Resistance Using Temperature Variation

In this thesis photo resistor (CdS) was used to calculate the energy gab using simple electrical method, it was found that to be and and electrical conductivity of photo resistor equal to and (I.V) characteristic was studied under the influence of temperature variation and constant polarization angle of irradiation (𝜃 ,also the of relation versus angle 𝜃 at constant voltage was considered with temperature variation. Different relation was plotted and the results were discussed fo...

Determination of Heavy Metals and Hydroquinone Contents in Cosmetic Products Sold in Sudan

Nowadays, the use of facial makeup among most Sudanese ladies becomes very popular without being aware about the potential dangers that can threaten their health while using these cosmetics. Several facial cosmetics available in Sudanese markets are unsafe. A questionnaire survey and statistical analysis were employed in this investigation. Actual participants size (500) were females, university students (70%), employees ladies (20%), house wives (7.5%) and others (2.5%). It was found th...

AfroAsia Research 168 PAGES (28933 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
A Novel Design of IEEE 802.15.4 and Solar Based Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype using ECHERP

Abstract  The recent advancement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has brought new distributed sensing applications such as water quality monitoring. With sensing capabilities and using parameters like pH, conductivity and temperature, the quality of water can be known. This paper proposes a novel design based on IEEE 802.15.4 (Zig-Bee protocol) and solar energy called Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype (AWQMP). The prototype is designed to use ECHERP routing protocol an...

Chemical Characterization and Biological Activity of Flavonoids in Some Medicinal Plants

In this study Three plants species from eastern and western Sudan were studied: Namely Acacia nubica benth( Laot), Citrus paradise (grapefruit ) and Combretum Hartmonnina Schweinf (Habeel ). The plant material was extracted using 95% ethanol.The crude extracts were subjected to a phytochemical screening which revealed the presence of flavonoids among other phytochemicals .The crude extracts were purified by thin layer chromatography utilizing different solvent systems ,and characterize...

Synthesis of some β- amino acetophenone derivatives

The introductory chapter of this thesis outlines multicomponent reactions and describes in detail the chemistry of the Mannich reaction. The final section of the introduction deals with chemical informatics Ten compounds of β-aminoacetophenone derivatives were synthesized by the condensation of ketone (acetophenone or p-bromoacetophenone) with different aromatic amines and benzaldehyde; general preparative method, ACD/lab programmer method and Swiss target prediction method for synthe...

Analysis of Stokes’ Theorem on Differentiable Manifolds

In this research, we deal with three forms of Stokes’ theorem. The version known to Stokes’ appears in the last chapter, along with its inseparable companions, Green’s theorem and the Divergence theorem. We discuss how these three theorems can be derived from the modern Stokes theorem, which appears in chapter (4), with some applications on oriented manifolds with boundary. In addition to applications of Maxwell’s field equations.

The Viability Of Using Online Social Networks As E-Learning Platforms In Tanzanian Universities

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the viability of using Online Social Networks (OSNs) as e-learning platforms in Tanzanian Universities. The population of this study was students of the University of Dodoma. Observation and questionnaires were used as a research instruments to collect data from 390 respondents which were proportionally selected. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS to obtain the breadth to which the observed behavior and practices are distributed wi...

Application of Novel Method of A Blend of Acacia nilotica Pods Powder and Neem Bark in Full Vegetable and Semi_chrome Tannage

Vegetable tannage is an eco-friendly method compared with environmental polluting chromium based method of tanning that is commonly used in commercial tanning and which prevents the collagen fibrous protein in animal skins from putrefaction and produces hydrothermal stable product commonly known as leather. Thus study was conducted to improve the tanning efficiency of locally available tanning in the Sudan 'Garad', applying blending method, physico chemical properties of 'Garad', bark an...

AfroAsia Research 159 PAGES (34987 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Detection of Cna, Ica, Hlg and SdrE Virulent genes from Staphylococcus aureus Isolates in Khartoum State

ABSTRACT S. aureus is an extraordinarily versatile pathogen, and it can cause a large spectrum of infections, from mild to severe and fatal. It is important in humans and also economically important when infecting animals, able to cause superficial lesions and systemic infections. The aim of this study is to detect Can, Ica, Hlg and SdrE virulent genes of Staphylococcus aureus associated with different types of infections among Sudanese in Khartoum State. The Samples were collected from dif...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (10450 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
The quality of Water in the Traditional Mining Zone at Sodari Area

This study is done to investigate the quality of water in Sodri in North of Kordfan and to see the effect of traditional mining on it’ s quality. Three samples of groundwater were collected according to standards methods:- One sample from the hafir and two samples from the wells. Samples were analyzed for physical and chemical parameters. A number of analytical techniques were used. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy was used for quantification of elements namely iron, zinc, manganese an...

The Environmental Impact Of The Traditional Gold Mining In Abu Hamad, Sudan

Abstract The environmental impact of traditional Gold mining activity has become a concern. The concern is due to the methods that are used in the extraction of the Gold from its co-metals, particularly the use of the Mercury. The purpose of the study to identify the impact of the traditional gold mining in Elcrow in Abo Hamad district. This research was undertaken to determine the concentration of toxic heavy metals that have been used to extract gold such as Mercury or has been released du...

Assessment of Building Design of Nuclear Medicine Department of Al-nilain Medical Diagnostic Center of Khartoum.

Abstract. The objective of this study was to make an assessment to the building design in the nuclear medicine department of Al-neilain medical diagnostic center at khartoum, and to show the level of conformity as compared to the international standards for an ideal building designs of a nuclear medicine department in aspect of radiation protection. This study was done in Al- neilain medical diagnostic center of Khartoum, in the period from February to April 2017. Measurements of scanning ro...

Effect of Magnetic Field Energy Gap and Resistance in Superconducting and Resonance

Magnetic properties of matter play an important role in human life. This requires developing the physical theories that describe magnetic phenomena. One of these important fields is the magnetic properties of superconductors. Till now there is no satisfactory theory that fully explains these magnetic properties of superconductors. This set back encourages constructing a model based on temperature dependent Schrodinger equation to explain superconductivity destroy by external magnetic fi...

Characterization of Gum From Anogeissus leiocarpus

Samples of Anogeissus leiocarpus gum were randomly collected as natural exudates from different locations of the Sudan gum belt. The physicochemical properties of composite samples studied were moisture content, ash, nitrogen, protein, specific rotation, relative viscosity, refractive index, density, also UV electromagnetic radiation, metals ions, pH, uronic acid, reducing sugars and infrared spectra. Analysis of variant of results showed insignificant dif ferences (p < 0.05) in all pro...

AfroAsia Research 196 PAGES (31220 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis

3421 - 3435 Of 8880 Results