Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Web-based Model To Determine Cybersecurity Readiness Index For Hospitals Towards Adoption Of E-health

The main goal of healthcare sector worldwide is to provide quality and efficient health services to citizens. As the threat landscape on healthcare continues to escalate, many hospitals still lag behind in terms of protecting its critical infrastructure and electronic protected health information (ePHI).This research provided solution by designing a web application that will help the healthcare determine its Cybersecurity Readiness Index (CRI). The research targeted 55 respondents from 1...

Adoptability Model For Digital Forensic Evidence In Kenya

The traditional techniques used by forensic investigators through the incident response operations include mostly pulling out the power cable of the suspected machines. This method normally causes a major interference of the evidence gathering process, hence the need for a better investigation method. The purpose of the study was to provide a means for the Kenya Police in evaluating their forensic adoptability in digital forensic evidence. This study was intended for those who were opera...

Developing A Threat Matrix For Smart Mobile Devices In A University Network Towards A Secure Local Area Network Ecosystem

The need by staff and students to use smart mobile devices in university network is indisputable. This is because they help them to work and study more effectively as well as achieve better work-life balance. However smart mobile devices pose a security challenge as they continue toexpand the corporate  network unchecked thus increasing the attack surface. This creates a major security burden to security professionals who are supposed to ensure that smart mobile devices’ adherence to t...

A Model For An Integrated And Secure Personal Identification System (Ispis)

Personal Identification Systems are implemented to assist in identifying, authenticating and authorizing the right persons to the right entitlements. Criminals have however discovered ways of by-passing them in order to perpetrate identity fraud. As a result, the problem of identity fraud has become one of the fastest growing crimes in the world today, and a key facilitator of terrorism, money laundering and trafficking (of people, drugs, weapons and illicit material). In this study, an ...

Assessing The Impact Of Lack Of Network Documentation In Higher Learning Institutions: Case Of University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT  Network complexity continues to grow as enterprises add and remove different communication technologies. Software tools that identify network elements, provide logical and physical network views, track network changes, and provide accurate documentation for all network components which are needed and should be employed in the organizations. It has been observed that most of the Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania facing serious problems in monitoring and managing networ...

Using Computer Assisted Instruction In Improving Mathematics Learning In Tanzania Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT This study focuses on examining the use of computer assisted instruction model in improving learning of mathematics in Tanzania secondary schools. In particular the study assessed the capacity and the efficiency of using computer assisted instruction in learning of mathematics. Two secondary schools were used in this study namely:- St. Anthonys‟ Secondary School and Kibasila Secondary School. Both of these schools are in Temeke District, Dar es salaam. The study comprised 40 stude...

Exponentiated Inverse Rayleigh Distribution and an Application to Coating Weights of Iron Sheets Data

Abstract . Introduction In this research life time distribution known as exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution (EIRD) was developed and it can be used in reliability estimation and statistical quality control techniques. Te Rayleigh distribution is originated from two parameter Weibull distribution and it is appropriate model for life-testing studies. It can be shown by transformation of random variable that if the random variable (r. v) T has Rayleigh distribution, then the r. v. � =...

Some Simple Models For Quark Stars

Abstract We find two new classes of exact solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The solutions are obtained by considering charged anisotropic matter with a linear equation of state consistent with quark stars. The field equations are integrated by specifying forms for the measure of anisotropy and a gravitational potential which are physically reasonable. The solutions found generalize the Mark-Harko model and the Komathiraj-Maharaj model. A graphical analysis indicates that the matt...

Modeling anisotropic charged relativistic matter with linear equation of state.

Abstract We find new exact solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell field equation for charged anisotropy stellar bodies. We are considering the stellar object that is anisotropic and charged with linear equation of state consistent with quark stars. We have new choice of measure of anisotropy and adopted Sunzu’s metric function. The solutions are obtained after considering the transformed Einstein-Maxwell field equations for charged anisotropic matter. In our models we regain previous anisotropi...

Time Series Analysis Of Oil Price Shocks And Inflation In Tanzania- An Ardl And Var Approach

ABSTRACT  Oil is essential raw materials in running daily economic activities in Tanzania. The importation of oil in the country is heavily increasing due to the increasing number of cars, motorcycles, industries, and other machines which need oil for their operations. But the imported oil has been going along with the imported inflation in the country. It is assumed that the strong and stable inflation influence economic growth of a country since it inspires savers, investments, and enhance...

Identification Of Novel Psychoactive Substances In Urine Specimen From Drug Abuse Patients

ABSTRACT There is an alarming prevalence of drug abuse worldwide. Often the consumers are not aware about the types of substances they are using and the interrelated risks. In recent years, new psychoactive substances appeared in the illicit market. It has been frequently reported that there is the presence of novel psychoactive substances, such as synthetic cathinones, cannabinoids and phenethylamines, which are known to be pharmacologically and toxicologically hazardous. The current study ...

Exploring Application Of Radio Frequency Identification In Log Tracking And Monitoring Systems: A Case Of Sao Hill Forest Plantation

ABSTRACT Various methods throughout history have been used to identify objects. It was not until the Second World War that Radio Frequency use in identifying items was embraced. In 2008 European foresters (Germany and Finland) Korten and Kaul researched on the prospects of RFID in forest industry. Countries like Malaysia, Sweden and Canada have used RFID in their forest supply chain management. This study aims to explore how RFID can be used in Tanzania log tracking and monitoring system, ca...

Geographical And Behavioral Risks Associated With Schistosoma Haematobium Infection In An Area Of Complex Transmission

Abstract  : Schistosoma haematobium infection in endemic areas varies depending on the nature and complexity of the transmission networks present. Studies of micro-geographical transmission of S. haematobium infection indicate that discrepancy in prevalence between households is associated with diverse water contact behaviors and transmission that is restricted to particular sites harboring snail intermediate hosts. Detection of variations in the transmission sources with complex transmissio...

Accessibility and Use of Family Planning Information (FPI) by Rural People in Kilombero District, Tanzania

Abstract This study investigated the accessibility and use of family planning information (FPI) by rural people in Kilombero District, Tanzania. The purpose was to examine the entire infrastructure required for accessing and using FPI in a rural setting. The study surveyed 120 respondents using questionnaire, interview protocols and observation guides. The respondents included women and men of reproductive age, and Maternal and Child Health (MCH) clinic staff. The study revealed that there i...

Fine specificity of anti-MSP119 antibodies and multiplicity of Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein 1 types in individuals in Nigeria with sub-microscopic infection

Abstract Background: The absence of antibodies specific for the 19 kDa C-terminal domain of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP119) has been associated with high-density malaria parasitaemia in African populations. The hypothesis that a high prevalence and/or level of anti-MSP119 antibodies that may inhibit erythrocyte invasion would be present in apparently healthy individuals who harbour a sub-microscopic malaria infection was tested in this study. Methods: Plasma samples were collected from...

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