Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Tea Flavonoids And Their Effect On Chronic Inflammation Induced In Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Infected Mice

ABSTRACT Emerging scientific data from pharmacological and physiological studies continue to show that tea has beneficial effects on human health by boosting immunity. In vitro studies have shown that flavonoids help immune response by acting as anti-cancer, anti-viral and antibacterial agents. In this study, different types of commercial tea samples were assayed for their phenolic composition, antioxidant activity and their effect on chronic inflammation induced by Trypanosoma brucei brucei...

Purification And Structure Determination Of Mosquito Larvicidal Compounds From The Basidiomycete Jo5182

ABSTRACT Mosquitoes transmit devastating diseases that kill millions of people each year. The adverse effects on human health, well being and high economic losses inflicted by mosquitoes, the malaria vector, is an important stimulant for the search for new, safe and effective mosquito larvicides. The pool of natural products is an important source of such larvicidal metabolites. Fungi have extensive secondary metabolites at their disposal, and some could be active against the mosquito larvae...

Quality Analysis And Molecular Diversity Of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Germplasm In Kenya

ABSTRACT Cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranzt) is an important food security crop for resource poor rural communities particularly in Africa. Little is however known about variability of critical root nutritional, biochemical quality traits and molecular diversity of Kenyan cassava germplasm. This led to a study whose objective was to determine the nutritional quality traits of different genotypes of cassava cultivated in the central Rift Valley region of Kenya and to identify genetic constitut...

Evaluation Of Appropriate Storage Conditions Of Liquid Brewer’s Yeast As Feed Supplement For Lactating Dairy Cows And Its Effect On Milk Quality

ABSTRACT Milk production in Kenya is dominated by smallholder dairy farmers who are faced with challenges on feeding dairy cows. This is generally due to inadequate and low quality feeds and high cost of inputs. Thus, utilization of inexpensive nutrient dense feed supplement such as liquid brewer’s yeast (LBY) is inevitable. However, LBY is rarely used due to its short shelf life and lack of technical information on effect on milk quality. This study was performed to investigate the approp...

Cofinite Topological Manifolds And Invariance Of Topological Properties With Respect To Almost Continuous Functions

ABSTRACT Manifolds are generalization of curves and surfaces to arbitrary higher dimensions. They are of many kinds, one of them being topological manifolds. The main feature common to manifolds is that every point of the space is in one to one correspondence with a point in another space. Hausdorff manifolds have been developed on infinite dimensional spaces such as Banach spaces and Fréchet spaces. Topological properties of non-Hausdorff manifolds have been studied and the notion of compa...

Characterization Of Aflatoxins And Toxigenic Aspergillus In Maize And Soil From The Eastern Region Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Aflatoxin contamination is a major problem affecting cereal producers worldwide. Aspergillus species, which are known to produce these toxins, colonize cereals in the field, during post-harvest period through to storage. This study sought to establish variation in: (i) fungal species in maize and soil, (ii) their morphological diversity, (iii) the distribution of toxigenic Aspergillus species as well as, (iv) the seasonal variations of aflatoxins and (v) the predominant toxin type i...

Isolation Of Acaricidal Compounds From Acokanthera Schimperi With Activity Against Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus

ABSTRACT Tick borne diseases have severe consequences on the health of millions of cattle worldwide and cause serious economic losses. Synthetic drugs have been effective acaricideshowever they are expensive, show side effects and develop resistance.This has generated interest in the use ofplant based acaricides, which however seem to offer a reliable, cheap and cost effective methods. In this research, the acaricidal activityof Acokanthera schimperi secondarymetabolites againstRipicephalus....

Imputation Of Missing Values For Bilinear Time Series Models

Missing observations is a common occurrence in data collection. To solve this problem, researchers have developed missing value imputation techniques for some linear and nonlinear time series models with normal and stable innovations using estimating function criterion. This criterion does not take into consideration the distribution of the innovation sequence of the time series model. Therefore the aim of this study was to develop explicit optimal linear estimators of missing values for seve...

Prevalence Of Intestinal Helminth Infections Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics At The Kitale District Hospital, Kenya

ABSTRACT Intestinal helminth infections with parasites such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale and Trichuris trichiura, during pregnancy are associated with adverse outcomes including, poor nutritional status, growth, low birth weight and perinatal mortality. They present major public health problem in developing countries, but the prevalence, intensity and predisposing factors are not adequately documented in many areas of Kenya. The purpose of this study was...

Reducing Road Carnage Using A Web Based Model For Monitoring Road Traffic Crime

Road traffic accidents have been a major cause of deaths in Kenya. The effort by Kenya police to enforce traffic laws has done little to salvage the situation. Although there has been other remedies towards curbing road accidents such as; improvements in vehicle design and licensing to skill the situation calls for further solution particularly targeting driver behavior since careless driving has been identified as a major cause of road accidents. The research provides a solution by designing...

Antifungal Capacity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Salad Vegetables

ABSTRACT This study explores the use of lactic acid bacteria from fresh salad vegetables to inhibit fungal growth. The antifungal assay was done using the agar well diffusion method as reported by Schillinger and Lucke (1989). The largest zone of inhibition (25mm) was recorded by the antagonistic activity of the isolate identified to Lactobacillus plantarum against Candida albicans ATCC 90029. No activity was recorded against Candida parapsilosis ATCC 22019, C. valida UCH 1508, C. pseudotrop...

A Zigbee Model For Telemetry Based Water Flow Billing.

Water and Sewerage service providers in Kenya have encountered challenges in proficient collection of water billing data from customer’s meters. This necessitates the need to implement a proper data collection mechanism that can be implemented remotely, effortlessly, and accurately. Recent advances in telemetry now provide reliable water meter data. However no water utility has implemented a technology based, remote data collection strategy. A Zigbee WPAN-to-WAN solution for water meter dat...

Geoadditive Bayesian Model For Data With Limited Spatial Information

Abstract Large area estimation has been mostly accomplished using Geoadditive Models (GM) which combines the ideas of Geostatistics and additive models. The GM relaxes the classical assumptions of traditional parametric model by simultaneously incorporating linear and nonlinear, nonparametric effects of covariates, nonlinear interactions and spatial effects into a Geoadditive predictor. In the past, estimation of GM has been based on large area as a result of insufficient information in sma...

Pub Network 150 PAGES (32299 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Preliminary studies on the antimicrobial properties of Buchholzia coriacea (wonderful kola)

In this work, the antimicrobial properties of fresh Buchholzia Coriacea (wonderful kola) and its extracts was investigated. The proximate composition of the fresh kola was also determined. B. coriacea was dried, milled and extracted using two different solvents of varying polarity: hexane and methanol. The effect of the fresh kola, hexane and methanol extracts was tested on some food borne pathogens. This was evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition on nutrient agar for bacteria and malt...

Antifungal Secondary Metabolites From Monanthotaxis Littoralis With Activity Against Mycotoxigenic Fungi From Maize

ABSTRACT This study involved isolation of compounds from the plant Monanthotaxis littoralis, screening and evaluating the activity of the compounds against mycotoxigenic fungi isolated from maize collected from LVB and structure elucidation of the bioactive compounds. The non volatile secondary metabolites were extracted from the plant using methanol. The methanol extract was suspended in water and extracted with ethyl acetate. Hydro-distillation was used in the extraction of essential oils....

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